May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Reading this thread lately is like a daily dose of excitement! You're all so close! I think baby may be trying and failing to turn lately as I've been so so uncomfortable the last couple of days. I even thought I was going into labour a couple of times!! I keep feeling like it's sticking a foot out down below and have to keep checking!!! If the baby successfully turns I could still have up to 8 weeks to go! I'm huge and ready to pop already though! Will post a pic in a minute xx
Reading this thread lately is like a daily dose of excitement! You're all so close! I think baby may be trying and failing to turn lately as I've been so so uncomfortable the last couple of days. I even thought I was going into labour a couple of times!! I keep feeling like it's sticking a foot out down below and have to keep checking!!! If the baby successfully turns I could still have up to 8 weeks to go! I'm huge and ready to pop already though! Will post a pic in a minute xx

My baby was transverse until just before 34 week appointment, I thought I could feel her trying to turn, I thought she hadn't managed it but when I went to midwife she was head down so confirmed that she was trying, was quite uncomfortable xx
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Reading this thread lately is like a daily dose of excitement! You're all so close! I think baby may be trying and failing to turn lately as I've been so so uncomfortable the last couple of days. I even thought I was going into labour a couple of times!! I keep feeling like it's sticking a foot out down below and have to keep checking!!! If the baby successfully turns I could still have up to 8 weeks to go! I'm huge and ready to pop already though! Will post a pic in a minute xx

My baby was transverse until just before 34 week appointment, I thought I could feel her trying to turn, I thought she hadn't managed it but when I went to midwife she was head down so confirmed that she was trying, was quite uncomfortable xx

I'm hoping and praying the same happens for me! Xx
34 weeks xx


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Lovely bumpy hun!

I've got MW at 2.00 today so we'll see what my little miss has been up to. I'm certain she's head down but wondering if she's started to engage at all?

I'm ready for her now. I almost wish I wasn't so organised! Lol! Mind you hubby is doing the garden and I'd like that finished before she gets here.

Dove, glad your nan is okay.

I can't wait to find out who is next. I'm really hoping my boy decides to arrive on the 27 April. We'll see. You never can tell.

We got the Stokke Tripp Trapp system with the newborn set. We managed to get the newborn set with the chair and the seat for under £150 with shipping off ebay. It looks like it hasn't even been used. Never would've paid full price. We'll eventually need to get the seat cushions and the tray, but that can wait for now. I'm just glad we have a system where he can sit at the table with us and that I can have him sit off the floor in the kitchen with me when I'm cooking. I've had so many friends wishing they had gotten a system like this or a bouncer that extended upward. Excited! That was our last big purchase. Just a few more odds and ends. Most of what remains- baby monitor, thermometers, bath, grooming kit, carrier, ect. will be coming via my family in the US. My mum is having a baby shower for me via skype on the 22nd and it'll be a mix of these items and cash for these items. People will be sending some clothes (mainly for local sports teams) with my Aunt when she comes to visit in May. Most of the money they send will be paying for his social security card, US passport and Dutch passport. The two US documents will cost $210- crazy.

So excited. I can't wait to meet this little guy and for everyone else to announce greeting their little ones.
I've been trying to figure out the car seat. I'm confused! I've managed to thread the straps through the shortest (so newborn) holes but now they are really loose and I can't work out how they tighten... The instruction manual is not helping! Why can't they just write it in simple steps instead of random unhelpful diagrams! At least it is the second seat, the main car seat we will install this weekend ready.

Stupid question alert, do I need to take the pram to the hospital or can we just carry the baby to the car?!
You don't need to take the pram, just take baby to the car in the car seat.

I'm just back from my mW appt - birth preferences are all written and discussed. She's head down and 2\5 engaged which is probably why I'm finding it easier to breath again now.

I didn't show her my foof but we discussed it and she agree that it wouldn't be a problem for a vaginal birth.

Her growth has continued along the same centile line so no need for a scan this time.

All in all everything is good :-)

Our car seat is fixed in the car, you can't carry it in to the hospital, hence wondering if we need the pram or if we can just carry them to the car.

Glad all good at your appointment!
No snowbee, I would just carry baby to the car but you might need to mention to the midwives that your car seat is fixed in the car. Also, your second car seat is a normal infant carrier yes? It might be worth taking that too as I have read a few reviews recently that depending on the size of your newborn the straps of the dualfix don't quite tighten enough...just thinking if you do end up having him early he may be a smallish baby.

Also second car seat, there is usually a sort of tail bit at the bottom to pull to tighten straps? It is possible that the mechanism has got a bit caught whilst you were rethreading and just needs a wiggle? Xx
Glad all is good and baby is starting to engage for you Emily!

Im a wee bit worried as my other two had begun to engage at this point and this one hasn't. In between this one and last one I completely wrecked my pelvis so am panicking that it physically can't engage!! Sure I'm just being paranoid...Hopefully! Xx
you all seem to be saying me next haha i hope i am but i doubt it! ill get a date on wednesday im really not sure if she will stay in till then tho lol. my bet is lisey next :)

the days are dragging im so excited to meet her now its unreal!

was in a bad mood with oh this morning he lied to me and then was late home.from his mates and we were taking the kids out. he turned up still drunk! anyway we ended up having a good day out and the kids enjoyed themselves but i am shattered! cant wait to feel back to normal although with the sleepless nights that wont be for a while lol were all getting a bit impatient now!
Thanks MissY there was indeed a bit at the bottom I needed to pull, although now I've pulled it tight I can't figure out how to loosen it! I am hopeless... I will also compare the two harnesses and see what the difference is. I'm thinking they will be chunky ish and most likely late but you never know so it is something I should look into. My midwife mentioned the more babies you have the later they tend to engage, so could that be why yours isn't so far?

Looking forward to hearing your date Nikki, do you think it is likely to be April or May?

I've not done a lot today but still so tired. I'm working over the weekend so was hoping to be a bit more refreshed, I'm thinking early night will be required.

I've finally heard back about my maternity pay too, so that is good. It was a bit vague on tax and NI deductions though, do you pay those on SMP? It just said the amount for each month without deductions.
i think they will book it for 39 weeks so its likely to be around the 8th may wish they would do it at 38 weeks im ending up in tears everyday through the pain! just want her here now lol
My car seat has a wee gap in the fabric just above where the tail you pull the tighten it...if you have that too poke your finger in and there will be a button to push and if you pull the straps at the same time they will loosen. Not sure if that's specific to brand though.

Hopefully it is just because it's my third! I know some babies don't engage till labour but I guess it's just me second guessing everything haha!

Nikki could you push the fact you're in a lot of pain with your spd and maybe they would book it a touch earlier? Xx
Missy I expect it's just because it's your third. To be honest I wasn't expecting my bubba to be engaged yet as I've read second babies don't engage until right before labour. It was only the fact that I was less breathless made me think maybe she had.

I'm still convinced my girly will be late and that I might even need induction!! Really hope not though! After this weekend we're totally ready for her to arrive so she can come whenever then!

Hubby has been working so hard in the garden all day and it's all coming together nicely. We've treated ourselves to a takeaway tonight too! Hope it hurries up!!

im going to try missyeovil. im seeing my consultant on wednesday after my growth scan so im going to try and lay it on thick and see how early i can get it. another 3-4 weeks of this depresses me especially when i cant even do things for my kids because i cant walk. im using my crutches now to help me get around and to take tne weight off but the bigger she gets the more pain im in but i know they like to keep them in till 39 weeks unless its a medical reason so we'll see!
Snowbee, that's sad. It'll be my Nanna's fourth, but she hasn't met the other three due to family wars! So I've always hoped she'd still be around to see this one. I've still got three grandparents.

I've felt shit the last couple of days. I'm feeling sick a lot and uncomfortable. Also getting some belly pains. Meh. I hope this doesn't carry on until the birth.

Nice bump Betty!
My neighbours have been parked across the entrance to our driveway for like the last two hours!!! They keep on doing it!!! Takes the piss!!! What if I was in labour and needed to get out quickly?!!! Grrrr!! Will have to say something next time I see her and remind her I'm full term and baby could come any time so we need to be able to get out quickly!!

emily my neighbours do that too it drives me mad i have to either knock on their door or wait for them to move before i can go out!

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