Dove, glad your nan is okay.
I can't wait to find out who is next. I'm really hoping my boy decides to arrive on the 27 April. We'll see. You never can tell.
We got the Stokke Tripp Trapp system with the newborn set. We managed to get the newborn set with the chair and the seat for under £150 with shipping off ebay. It looks like it hasn't even been used. Never would've paid full price. We'll eventually need to get the seat cushions and the tray, but that can wait for now. I'm just glad we have a system where he can sit at the table with us and that I can have him sit off the floor in the kitchen with me when I'm cooking. I've had so many friends wishing they had gotten a system like this or a bouncer that extended upward. Excited! That was our last big purchase. Just a few more odds and ends. Most of what remains- baby monitor, thermometers, bath, grooming kit, carrier, ect. will be coming via my family in the US. My mum is having a baby shower for me via skype on the 22nd and it'll be a mix of these items and cash for these items. People will be sending some clothes (mainly for local sports teams) with my Aunt when she comes to visit in May. Most of the money they send will be paying for his social security card, US passport and Dutch passport. The two US documents will cost $210- crazy.
So excited. I can't wait to meet this little guy and for everyone else to announce greeting their little ones.