May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Can't believe we've got our first May baby!!

Wonder who will be next?

Happy fully cooked day Lisey :-)

Lou's daughter is gorgeous. I can't wait to see who will be next! Looking forward to everyones announcements.

I think we are finally getting closer to a name, but the name in the lead now wasn't even on our original list. We started looking by meaning. Plus, my dw is all into astrology and numerology (more of how it can reveal some things about us, not that it's absolute- I know she'll be doing his astrological chart soon enough after his birth), so we've also consider the numerology here.
I'm into name meaning too kabuk hence why i was reluctant to change from our initial choice lol. My dons name means hound lover of the western meadow. Anya means gracious. Willow is well obvious lol

I have my final growth scan and consultant appointment today. In just over an hour x feels surreal to be so close to the end.
I find it fairly interesting to read about the name meanings, but I have noticed that names with a meaning I like I don't like the actual name and vice versa! Typical of me to make life difficult...! We have a middle name for a girl (helpful as we think it is a boy plus my husband thought he saw boy bits at our last scan). Must work on boy names....
Thanks snowbee. I haven't checked meaning of my baby's to Google xx
Snowbee I thought you knew you were having a boy?

Our little girls name means Shining Light which I think is really fitting for a rainbow baby :love:

Can't believe that these babies are so close to arriving!! It's so exciting!!

Our top choice right now has other significance as well. But the meaning would be fiery (first name) warrior (middle name) and the numerology is compatible with both of us.

Snowbee, that happens often. It hasn't been easy. We started with listing names we like and then went to meanings. Origin was also a consideration. We considered a lot of Dutch names, but the ones we really like don't work well in English. I don't want anything that sounds too American either. We've looked at anglicised forms of Dutch names and the Dutch versions of anglicised names we liked. We also have considered Irish names (anglicised versions for some for ease of pronunciation), as my dw lived there from the age of 12 and it's where we started our life together, so it holds great significance for us.

We are trying to narrow it down to about 3 names to choose from. Not there yet, but we do have one clear combo on the list.
I know Emily. I love the nam Cameron/Cam. It was on our list, but I just don't think we can use that knowing the meaning now. We found a few of the names we really liked had meanings that made us laugh a bit. And that is a lovely name meaning for your little girl.
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My little ones name means wisdom. Not overly exciting lol.
I thought you were having a boy too snowbee?
Kabuk, hope you manage to narrow the names down xx
We didn't look up meanings when we picked his name, just went with what we liked.

My due date came and went and we hadn't decided on a name for him so in a way it was good that I went over!

We had pretty much decided on a name for her right away this time.

everyone is so close!! i cant believe it! and i cant wait for all the pics.

scan yesterday was great dont have to go back for another 2 weeks, they think he weighs around 4lb 2 now so he has put a pound on in 2 weeks which is what they should be gaining!

feeling much more positive!

i cant wait to see everyones announcements!
aw im so excited to see who the next may mummy is! happy full term day lisey! looking forward to my last growth scan and consultant appointment next week. next week is my danger week though i ended up in hospital with both my boys at 36 weeks for high bp
We have been told boy yes, but I know a few people who have been told wrong and our scan was at 16 weeks. I assume it is correct but our hospital won't tell you so we haven't had any further confirmation at subsequent scans (until last week when my husband thought he saw boy bits, I haven't seen any on any scans other than the 16 week one). We are working on the basis it is a boy (going with the 97% that they told us!) but thought we would decide on a girls name too, just in case!

Nikki what do they do if you go in with high bp? I'm right on the limit everytime I go to hospital and last week they said they would 'try' to get me to 37 weeks (but they didn't tell me any more and my next appointment is at 37+4, so what they say seems to make no sense?!).
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with my first i ended up with protein in my urine and high bp at 36 weeks so i was admitted for a week and had him at 37 weeks excatly as it was pre eclampsia.

with my second my bp shot up at 36 weeks but no protein in my urine, they admitted me to hospital for a week and gave me steroids etc as they assumed it would be pre eclampsia again but the protein never came so it was controlled with bp tablets and i ended up keeping him in till 39+4 and then had him by elective c section

my bp has been fine this time so hoping this time is different but it normally shoots up out of no where so we shall see lol. have they seen any protein in your urine or offered tablets to get it down?
Soooooooo I had a stupid moment I forgot to take my notes! The scan was fine though it seems. But I've got to go back in 3 weeks time when ill be 39 weeks! I hope she stays put for that long lol. On the 3rd may it's my last day in work and an after work I'm getting my nails done. The 4th may is my hopefully final consultant appointment!

I paid for my dryer today it will be delivered on sat woop! Ive got my breast pump. My son spent his Xmas money.
Over easter we shall tidy the house up and put up the remaining bookcases up but not now I'm knackered lol.

I also need to work or how to clean a very dirty fishtank without causing potential harm to the fish that will be going in there it needs sterilising but without products or detergents that will then kill the good bacteria needed to cycle the tank. (Then I need to rebuy the pump light heater etc but shhh not gold hubby that yet lol) I'm going to fill it will neon and cardinal tetras and get one or two show fish to finish it off. But a huge school of tetras will look lovely.
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oh is having his last night out tonight before the babies here lol hes staying at his friends so will be back in the morning and then we are taking the kids out for the day so he will probably be tired and hungover lol
I had trace protein at last weeks hospital appointment and right at the top end of normal blood pressure, so they took blood and told me they would call if there was a problem. That was over a week ago, at midwife yesterday my bp was lower and no protein. Next appointment is Wednesday for another scan.

I have higher end blood pressure anyway and it shoots up in any medical environment so I'm worried what will happen at the birth if it goes high? Noone has explained anything to me about what might happen.
hopefully they will keep an eye on you but if it goes up high with protein after 37 weeks they will probably want to get baby out asap. my bp goes up when im in hospital or at the doctors aswell they normally do it 3 or 4 times while im there because they know about it. hope its ok next week and baby can stay in a bit longer. im worrying about mine aswell!

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