May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Loving the top lol.

Hope your foof is OK Emily
And I hope lou''s baby is here safe and sound x

My Lil miss is having a rave at the moment I'm getting hiccups on one sounding a foit on the other she's attempting to pirouette it seems as well all whilst giving me a cheeky twerk lol. I'm sure there's 4 kids in there hahaha

My braxton hicks are intensifying too. Please stay in there for another 4-5 weeks! I'm jot ready yet lol
Yesterday, I felt like I could literally feel her head moving down. I think she may have gone lower as I think bump may have dropped. When I sit down, it's touching my legs more. As soon as son is back at school and room is complete I am happy for her to arrive. Sleeping is awful, I have so much pain in legs, hips and back when sleeping. I wake up so often and struggle to get to sleep in the first place. I know I will have sleepless nights with bubs soon but pain free sleep will be nice.
I keep wondering how it is all going to happen, will my waters break? Will I get contractions first? Will my waters go in a really awkward place like tescos lol. I can't believe I am full term tomorrow!! Xx
Get busy and miss a lot on here.
Lou, really hope all is going well. Can't wait to hear the announcement!
My foof is OK. She thinks it's a varicose vein caused by pregnancy. Shouldn't affect delivery at all and I just need to get my midwife to check it at my appointment on Friday.

Hope all is going well for Lou and that bubs is here safe and sound very soon.

Lisey I'm wondering the same things I think that's natural. For the past 1.5 hrs I've been getting braxton hicks so my guess is contractions will start first. I can't imagine my waters breaking as they had to be popped for me last time and only a few people get that dramatic film/TV trope of waters breaking but I do wonder what it will be like. I'm still predicting I go over and need inducing.
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My Mums waters broke in bed and they actually heard the pop!! I think she said waters broke with 2 out of 4 children. Mine had to be popped too, I really hope they don't go in an inappropriate place!! Xx
Lol filling in my evaluation for at the end if my shift I have to wrote how many customer interactions I had. I keep reading it as how many contractions did I have lol
I think we are all just eager to meet our little ones. For the last week, every dreams has been about his arrival. Not much on the labour, but of meeting him and having him home. So can't wait for him to get here. For now, I'm focusing on the kitchen- taking pics to track the progress- and buying the last few things we need and sorting the hospital bags.
My labour with Cam started with contractions and then my waters went a few hours later while I was in bed. I'd had back ache and periody feeling cramps all day too but then I'd had that loads before and it had never lead to anything. I didn't realise that they were contractions to start with! I was contemplating taking the dog to agility training that night but I spoke to my mum and she was like erm... Nope! Stay home! Lol!

My BH have increased in frequency recently, I think she's dropped a bit as I can breath again now and I also have backache daily which I didn't have before. Must make more effort to get on my ball and do some bouncing etc to help her in position!

He's dropped too. I've had pain in my lower back for about a week now- nothing before that. But I don't have my space in there, so he's still pushing up in my ribs and stomach.
My labour with Cam started with contractions and then my waters went a few hours later while I was in bed. I'd had back ache and periody feeling cramps all day too but then I'd had that loads before and it had never lead to anything. I didn't realise that they were contractions to start with! I was contemplating taking the dog to agility training that night but I spoke to my mum and she was like erm... Nope! Stay home! Lol!

My BH have increased in frequency recently, I think she's dropped a bit as I can breath again now and I also have backache daily which I didn't have before. Must make more effort to get on my ball and do some bouncing etc to help her in position!


:shock: everyone says you will know when they are contractions, this proves don't always know!! I worry I won't be able to tell. I was induced with son and contractions came on quick and too fast so don't really know what the early ones feel like. Plus my stomach didn't feel like it was tightening, all my pain was in my back.
I have felt periody for a few days now. I think she is just getting herself ready xx
i keep feeling like im going to have a period, my back is killing me and it feels like shes moved down. the last few nights all ive dreamed about is her coming lol every night i go to sleep thinking it might be tonight lol

hope lou is all okay
My little one is going nuts tonight, lots of thudding about! Had midwife today, all ok I'm 3/5 engaged now. She also gave me directions to the hospital as I've not been before as all my appointments have been at a closer one. Growth scan in a week and I'm guessing they will tell me more about the birth as each time I go they make another week up that they will 'try to get me to'. Little one will be fully cooked on Saturday! Not ready yet! At least the house is starting to come together now and I could actually get away with it if they did make an early appearance. I suspect however that they will not, despite what the professionals say.

Tonight I've started shopping for snacks for my hospital bag. Must start packing it tomorrow and then I can see what I'm missing.

Hope Lou is ok and all has gone well, how exciting to have our first May baby here.
thats good that baby is engaging snowbee :) ive got my last growth scan next week aswell and consultant appointment and should get a date for my section so i can start counting down lol
i used to always get hiccups on my right hand side aswell and now they are in my foof so im hoping that means shes moved down lol
im so uncomfortable tonight feels like she is trying to claw her way out of down there lol feeling loads of pressure in my bum aswell
I'm the same nikki. Seems like we are all found through similar experiences! My pelvic area feels so she at the moment like it's all bruised.
Just thought I should let you know there has been an update on lou's journal........ and our front page! Our first "may" baby is here!!! Beautiful pics on lou's journal x
i am well and truly ready for her to come now.

aw lous pictures are gorgeous cant wait for more may babies!

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