May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Getting induced tomorrow!! Had sweep and steroids today, the resistance was even higher today at the scan but everything else looked good! EFW is 6lb 9oz's can't believe it!! I am in overnight for monitoring and breaking of waters tomorrow am! X I feel relieved! Thank god I said I wasn't happy on Friday!! Xx

Will be thinking of you sweetheart and eagerly awaiting an update xx
Hope everyone else is ok. I like being last as I will get to watch everyone else have their babies :)

I might end up having a section at 39 weeks which I'm trying to come to terms with - baby is breech and has always been this way and feels like it will stay this way.

I ended up having an op on my wrist to relieve carpal tunnel syndrome, can't believe I've left it so long to do, since having it done my quality of life and sleep is massively improved. I have ptsd from a life trauma so anything surgery related is very difficult - it's been 10 years I've been putting the op off! Not sure how I'll cope with a cesarean- so worried I may have to have a GA.

I'm doing everything I can to turn this baby, I am even seeing a chiropractor too. I know there is still time but I instinctively feel there is a physical reason it can't turn - I'm very short and have a curved spine. Strangely I have no fear of natural birth but a cesarean will be difficult for me to heal from emotionally.

Aww I'm sorry your having to think about a c section if it's not what you want. I think most c sections are under local? I'm. So glad your operation on your hand went well. Hopefully if bubs doesn't turn you can focus on how much of a good thing the wrist operation ended up being and translate that to how worthwhile the csection would be too x
Aw Betty. There is still time for them to turn.
I know how you feel. My baby was breech at 31 and 34 wk appts, was told they were head down at 36 (different midwife), but saw the midwife yesterday at 37wk and she thinks it's still breech. I've got a scan appt this morning to confirm and discuss my options.
I would really like to avoid a change section and I don't have your PTSD to contend with!
They may be able to turn them manually by ECV, and I think as long as they're not feet first then you can deliver a breech baby vaginally. Both these come with risks, but I guess it depends how much you want to avoid a section.

Have you tried acupuncture? A few people have suggested it to me. If my baby is confirmed breech today then it's something I'll consider.
Betty, Glad the op has helped. I am having terrible trouble with carpal tunnel. I can't feel my left hand properly constantly and keep getting pins and needles. I hope it eases after baby, think it's to do with my swelling.
Hope bubs moves for you, there is still time xx
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Should I know the position of my baby? No one has ever checked. I'm 34 weeks. I'm feeling movement centrally now, and there's definitely movement in my groin. Sometimes I get hiccups there too. But I keep geeting a big lump on my left side. So, who knows!?

Glad you're well Betty. I understand your concerns about a c section. I have concerns either way though! I'm worried I'll get his head out and not the rest! If a c section is required at least you know it is the safest method for the baby. Lots of people seem to prefer them.

I dreamt I missed my own birth. I woke up and my belly was empty. The baby was too difficult to hold as he had an extra joint in his back and kept flopping everywhere :/
They may have written babies position in your notes hun. Maybe check in there and see?

So I'm off to the docs later to get my foof checked! Yay! Better get used to it I suppose, as that area will be seeing a lot of action soon eh?! I'm hoping that whatever it is that's going on down there won't affect me having a vaginal delivery. I've googled to see if you can deliver naturally with a bartholins cyst (as I think that's what it is?!) but not been able to find any conclusive answers, so we'll see what the doc says.

Dovekie I'm pretty sure you won't be missing the birth, but it sounds like an anxiety dream due to what you're going through. Are you still living with your parents? Your midwife should palpate your uterus at your routine appointments to see which way baby is lying so if she hasn't said anything then it's probably head down like it should be. In your maternity notes there are two columns in the notes section one says presentation and the other says 5th palpable. Is there anything written in them? Xx
Aww I'm sorry your having to think about a c section if it's not what you want. I think most c sections are under local? I'm. So glad your operation on your hand went well. Hopefully if bubs doesn't turn you can focus on how much of a good thing the wrist operation ended up being and translate that to how worthwhile the csection would be too x

Exactly this. I know I'll get through it somehow and in a way I'm glad I had surgery at this stage of pregnancy as now i feel slightly more prepared?!. I held my bump and was as calm as i could be for my baby. My oh was great too as he understands ptsd and just held me too. Cesareans are usually under local but they will give a GA if the local doesnt work or mother is very distressed. If a fight or flight response is triggered I'll be off running down the corridor lol! Its uncontrollable at that stage. But if i can maintain control initially it'll be ok and if i get through the injection i wont be able to run!!! Xx
Aw Betty. There is still time for them to turn.
I know how you feel. My baby was breech at 31 and 34 wk appts, was told they were head down at 36 (different midwife), but saw the midwife yesterday at 37wk and she thinks it's still breech. I've got a scan appt this morning to confirm and discuss my options.
I would really like to avoid a change section and I don't have your PTSD to contend with!
They may be able to turn them manually by ECV, and I think as long as they're not feet first then you can deliver a breech baby vaginally. Both these come with risks, but I guess it depends how much you want to avoid a section.

Have you tried acupuncture? A few people have suggested it to me. If my baby is confirmed breech today then it's something I'll consider.

Let me know how your appointment goes this morning. Would you go for the ecv if it is breech? If mine turns out to be complete breech then i will be having an ecv and if that doesn't work then a breech vaginal delivery as luckily my hospital support them. I've looked into the risks of vaginal versus cesarean and both are as bad as each other as long as your hospital support breech vaginal birth.

Yes there is moxibustion which as far as I can tell is burning herbs at specific acupuncture points. I haven't found anywhere that does it near me that's why I'm going for a chiropractor as I've heard good things about that too. Look up the Webster technique. I have a feeling my baby can't move into position due to my physical positioning. Xx
Betty, Glad the op has helped. I am having terrible trouble with carpal tunnel. I can't feel my left hand properly constantly and keep getting pins and needles. I hope it eases after baby, think it's to do with my swelling.
Hope bubs moves for you, there is still time xx

Bless you I really feel for you with the carpal tunnel. If this is the first time you've had it then it should get better after pregnancy. They say it may take a couple of months but you should go back to normal. It is to do with the swelling making your ligament in your wrist press on the nerve. If it gets severe then go to your GP as in my case I was risking permanent nerve damage. I've had it for 10 years previous to this though so I had permanent pins and needles, muscle wastage in my thumb, pain following the path of the nerve up my arm to my neck and loss of grip. To have the sensation back in my fingertips is such a joyous feeling! Xx
They may have written babies position in your notes hun. Maybe check in there and see?

So I'm off to the docs later to get my foof checked! Yay! Better get used to it I suppose, as that area will be seeing a lot of action soon eh?! I'm hoping that whatever it is that's going on down there won't affect me having a vaginal delivery. I've googled to see if you can deliver naturally with a bartholins cyst (as I think that's what it is?!) but not been able to find any conclusive answers, so we'll see what the doc says.


Good luck today and hope it's a simple matter that doesn't stop you having the birth you want xx
Dovekie I'm pretty sure you won't be missing the birth, but it sounds like an anxiety dream due to what you're going through. Are you still living with your parents? Your midwife should palpate your uterus at your routine appointments to see which way baby is lying so if she hasn't said anything then it's probably head down like it should be. In your maternity notes there are two columns in the notes section one says presentation and the other says 5th palpable. Is there anything written in them? Xx

I have columns that are for "lie and presentation". Nothing has been recorded there. They have never examined me like that, just measured with a tape measure and listened to the heartbeat.
I get my bump palpated to see how she is lying and it's been recorded as long cephalic, which basically means she's head down.

Mention it when you next see your MW and I'm sure she'll have a feel and let you know how he's lying.

i thought she would of started checking the position by now. ask her next time hun although they can still be wrong if they mistake a bum for a head lol
Betty, Glad the op has helped. I am having terrible trouble with carpal tunnel. I can't feel my left hand properly constantly and keep getting pins and needles. I hope it eases after baby, think it's to do with my swelling.
Hope bubs moves for you, there is still time xx

Bless you I really feel for you with the carpal tunnel. If this is the first time you've had it then it should get better after pregnancy. They say it may take a couple of months but you should go back to normal. It is to do with the swelling making your ligament in your wrist press on the nerve. If it gets severe then go to your GP as in my case I was risking permanent nerve damage. I've had it for 10 years previous to this though so I had permanent pins and needles, muscle wastage in my thumb, pain following the path of the nerve up my arm to my neck and loss of grip. To have the sensation back in my fingertips is such a joyous feeling! Xx

I had it in my right hand for a couple of years on and off but I think this is pregnancy related as its both hands now . Sometimes I can't feel either hands properly, it makes applying makeup interesting!!
Glad it has helped you, must be a lovely feeling xx

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