May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Thanks ladies :) I felt really down this morning. I'm guessing it's normal to feel sad about it. We'll see what happens I suppose. Nothing permanent yet, but I do worry we're just not compatible.
I've been getting more intensive cramps today and last night I dreamt I went into labour whilst standing I'm a queue lol. I'm not having that much boob leakage just the odd bit but it does worry me I had more leakage 2 months before my bfp than I Ave done the whole pregnancy! I'm scared I've got too old and dried up! Lol
Getting induced tomorrow!! Had sweep and steroids today, the resistance was even higher today at the scan but everything else looked good! EFW is 6lb 9oz's can't believe it!! I am in overnight for monitoring and breaking of waters tomorrow am! X I feel relieved! Thank god I said I wasn't happy on Friday!! Xx
Ery, I haven't had any leakage at all, it does make me wonder if I wouldn't produce much milk. I am not overly bothered as not going to breastfeed anyway but would like to feed the colostrum for first couple of days, hopefully will manage that.

Lou, I just commented in your journal. Can't believe you will be meeting your little girl tomorrow :) xx
OMG Lou!!! your little bundle!! i cant wait to see her and i hope everything goes smoothly for you!
How exciting!! First baby more or less on her way, keep us updated Lou! Does anyone know how much under you need to measure before there is cause for concern? I had my 34 week appointment today as im 34+ 2 but the measurement was only 32cm.... midwife didnt seem concerned and i didnt know what i measured at the time but after getting out and reading it on my notes i was a bit worried! thanks x
Eeek! Your little girl will be here soon!! How exciting!! Can't wait to 'meet' her!

Well, I'm just back from the hospital. Didn't even make it onto the monitor! Little miss woke up on the car drive over and was moving loads! Then again in the waiting room! MW had a good feel and listened to her HB which was all good. She said it's possibly just where she has moved down and changed position but not to hesitate to get back in touch if I'm worried again.

Eeek super exciting lou! Good luck!xxx

Mayday - I think they allow 2cm either side? However it really depends what you measured previous times as to whether it is a problem. I was already booked in for a growth scan but if I wasn't thye would definitely me booking me as my measurements have gone from just above 50th centile to 25th centile so not following the curve at all. Im not really worried as this happened with my son and fundal height is not very accurate especially if you get measured by different midwives however I've not been putting any weight on recently so don't know whether it's a case of me overall losing weight or baby not gaining weight properly...
wow lou how exciting! how comes they decided to iinduce earlier than 37 weeks in the end??
ive just got back from the farm feels like ive got a bowling ball between my legs when im walking alot! having really bad stomach cramps aswell and loads of discharge. if this little lady comes before my section at 39 weeks im going to try for a normal birth
Oh lou!!!!! So exciting x it won't be long ow and your little ray of light will be snug in your arms I can't wait x x x
wow lou how exciting! how comes they decided to iinduce earlier than 37 weeks in the end??

The resistance in the umbilical cord is over 99% centile so just to be on the safe side they want induction brought forward! I feel relieved in a lot of ways just want her to be ok!

Sounds like your body is getting ready too Hun! X
Oh how exciting! Good luck Lou, I hope it goes smoothly for you.

I'm glad you got some reassurance Emily.

I haven't had any boob leakage either. I still breastfeed my little boy once or twice a day and I don't think he's been getting any milk for the last 5 months. They say that your milk can dry up in mid pregnancy until the colostrum comes in later on, but I can't get anything out of them! I'm not worried, I'm sure the milk will come back. I'm probably in a similar boat to you there Ery. I'm sure we're not old and dried out lol!
aw lou i cant wait to see pics of harrisons sister how exciting hope it all goes smoothly and shes a good weight :)
Pebbles you are amazing! I bf my daughter till I was about 16 weeks pregnant with my son and by that point I was anaemic and my boobs were agony!! My milk dried up around then too and as she wasn't a year old then I just moved her to bottles as she needed milk still. Was pretty gutted not to make it to a year but my body was destroyed! X
Thanks Missy. Sounds like you gave it your best shot, well done you :)
My boy's over 1 year but I want him to give up when he's ready. He's got a milk allergy too which makes it more awkward to offer a substitute and I think he can use the antibodies!
Luckily my pregnancy hasn't really got in the way, apart from the milk drying up thing! It got quite sore for a while, and now my bump is getting in the way, but my health has never suffered.
pebbles i take my hat off to you ive never been able to breastfeed that long im hoping to last a bit longer this time if i can
Yea well done hun I don't think I could have bf during pregnancy. I managed about 18 months I think with my son.
Glad you got some reassurance Emily these babe's sure like to scare us!

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