I'm so exhausted now. Of course the real tiredness from lack of sleep kicks in after the builders arrive and there is banging and drilling. Grrrr.... Have so much to still do and need to make the most of my time off.
Dov- not sure how you even managed to keep going for 10k. I walked about 5k on Thursday and was dead by the end of it, but I did sleep well. Was still rather tired on Friday too. I'm so looking forward to my reflexology tomorrow morning!
Ery, yeah, I was going to get measure on Wed at 36 weeks. It seems to be mixed. Mothercare website says 36+, and on forums, I've heard people not having a problem going at 36 weeks and other being told to come back at 38 weeks. My problem is that my maternity bras are too snug. I'm managing, but I really need a new one. I thought I'd get measure and buy at least one at 36 weeks and then I can go back for a new measurement around 38+ weeks, if he hasn't arrived to double check measurements and buy more. If he arrives between that time, at least I have one to start with and then will get measured after going home. I just can't justify spending money on a regular maternity bra this late.
Emily, thanks for that brand. Just had a look and they look extremely comfy and are priced well. They also state you can get measured within the last month, so I'd take that as 36 weeks.