May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

I'm so exhausted now. Of course the real tiredness from lack of sleep kicks in after the builders arrive and there is banging and drilling. Grrrr.... Have so much to still do and need to make the most of my time off.

Dov- not sure how you even managed to keep going for 10k. I walked about 5k on Thursday and was dead by the end of it, but I did sleep well. Was still rather tired on Friday too. I'm so looking forward to my reflexology tomorrow morning!

Ery, yeah, I was going to get measure on Wed at 36 weeks. It seems to be mixed. Mothercare website says 36+, and on forums, I've heard people not having a problem going at 36 weeks and other being told to come back at 38 weeks. My problem is that my maternity bras are too snug. I'm managing, but I really need a new one. I thought I'd get measure and buy at least one at 36 weeks and then I can go back for a new measurement around 38+ weeks, if he hasn't arrived to double check measurements and buy more. If he arrives between that time, at least I have one to start with and then will get measured after going home. I just can't justify spending money on a regular maternity bra this late.

Emily, thanks for that brand. Just had a look and they look extremely comfy and are priced well. They also state you can get measured within the last month, so I'd take that as 36 weeks.
i got measured at the weekend as my bras were killing me ive gone from a c to a 34F! i hope they dont get much bigger! im struggling with them!
so ill today :( think ive caught ohs cold he had last week. really didnt want to get up. woke up at 4 needing the toilet and then couldnt get back tomsleep! had some really light pink spotting last night when i wiped no idea what that was but it stopped and nothing since really strange
im really snuffly today - but i cant decide whether its my hayfever making an appearance.

im not sleeping good at all, feel as tho i could sleep forever.

got my colposcopy later - dreading it
when i saw my consultant the other day, she did an internal as i had a slight bleed again, she said i have a growth on my cervix which they want to investigate further.

she said it will probs be pregnancy related but they need to check. i told her i had an ectropion early on which she think its possibly evolved/gotten bigger - just more pregnancy worry to overcome by myself xx
Good luck Leigh, hope it's all OK for you. You're not by yourself hun. I know it's not quite the same but we're all here for you.

I usually suffer so badly with hay fever. I take tablets, eye drops, nasal spray the works. In fact I take double the amount of tablets it says :blush: haven't admitted that to gp yet! Shhh! Need to check if I can take them when bf. Well fingers crossed I can bf anyway!

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Ah I was up half the night too! Tiredness hasn't fully kicked in yet but I'm sure it will. Hoping mum might take the kids for a bit later so I can sleep.

Midwife was round this morning. All fine apart from my fundal height measurements are flattening off. I'm booked in for a growth scan a.week on Thursday anyway but I get the impression they will be on the phone later trying to bring it forward but we will see. It was the midwife who delivered my son again and she was here for about an hour letting the kids help with the doppler and listen to their own heartbeats. My son also made her read him a book haha! Xx
thank you so much Emily.

last year i didnt suffer too bad with it - but i seem to be suffering this year already, sniffly and sticky eyes
Hope today goes ok Leigh x I am sat on the monitor in labour ward! She is going crazy today! Yesterday she slept through it all! Got a consultant review at 12.30 tomorrow and really relieved! She will tell us wether she thinks we need earlier induction and will repeat Doppler scan. Finished all my baby washing now :) feeling prepared which is nice :) x
aww - my little man hates being monitored he goes crazy trying to get the pads off him, must be the pressure. hes having a quieter day today - yesterday he never stopped wiggling but i just laid on the sofa most of yesterday so i was more aware of his movements

im so not ready - think we are moving last weekend of this month, then i can start to prepare.

im in a rubbish mood - just want to tell everyone to F off! girl im training at work just doesn't understand accounts, never touched them. and all i can think about is this afternoon
Hope the appointment goes ok Leigh, like Emily says, we are all here for you.

Lou, glad she is a happy, active bubs in there :)

I am getting there with the preparation, most of the room is done. It has taken ages but I must say my father in law is a genius. It looks like a show room and will be amazing when all the finishing touches are in. My OH is bringing the cot tonight and will hopefully get that up in the next couple of days. I have done some more washing as a little concerned the newborn stuff might be small. I can't believe I am just days away from being full term!! xx
the end i sin sight for you all! im so excited to see the pictures and hear the stories - but also scared too haha

i like not knowing what im going to go through
i had a colposcopy after my last smear test hun its really not as bad as it sounds! hope it all goes ok!
Emily I usually take cetrizine for my hayfever/allergies. My GP actually told me I could take 10 times the dose on the packet when I had a bad allergic reaction, so I imagine doubling up would be fine! I've not taken any for ages, I did all last summer without as I was worried it was something else that was preventing us from having a successful pregnancy but this week I've been suffering a bit. Going to hold off until little one is here and once they are I'll be back on it. I was told I could take it during pregnancy but I've got so far without I'm going to see it through. I can't get on with the nose sprays or eye drops at all they don't seem to do anything for me. I do try to have a spoonful of local honey a day and that does seem to help.

I've ordered some 0-1 clothes, they should arrive today. So now I'll have a pack of tiny, newborn, 0-1 and 0-3 so hopefully something will fit! Only got a pack of sleepsuits and vests in each size and will reassess when they are here!

I'm pretty tired today, was busy at work all weekend. I'm waiting for the carpet fitter to arrive, eeek! Once these first couple of carpets are down we will be able to start moving furniture back and then babys carpet can be fitted and then I can start on his room, so excited lol.
Hope it's straightforward Leigh.

My boobs have hardly changed so I don't know when to think about nursing bras. My Mam said hers didn't grow until the milk came in after birth.

I've just had a visit by the mental health midwife. She seems to be encouraging me to move back home with my parents. I've had my bags packed for the last couple of days as I'm really not doing well here. She warned me that mental health gets worse after 34 weeks, especially around 38/39 weeks. Then told me about the crash 3 days after giving birth. My parents are too far away to help me here. I only have my boyfriend.
I had baby blues really bad on day 3 after birth. Cried all day pretty much!

What are you going to do hun? Are you going to go back to your parents?

if you think you will get more support at home then id move back home. i got really bad baby blues after my first son i felt like i didnt want him. if it wasnt for having my mum around i dont know what i would of done. you need to do whats best for you and your baby xx
The baby blues can be horrible. If you think your boyfriend will not be helpful then it might be better to go home. Doesn't have to be forever but you have to look after yourself and your mental wellbeing xx

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