May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Oh nikki, that's so annoying and I bet they didn't leave a note either? Is it bad? You could see if the car park has cctv?

I think I must be abnormal with feeling frisky, I couldn't be less bothered about it. Nikki, your OH could help you in other ways if he feels strange about baby being in there. My OH finds it strange too. We haven't had sex during whole pregnancy as we were told not to at first and then I asked OH if he wanted to as didn't want to neglect him and he said he felt too strange about it.
nope no note were going back later to check the cctv its quite bad

ive given up asking oh lol im sure we will get back to normal once baby is here i hope! at least he still gets his fix lol
Hopefully the cctv will show a clear number plate. I can't stand when people do that. If I scratched a car, I would have to leave a note.

Hopefully will be back to normal once you have had bubs. I am sure it will xx
I hope the bump photos look good. We haven't seen them yet. We went for the bump/newborn deal, which means photo selection doesn't happen until after the newborn shoot. We did see one of the shots that we did for family and it looked really nice, even before touch ups.

nikki, that really sucks. Hope CCTV will be helpful.

Anyone else craving milk? This is my first serious craving. I seriously could drink milk all day. We've been going through 2L every 2-3 days. Normally it lasts a week as I don't drink it. But I just want to guzzle it.
I am sure your pics will be lovely kabuk.
I don't like milk, I did go through a stage when I had hyperemesis where I craved milkshakes, even the powdered ones that you add to milk. I wonder if you need calcium. They say the body craves what it needs when pregnant. I am low on iron and for a couple of weeks before I found out, I wanted leafy salads all the time and I am not really a salad person at all xx
ive just messaged about prices for a pregnancy/newborn shoot :) see if i can squeeze one in before baby comes lol
Thanks, lisey. I'm not a milk drinker either. I even used almond milk in my porridge instead of reg milk. On the rare occasion I do drink it, it's usually with Oreos or with Ovaltine. I've also been going through mini milks too. Loving those.
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I have had a couple of days where I crave milk and drink a couple of pints of its but not everyday. I had the same withmy daughter where I drank like 4 pints in a day but then that was it,I didn't crave it again. Talking about it is making me want some though haha...

I would have liked bump photographs with my previous pregnancies but I don't like my bump as much this time around. There isn't really anywhere that does it here so I would just have to get a standard photographer. I was laughing with mum earlier that if I were to go into labour early and called the paramedics it could be our wedding photographer that delivered the baby as that's his main job and there's only ever 1 paramedic on call here so pretty good chance it would be him haha. Hope not though! Xx
I can't sleep :( it's not like me. My back hurts too much I can't get comfy even when I do I just don't feel tired right now. I think I overdid it today but I plan to take it easy tomorrow. Next week I think we are going to buy our tumble dryer I think I've selected the one I want and it's on offer. I'm hoping it's still on offer next week! At least I've fine dome thing productive with my insomnia lol.
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How annoying NIkki I hope you can track them down and get them to sort the damage.

I am having trouble sleeping too Ery, but I can go to sleep at night no problem but I'm waking really early and then not being able to get back to sleep, but I'm still tired?!

I'm having to make a special effort to up my dairy intake as I don't want to ruin my teeth and bones! Now you have mentioned mini milks I really need one! I'm having weird phases of hunger, I'm either starving or don't want anything. I'm still having a massive fruit phase, I just can't get enough.
I had a massive milk craving at the start of this pregnancy then it was bitter lemon. My cravings seem to have subsided now. I just hope I'm getting enough bits and minerals now I'm not taking my pregnancy vitamins. I asked if there were things I should take separately but she said I shouldn't need anything.... if only she saw my diet I'm due shed change her mind lol. I finally got to sleep at 4am. My back feels ruined still. At least most of the hard work is done.
I've been drinking loads of milk in recent weeks, mainly to try and help with the heartburn! But both hubby and I don't seem to be able to get enough orange juice!! Drinking litres of it, which I'm sure isn't helping with my heartburn! I've also started chugging gaviscon from the bottle in the wee hours of the morning when I can't sleep because of the heartburn and the insomnia and the backache and the restless legs and the need to pee and so on! Lol!

Hoping to have a productive weekend as both hubby and I are home for the first time since I finished work. I want to get the nursery finished, which shouldn't take long at all as it's really just emptying a cupboard of our stuff and putting bubs stuff in it and hanging the pictures etc. Want to try and make a start in the garden too especially while the weather is so nice.

Snowbee you should def get a bag packed this week! You're full term next weekend! So am I :shock: Eeeek!! It's all getting so close!!

Out of those of us who aren't being induced or having planned sections, I wonder who will pop first?

Oh gosh full term already! Argh. I've not even started baby stuff still on house stuff. Nearly done though. Hope to get dons room complete today. Then time to start baby stuff
Yep, it's nearly baby time Ery!! Lol!

I've been really organised this time round and I'm loving feeling so prepared. I think I'd be a nervous wreck if I wasn't! I guess it's a way of dealing with my anxiety- taking control of the things that I can!

Going to start the nursery in a bit. I'll put up some pictures when we're done :-)

Sooo excited to see it all finished :-)

Snowbee, I've been on a fruit kick all pregnancy, but I do tend to love fruit. Right now I'm having porridge every morning with lots of strawberries and blueberries and a banana on the side. I love the fruitiness of it. I'm also eating this raw fruit bars from Aldi. Loving them.

Emily, I don't know how you're drinking that much orange juice now. I craved orange and apple juice during the first half of the pregnancy. I'm so glad that has passed as I know I could't take it with this acid reflux. One of my snack right now that I'm loving is dipping pretzels in Nutella, that salt and chocolate is enough to kickstart my acid reflux. I definitely couldn't deal with acidic things too.

Ery, I feel your pain. My nights very, but I'm always waking throughout the night and can't seem to sleep past 6.30-7 (although I think that has more to do with the sun coming in as we still have put up curtains in the bedroom as we need a drill to install the curtain rod). Some nights I can't get to sleep because my legs are too restless or my back hurts no matter what I do. Turning over is such a chore now. Even relaxing on the couch isn't so relaxing anymore, as I battle finding a position that works for my back and my ribs.

Reflexology on Tuesday morning. I can't wait!
I don't have any desire for sex at all!! You all seem very rampant lol. Neither me or OH want to though so I don't feel bad on him. Will be nice to dtd after (a long while after) when it's not for baby making purposes. We had five years of timing, it really ruined things in that department.

I haven't done a bump shoot Leigh, I don't even like seeing myself in a mirror nevermind having pics taken. I don't like photos being taken anyway, makes me feel awkward lol. Myself and OH joked that we would recreate Beyonce photos as they were the worst baby bump pics we have ever seen. So tacky. Some are beautiful though.
I am quite into photography myself though and can't wait to get creative with baby pics xx

We are exactly the same lisey, no desire at all and TTC for 4 years killed it for us too! I hope it comes back after baby and recovery! X
Yeah I wonder who will pop first! Will be interesting to see! Can't wait to see all the baby pics :) a week on Monday and I will be 37 week that sounds soon but feels a lifetime away! Still waiting for scan, doc wants a consultant to review us. I hope scan is fine and I can go home soon! Had a good cry with one of the midwives and a chat and feel better. She even said to docs can't you bring her induction forward, but then I worry about Leora being poorly when born but at the same time the thought excites me and makes me feel better but I don't want to jeopardise her in anyway! Plus they dated her ahead of her transfer date, they didn't date her from transfer date so that bothers me that she is not as far on as they are saying therefore leaving her in until just after 37 weeks would surely be better for her but if blood flow resistance increasing then at what point does it start to affect her inside! It's a mind field! X
Oh it's so hard to tell isn't it lou. You never know she may make the decision for you and decide to arrive of her own will in the next few days.

I managed 3 hours sleep. I'm stressing out now coz the house is nearly decorated just messy and I just want a giant skip lol.

Also think I'm about to put my graco pushchair on ebay. I need to check how dirty it is lol
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aw lou is that the name youve chosen? its beautiful :) are you in hospital at the moment?
I don't have any desire for sex at all!! You all seem very rampant lol. Neither me or OH want to though so I don't feel bad on him. Will be nice to dtd after (a long while after) when it's not for baby making purposes. We had five years of timing, it really ruined things in that department.

I haven't done a bump shoot Leigh, I don't even like seeing myself in a mirror nevermind having pics taken. I don't like photos being taken anyway, makes me feel awkward lol. Myself and OH joked that we would recreate Beyonce photos as they were the worst baby bump pics we have ever seen. So tacky. Some are beautiful though.
I am quite into photography myself though and can't wait to get creative with baby pics xx

We are exactly the same lisey, no desire at all and TTC for 4 years killed it for us too! I hope it comes back after baby and recovery! X

I am glad I am not the odd one out. Started to feel abnormal. After that many years it will take its toll though. In a weird way, preferred IVF to a natural cycle. Timing taken out of your hands and all done for us.

Hope you're doing ok today xx

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