May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Four times a day that's crazy! Your fingers must be so sore! Oh now I really don't want the GTT! Xx
You will most likely pass. Only about one in 40 fail in my area. Mine was really borderline, which is the frustrating thing, 0.1 over the accepted limit!
But then why do you have to test so often? And can you control it with diet? Do you think if you do control it with diet it may get better and you can give birth in the MLU? Is it just me that thinks it's a bit overkill? This is why I'm worried - I have a needle phobia! Of course I'll do what I must but the thought of this is a bit stressful! Xx
i had mine today the amount you have to drink is unreal i thought a cup full not 500mls!
I have mine on 22nd. Dreading it, the thoughts of lucozade makes me feel ill as I drank it when hyperemesis was at its worst and lucozade coming back up is not nice!! xx
i drank it all and she turned and went i hope it stays down for you - immediately that makes you feel worse!

i cant believe they do this to pregnant women its not nice and its not fair, i never ate from 8.30pm till 12pm by the time they took my second bloods.

they dont even offer you food just send you on your way! fair to say i stopped at mcdonalds i was craving chicken nuggets anyway and i treat myself to a mcflurry for being brave lol xx
I am not allowed to eat from midnight the night before!! I am going to be starving, I love breakfast!! xx
my letter said 12 hours, and my appointment was at 9am :(

i was starving ive normally had breakfast by 6am and a drink of juice, but no just water this morning.

and now i have killer trapped wind from the fizzy lucozade ! x
But then why do you have to test so often? And can you control it with diet? Do you think if you do control it with diet it may get better and you can give birth in the MLU? Is it just me that thinks it's a bit overkill? This is why I'm worried - I have a needle phobia! Of course I'll do what I must but the thought of this is a bit stressful! Xx

Most people can control it with diet. I've not made any changes at all to my diet and all my test results are perfect. To me that suggests there either isn't a problem or my diet is just good normally. I even ate a packet of jelly babies one day and tested after that and still perfect.

As long as all my results stay good I will ask to try the MLU, I don't see how they can say no if the only 'fail' result was the gtt at 26 weeks with nothing else flagging as a problem. They have been filling me with scare stories and things that could happen if it isn't controlled but then all results are normal so surely it is controlled? I've found it all rather baffling. I'm assuming they are just covering themselves. They seem pretty sure I'm suddenly going to have a massive problem, which is really helpful! I don't know whether they are just trying to scare me into more testing. I might mention it to my midwife and GP as they are less hysterical in their reactions normally.

Mine wasn't lucazade it was some disgusting flat and awful tasting syrup. I would have preferred the lucazade!
I don't think I'm having the gd test. I take it not everyone has it they haven't mentioned it at all!
I only had it a family history of diabetes. I didn't have it with Cam as nobody was a known diabetic then.

My maternity leave starts on my due date, 7 th May but my last working day is 18th March!! Can't wait!!! I've got next week off on holiday too and I can't wait for that either as I'm feeling pretty tired out!

Snowbee, I really would push for the birth you want. Especially if all your tests etc are all OK.

Betty she said to get one of those wheat bags and pop it in a sandwich bag then freeze it. Apparantly then when you put it on the affected area it shocks the nerve endings into relaxing and helps to ease the pain. Will get one of the bags tomorrow to try it with, my hips are absolutely killing me tonight :( A friend has also recommended a plug in heat pad type thing for my back so will see if that helps and going to ask hubby to get my birthing ball out of the loft tonight to use as a seat when my hips are really playing up.

Ah snowbee that's not nice at all especially when you were just over borderline! Surely if the results are continuously ok there's not a problem?

I haven't had to have the gtt thank god, the thought of having to drink lucozade makes me feel sick I hate the stuff! What a long time to have to go with no food or proper drink!

Is anyone else feeling massively exhausted all over again? I feel so tired all the time :( Feel bad as I keep doing crap dinners because I just don't have the energy to cook come dinner time and I'm not even at work at the moment! Think I need to spend some time prepping some meals to chuck in the slow cooker each morning as we never eat processed food etc but I keep just cooking crap stuff :(
Emily we cross posted, I'm so glad someone else is finishing early too! Thought it was just me at this rate lol. Not long to go for you now especially with next week off :)
We've just been sifting through someone's pile of old baby things. Unfortunately, it was mostly pink clothes (and some never worn) but got some bits. Anyone got a bumbo? We got one of those too, and a travel cot/playpen and bouncer.
Im finishing in march aswell my spd is killing me and i know it will only get worse!

I love lucozade i drink so much of it its not good lol never been.offered the gd test tho dont think diabetes runs in my family tho
It seems like everyone is having the GTT but I've been told I don't need to have it as there's no family history of diabetes and my BMI is normal. Is it different in different areas?

I'm being made redundant on the 31st March so my mat leave will start on 1st April. Fortunately I still get my full OMP entitlement so I'm hoping I won't have to touch my redundancy for living costs. I'm going to have a full year off I think.
Snowbee you are entitled to try for whatever birth you want so if you want to give birth at mlu they can't stop you no matter how much they try! I don't see why its even an issue if its right next door?! Surely they can just be slightly more cautious and transfer you to consultants earlier rather than later if any signs of problems? There's a website called Aims which has tonnes of advice on that sort of thing should you need it but hopefully they will support your choice. X
Oh what does that feel like Emily?

We haven't got a bumbo Dovekie but as several people have said it was a good buy for them we will most likely get one at some point as they sound pretty useful. We don't have a travel cot either, I'll wait until I need one before getting it. I have got a bouncer, although I took all the bits out the box and put it together to check it was all there and it doesn't seem very bouncy, I think I may have got a couple of bits in the wrong place.

Thanks for the support guys, I know they are only following guidelines but I can't help but feel like I've been really unlucky. If my bloods start to go up then I'll accept there is a problem, until then I'll just carry on as I am and then fingers crossed will push to start on the MLU.

Rachel will you have a job lined up for when you want to return to work or will you start applying for stuff when you are ready? Taking a year off sounds great though. I'm taking 39 weeks officially I think! Must sort this out with work once I get my forms from my midwife.
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We haven't got a bumbo yet. We've bought a swing and I'm really hoping this will keep baby happy when I'm getting on with stuff around the least for a little while anyway.

Snowbee, I don't have a job lined up but will probably start looking what's out there when baby is 9 to 10 months so I can time it to go back when she's a year old. That's the plan anyway and they don't always work out do they! I'm hoping to find a part time job really as I'd like a day or two off during the week with her.


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