May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Snowbee deffo a good idea to get a waterproof mattress protector. I'll be getting one to for sure! My waters went while I was in bed when I was in labour with Cam.

My little miss has been a bit quiet today but I've been doing housework for the last two hours so I've probably been rocking her to sleep. Just had some lunch and going to have a coffee and something sweet to eat and hopefully she'll get a bit of a wiggle on for me.

I've got a growth scan tomorrow and midwife on Monday. Quite looking forward to seeing little one again :)
when do you find out if you need growth scans? i have my GTT on thursday and midwife on monday x
I got letters through after my 20 week scan hun
I got given my date after my GTT as my result was a tiny bit over normal. I don't mind getting the extra scans but the constant blood testing is a nightmare. All my blood results have been normal so far though without making any changes, so I'm hoping I can stop testing as much after my appointment tomorrow.
I think mine are because my eldest stopped growing so it's to check my placenta is still functioning. I had both mine at 37 weeks after ending up in hospital
oh its my first so i havent had an issues yet, other than them saying i have a small bump.

ill see what my results come back with after my GTT dreading it! i cant stop eating on a morning im gunna be one HANGRY pregnant lady on thursday morning!
I'm hoping to get an extra scan or two to help with my anxiety but I'm not holding my breath!

I've not heard anything about my results for anaemia or my gtt so I'm assuming everything is normal there.

im hoping for an extra couple too but i doubt it i might ask the consultant!

my iron levels are normal, but im shattered all the time makes me worry that it is diabetes

I had extra scans during the first trimester due to my history of recurrent miscarriage but I doubt I'll get any more now.

I'm just feeling so anxious at the moment that something will happen to her and it's transferring onto everything from worrying there's something wrong with her, to worrying she's not a she, to worrying we wouldn't get our car seat and wouldn't be able to bring her home!! I think having a scan to check she's all OK and growing as she should be and that cord and placenta all look healthy would just give me such reassurance. If they won't offer me any more then we'll probably end up getting a private one I expect.

I'm getting scans due to my son being small. I'm also panicking she's not actually a she lol.
I'm glad I get to see her again. It's all going so quick though!
It's all getting real now. Can't believe tri 3 is here. It seems like only yesterday we were all anxious to get to tri 2. So much to do now with so little time remaining.

My next scan is on the 15th. I can't wait! Love the time spent watching him on the screen. My transfer of care still hasn't gone through. In fact, I haven't heard from the other hospital yet. I haven't been able to get through- just goes to voicemail, so I had to register online. If I don't here anything this week, I'll be ring next week and going in and making some noise if I have to. My next scan and mw appointments next week are during half-term, so travelling an hour to get there isn't too bad, but it's crazy when I go for blood work in the morning, like I did on Monday. I went from SE to SW to N to W London, all in the space of a few hours to get blood work that takes about 20 mins.
I've just had a really hard kick that kind of hurt and now it feels like it's lying in a really awkward position! Really made me jump! Xx
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Ive put all of babies clothes away today and spent 5 hours unpacking. Struggling to walk now after work all day aswell :( oh is moaning hes tired!! Love seeing all her stuff away and ready though :) cant decide wether to buy a changing table or not
I was jumping earlier too Betty!

My bump is so tight and uncomfortable at the moment. Lots of ligament pain too, mainly in my groin.
I get kicks like that at times its really weird! I keep feeling her do weird things like she's rolling over and over lol
I've woken up really panicked that she is actually a he. I don't know how I'd cope with that. At first I really didn't care boy or girl but now I've been told girl. Ive got really attached to the idea. I'm just so scared that on the next scan next week they will point out a willy!
My anxiety has transferred onto worrying about this too hun! I've bought everything pink and girly so I really hope the sonographer was right!!

Betty, sometimes when she kicks me it hurts! And there's this one spot on my bump that feels really tender when i touch it if she sits right under it.

I swear this baby never sleeps anymore shes always moving lol

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