May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Ery i keep worrying about the same thing even tho i had it confirmed at 16 anc 20 weeks lol ive bought everything pink! Was feeling kicks really high up by my ribs last night for the first time
Glad I'm not the only one freaking out about willy's lol
I was jumping earlier too Betty!

My bump is so tight and uncomfortable at the moment. Lots of ligament pain too, mainly in my groin.

I've had lots of round ligament pain too lately. I think I can see the beginning of stretch marks coming too. Also keep waking up with wet patches on my t-shirt which confused me for a couple of days but I've now realised it's my boobs! Isn't it way too early for too hem of be leaking?!

I'm loving how round and solid my bump is becoming though - I'm feeling a bit more attractive with it now! Xx
How likely is it that they have the gender wrong? Isn't it pretty conclusive? Xx
Bobs can leak on the middle 2nd tri mine are weird I was still making milk 2 months before my bfp (my son was 7 so 6 yrs after stopping bf) but now the factory seems to have shut down hope it starts back up again!

I'm not sure how certain they are I know it's easier with boys to get the gender right which may be why I'm freaking out a tad!
My boobs have been leaking since before Christmas. I was surprised it was so soon as this is my first. I'm wearing pads already. I've got the reusable bamboo ones and so far so good.

I've been worried there isn't a willy on mine! Lol! They said 97% sure at my scan and the lady had a really good look and checked it wasn't the cord etc so I would imagine she is right but now I've got use to the idea of a boy it will be a real shock if it isn't!

Growth scan and consultant for me today. Blood still all normal so hoping I will be able to cut back on the testing a bit too.
Yeah, it would be a big shock now if my baby came out a girl! My mind is now conditioned to believe I have a son. I think it is a very rare event when they are wrong, especially about a boy.

I'm getting the rib kicks now! I don't think he's kicking that far up, it is just my intestines, or whatever is there, hitting my ribs. No boob leakage for me yet. They're still quite small.
my boobs are huge and my nipples have like a yellow crust now and again TMI ive read its the start of the milk leaking!

both scans they have said there is no denying hes a boy! i havent even thought of if it comes out a girl argh!!

im getting kicks and flutters all over not sure how he is lying and i occasionally get what feels like him rolling over, feels like my tummys dropped. oh and hes a right bladder kicker! xx
My boobs haven't changed size at all. They were plenty big enough to start with though! I think they will possibly just fill up and go hard rather than get bigger. I think my nipples are very slightly larger. No colour change either, everyone tells me they will go dark but I don't think mine will as I don't make much pigment, I'm very pale. We will see!

Mine is moving about quite a bit, some days right on my bladder and others really high up. I wonder how much longer they will be able to move about so much before they run out of space.

Our failed working dog has gone to his new home this morning. I'm torn between being sad he has gone (as he was my favourite) and being happy he has found a new home that sounds ideal for him. Hopefully they will send us an update soon and he is happy there.
My boobs are huge. I've gone from being virtually flat chested to a d cup and I've been told they will only get bigger still! I find them quite uncomfortable and they make me feel self conscious, I hope they go down a bit after breastfeeding! I've always enjoyed being small chested! I never realised how much they could get in the way! Xx
My boobs are huge. I've gone from being virtually flat chested to a d cup and I've been told they will only get bigger still! I find them quite uncomfortable and they make me feel self conscious, I hope they go down a bit after breastfeeding! I've always enjoyed being small chested! I never realised how much they could get in the way! Xx

Yeah, I have noticed a change in size with mine. I was a 32A but they are much bigger now then they were. I fit in none of my bras. I tried a random 32B I had laying around and that doesn't even fit... so I am now just wearing a silly sports bra (I only have 2 sports bras) so it's definitely time for me to find a bigger size bra as even the sports bras I have are beginning to become tight and are really starting to hurt my boobs due to the soreness and sensitivity of them. This may sound like a weird question but is it normal for my nips to also be constantly pointy and almost painful to the touch? I have noticed too that they have gotten darker too. I'm hoping this is normal. And sorry for the tmi.

I'm sure you ladies worrying about willy will get some reassurance at your next scan. My little boy was confirmed not just by scan. Since I had an amnio, the gender was confirmed with the chromosome tests that were done, so there is no chance of it disappearing. I think generally the gender from scans is pretty accurate, but I do think it's more common for a 'girl' to really be a boy than the other way around. But it seems very rare these days. The scan quality has really improved.

My boobs don't hurt, but they do itch at times. I've gone from a 34b to a 36C/D. Not much of a change, but big enough for me. I liked my 34b boobs. The 36C/D doesn't bother me too much right now as I've stopped crossfit since I'd have to join a new box with the move. Plus, I'm just too tired. Just going to stick with a bit of swimming. A good workout and therapeutic, too.

I need a good nights sleep. I'm up every 2-3 hours to pee and readjust. My body prefers 4 hour increments to get through a rem cycle. My little boy will start having his rem cycles now. It's fascinating how these little ones start behaving more like a newborn in the final trimester.
My boobs have changed so much over the last few years I can nevervremember what size bra to buy! I went into mothercare to get measured a few weeks ago and I was a 36 D, but the last time I got measured in there after bf'ing my son for a few months I was a B cup!

Snowbee your boobs will probs be massive for the first couple of weeks while your milk comes in but after that mine always seen to revert to a fairly normal size. Then you have the joys of lopsided boobs when you've fed from one and not the other haha.

I am still bloody ill! I had an emergency dentist appointment today as my teeth have been so sore but they have said they think it's to do with my sinuses as they can't find any problems. I also had to get DH to take today off work as he was working last weekend and again this weekend and I really needed a rest, so he's in charge of the kids. Hopefully a day in bed will give my body a chance to get better! X
I managed to get a tiny bit of colostrum from each of my boobs a couple of weeks ago but never leaked or anything like that. I had supply issues when I was bf Cam so I'm hoping I'll be note successful this time round.

I went to see my grandma today. She is a very accomplished knitter and I got some very cute cardigans and hats for bubs! Been matching them all to the baby grows we've got and working out little coordinated outfits! Lol!

At least those of you worrying about gender all have more scans so you can double check! I very much doubt we'll get any more scans now unless we go privately.

Does anyone on here know about taking on work whilst on maternity leave? I only get SMP, so after the first 6 weeks it really drops. I've been a moderator for the last 3 years. I've been offered a contract again, this time as an examiner. It's temporary contract work that doesn't offer any entitlements, just a little extra cash. Does anyone know if I can continue my work as an examiner whilst on maternity? Thanks.
My boobs have gone from a 34b to a 36c but now those feel too tight aswell so think they might be even bigger now they feel.huge to me im so used to having small boobs
My boobs have gone from 32e/f to 36G!!! :shock: I swear each bob is the size of my head!!
I am not sure about that kabuk, I would have thought you couldn't but I really don't know x

Ladies who are worried about gender, it is so unusual for them to get it wrong. I am sure they all have the bits they should have :) you can get gender scans privately quite cheap. £39 in the place I go to but I am sure it's not needed xx
I swear im on the toilet every 5 minites lol. Ive had 4 people at work today ask where my belly suddenly came from i must have popped out more lol
My husband keeps saying I'll be a high yielder with boobs my size, can you tell he spends all day looking at the boobies of cows haha.

Kabuk I would suspect they would say no to that and that it would cancel out your maternity pay but I really don't know, I'm not sure who you could check with either.

My need to wee seems to really depend how little one is sitting Nikki, some days it is pee every hour, other days I'm pretty much as normal. Weird!

Growth scan went ok, all measurements were spot on and we got a couple of face shots, cute. My blood tests have all been checked and they are all ok but they are still stressing on about me having to test 4 times a day, which I just can't do so that upset me a bit for not being able to do it and they umed and ahed a lot and I've not really ended up with an answer. My blood pressure was through the roof due to the stress, so they rechecked it when I had chilled a bit and it was fine again. I had to have more blood taken (luckily I managed to combine several blood tests at once) but it took them hours and lots of stabbing about and several people before it was managed. At least I don't need that doing again for a while! Got to go back in 4 weeks for more scans and checks, which is highly annoying as I'm supposed to be away that day but they only run clinic once a fortnight so I've got to cancel my holiday. Oh the only thing they flagged was a tiny bit of protein in my pee, they didn't really elaborate why that might be or what I had to do about it though?
Aw Snowbee that's really frustrating that you haven't got answers and still having to test so many times a day. I mentioned before but not sure if you saw it, that a friend of mine had to test her blood and struggled to get any at times but she found running her finger under the hot tap before testing helped to make it easier.

I'm not sure if my boobs have grown or not but I'm on holiday next week so I think I might pop in and get measured just to be sure.

Lisey, I'll deffo be getting a private scan if my MW will not arrange any more scans for me. A 4D scan is about £60 at our local clinic so I think for the peace of mind I'lll get it'll be worth every penny. To be honest I'm contemplating getting one regardless and I'm sure Cam would love to see his baby sister in 4D!


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