May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

There are going to be babies everywhere around here. Every single one of my husbands friends is having a baby this year. Selfishly I'm so pleased that we are too, otherwise I think I would be very much on the edge of holding it together and would have had to become a hermit.

Another hospital bag question, chances are I've got to stay in at least one night, maybe two. How many outfits for the baby do I need to take and what constitutes an outfit? I'm thinking a vest and sleepsuit is all I need (plus maybe a hat), but am I overlooking anything? The sleepsuits I have all have feet. Also how many nappies for say three days?
I would have found it hard too snowbee, seeing pregnant women at work. It makes me wonder if there is anyone there who has been trying and finding it hard to see me. I know of one woman who has had a miscarriage, I don't speak about the pregnancy in front of her as would never want to make her feel sad.

Sleepsuits and vests are fine, I am going to take a good few incase I have a sickly baby, although, OH could always bring more should I need him to. I don't know how many nappies, I will prob take way more than I need xx
I think they advise something like up to 8 nappies a day when they are newborn but if you take a decent wad you can very easily get someone to bring you in some more.
Mine were always just dressed in vests and sleepsuits and a cardy/coat for going outside in depending on time of year. Hospitals are so hot you don't want to overheat them. I would always change them at bedtime and morning time. You are unlikely to get any poo explosions in first few days and also, like nappies, im sure someone could bring more bits for you if needs be.
After I had my daughter I came home an then 10days later was transferred by lifeboat and ambulance to hospital. My DH was seen running through the village to pack stuff for us so naturally we ran out of everything but the hospital did have spare bits, they obvs just don't advertise it. But they won't let you go without in an emergency. He packed me a bra that was pre pregnancy and breastfeeding whixh was underwired and too small...and small knickers with my Pp bleeding haha. At least he tried lol. Xx
Lol missyeovil thats the sort of thing my oh would do!

Ive packed about 20 Nappies for now and 6 sleepsuits/vests, cardigan, hat and sratch mitts oh and a blanket lol
Argh I've still not started my hospital bag lol. I'm going to do it after my son's room I think lol.
I'm still struggling to get my bloody beta blockers lol. The saga continues. Basically I put my prescription in on the 2nd March and it came back on the 3rd March without the beta blockers on. So I had to phone my doc to get them added on. That took ages because they lost my cardio's letter. Eventually got them added on. Went to two pharmacy they saI'd they couldn't get hold of them. So next day I went to a 3rd one and they said it wasn't in but the would order it and home deliver it the next day. Great. Next day they didn't turn up so say after I went back to them. They appologised and said they forgot to order them. So they gave me the prescription back. Then I had to have a day off sick as I just couldn't get my heart rate under control. So day after I went to a 4th pharmacy they told me that all the suppliers in my area were out of stock of the pills and they only had a stronger dosage so I would need my precription changed. So I phoned doc back got it changed had to go back and recollect the prescription take it back to pharmacy no 4. And they said I can have it today..... went back today and the delivery didn't arrive it got lost between supplier and warehouse....... *facepalm*..... but they have assured me it will be there tomorrow. Meanwhile my heart rate is so erratic it's hilarious. I'm back at my cardio on the 20th lol
Ery, I hope it gets sorted asap xx

I was a little bit scared last night. I had a busy day. Was out most of day and then We went to ikea. When we got back I got a sudden pain across lower bump, I had to bend over and just breathe, a little white later it happened again...I was thinking little one might have early ideas!! It was painful and couldn't speak etc when in the pain. It stopped though so relieved my worries, I am thinking maybe Brixton hicks but not sure if they are that painful? Or she may have been trying to move head down, some movements lately have been a bit sore xx
Braxton hicks may be a bit uncomfortable but they shouldn't be painful. I've had some sharp pains at the bottom of my bump but on one side which I put down to ligament pain.

I get a few pains like that lisey if I overdo it. I have a feeling little one will be early but Im kinda hoping she's 11 days late so she's born on out wedding anniversary :blush:
Ive been really wet the last few days tmi. I know its probably discharge but i keep freaking out that im losing my waters lol it happened with my eldest i was losing them slowly. Every little twinge im freaking out its early labour!
I've also been incredibly wet too its ridiculous but I've spoken to my consultant and midwives about it and they tested me and everything is fine they put it down to double the female hormones lol
Ah its so glam lol finally had my whooping cough jan this morning. Hoping thats it now i hate injections!
Do you ever get days where you wish time would go faster? Feel like ive hit a wall maybe its because ive finished work but the days are going so slow :(
I think I prob overdid it.
Apparently the increased discharge towards the end is to prevent infections, was on one of my apps the other week.
I feel like that Nikki, I want time to hurry up.

I am not feeling well today, generally feel off but can't pinpoint it, throat is a bit sore but just feel tired and like I have no energy. I struggled at work today, not sure if I should take tomorrow off if I still feel the same. Just feel bad having any time after all those months off with sickness xx
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Glad its not just me once i hit 30 weeks time seems to of stood still just want her here now and then i wont be in pain anymore either lol although i will miss being pregnant its going so slow! Need to try and keep myself busy
It's still going super fast for me but not fast enough for my liking. Still have lots to do though so shouldn't wish the time away xx
I think were pretty much sorted id just like to get the garden sorted out a bit but house is pretty much done and ive bought everything now lol
Our room is upside down. We have gone from just doing the changing absolutely everything!! The only thing that will be the same is the mattress!! It will be lovely when it's done but wish it was done now so I could nest and wash baby's things etc xx
Time seems to be flying by for me, I think as I'm soooo not ready. House is still chaos, floorboards up in every room, dust everywhere, furniture stacked up and wedged in rooms! I will be glad when it is over, builders coming back on Monday. I think it will be at least another week.

Had another midwife appointment today. It turns out after my last growth scan at the hospital they haven't put back half my notes! So she is going to have to try and track them down. Everything all good though, so that is something.

Once I've put the rooms back I must finish (start!) my hospital bag...
Glad all went well snowbee!

I'm looking forward to having my kitchen done, but not my home being in a state again. Just trying to enjoy the clean peaceful place for now. I'm trying to book things during the week the builders are in as I'm off. I can't stay in there and deal with the mess and noise.

I'm up to 7 pillows now for sleeping. The reflux is bad and I haven't had time to get to the GP. I'm practically upright now when sleeping, but it helps. But getting to and from work is exhausting. I carry my laptop with me everyday because they have us using shitty chromebooks at work and it just doesn't convert word docs well. Takes ages to adjust, so I do half my work on my laptop, save as pdf and then upload to google drive. I just don't have the energy to do work in the evenings. The commute has me ready for a nap as soon as I arrive at work. At least things were calmer today.

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