May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

In that case I'll order some online, thanks :)

I'm measuring big (as firstly I'm short, so nowhere else for baby to go other than out, and secondly I carry my fat on my middle) but growth scans are showing spot on, so try not to stress Leigh, hopefully little one is just fine in there.

I'm hoping to breast feed but have bought 4 different bottles in case I can either express or can't bf. Not got any formula, my hospital don't provide it unless you have tried unsuccessfully to bf then they will while you are in, so I'm not too worried about that. If we need to we go past a garage on the way home from hospital so can always get some there. I haven't got any sterilising equipment, I'm just going to use milton. If I end up bottle feeding a lot I can always buy extra when I need it, but figure I have sufficient to tide us over in an emergency. I don't want to go mad and spend loads of money if I don't need to.
Yea. Most hospitals don't allow formula only pre made up carton things whilst your in there. But I'm hoping I can bf to be blunt I don't see the point in spending £100's on something I make for free lol. I'd rather spend that money on carpets and furniture for her room lol.

Good news is doc has changed my prescription as about 4 diff suppliers are out of stock of the original pills so i can now collect my new pills 2moro. Yay!!

Lil miss has been quiet but I've felt her today but she's usually quiet when I'm at work its just always a worry on my first working day back. She is wriggling now I've sat down though think she's waking up lol
I am getting the aptimil ready made bottles as that's the only milk my son settled with.
I am sure all will be ok Leigh. Some ladies just carry very neatly xx
Aye even if baby is small it's not.always a bad thing my son was born 2 weeks late on 9th centile he's the pain in the bum dancing around the front room as I type this lol he's fine (a little mental a lot crazy but academicly he's up there at the top of his class only main issue is his bladder is under developed so still has issues bed wetting at aged 8 buy it's not all uncommon in boys apparently)
My eldest was on the 9th percentile aswell at 37 weeks when i had him you wouldnt think it now lol
Try not to worry Leigh. If I were tall, I'd probably be measuring small too. Every mw appt I've had I'm told I look small but then just measure dead on. I would love to see how that would work if I were taller. I'm 5'2" and have almost no torso and people still don't think I'm 7 months pregnant.

Better for them to be cautious and it's another scan.

Wish the hospital would sort my appt out. Getting really annoyed and worried. I'll be ringing them tomorrow and demanding to know more. How can you make someone, especially a transfer of care patient, wait for a consultant appointment. You'd think they'd want to get you in there so the consultant can catchup on the care until this point.
I was measuring a good 3 weeks behind at my last MW appt. Growth scan showed baby is smaller than average but still within normal limits so nothing to worry about as long as growth is steady. The measuring with the tape can be very inaccurate so don't worry, I'm sure everything is fine.

Baby's position can make a difference too. I know baby is measuring ahead but because she is transverse, the measurement was 28 instead of 30. They can only measure from top of where they feel baby so I have alot of space at the top where little legs should be!! Xx
Two days ago my baby was kicking for almost 24 hours. Yesterday he hardly moved at all. I woke up this morning feeling a bit worried, as he also hadn't moved through the night. When I sat up he did move and kick a little for a few minutes, then stopped again. I've just half lay down on my left side and the baby suddenly started kicking like mad, really quickly, for a few seconds. It felt like he was struggling. It really startled me. Is that normal??
With movement you need to be guided by what is normal for your individual baby. Any reduction or change in movement and you should call your MW right away for advice. Kicks Count has some good advice on monitoring movements.

thank you ladies for your comments, my OH may produce small babies as his daughter was only 6lb something when she was born.

im 5ft 10 so taller than average for a girl and i was very slim. i feel big haha just when i lay down the bump seems to disappear.

im sure everything will be okay and they will just monitor me closely if he is smaller than he should be. i just worry im not eating enough etc blame everything on yourself dont you.

just today to get through - OH cant get out of work either so im going by myself
the only pattern i have noticed is that he wiggles on a morning and on an evening. through the day he can be quiet or a wriggler. i should concentrate more on his movements so i can get his pattern correct but with work you seem to miss his movements

I dont always feel baby much when im busy if i stand still i do or im at the hospital now waiting for.blood tests and shes going mad lol
My little one is a wiggle worm. I think he moves a lot when he is sleeping, as I feel lighter movements that remind me of readjusting in your sleep. He gets very active after I eat and in the evenings. He's active in the morning too, but just a little calmer. I think I feel him so often because of how small I am. I'm waiting to look more like I'm over 7 months pregnant, surely he's going to need more space. I think I might be growing again though. My stomach tends to get itchy when he grows.

I hope all goes well at your appointment Leigh. It's a shame that your OH can't make it. My dw hasn't been to most of my appointments. The last one she went to was the 20 week scan. Things are just so crazy at work that she can't get away. She does always check in and get excited with the updates.

I finally have my consultant appointment. Took about an hour of constantly ringing them this morning, but I finally got through. They initially had me schedule to come in on the 12th April. I wasn't thrilled. Told her I would be 36 weeks by then and as this is a transfer of care, and that I would feel more comfortable having one early to make sure the consultant has seen my history for this pregnancy. My last hospital had me booked in for one at 34 weeks. They were able to move me up, so I'll have one next week now on the 23rd at 33 weeks. Then I can hopefully get more information about any furture appointments to sort a birth plan (well, preferences). Just glad I could get in there. The mw I saw didn't leave me feeling confident at all about the service there. Hopefully this will be better.
Glad you got it sorted kabuk hope it all goes ok. Ive got my next scan and consultant appointment next wednesday hopefully hes actually there this time!
thank you Kabuk and glad you are now getting sorted.

My OH works for a tarmac plant and now its dry it goes crazy so he cant get out, i also have a consultant appointment at 2 so if they cant squeeze me in after the scan i will have to sit around waiting as the hospital is 40 min drive away so i wouldnt want him waiting with me nor having that much time off.

we do have our 4d scan tomorrow night so he will see his little man then :)
Thanks Nikki and Leigh. Having that appointment is such a relief. Hope all goes well with your next appointments.

Leigh, it's great that you're doing the 4d scan and your OH gets to see him. My dw laughs at me sometimes, but she mostly finds it really sweet that I'm so insistent on her bonding with our little man. I even insist on her speaking Dutch to the bump. She comes over and rubs the bump regularly, but she lights up even more when I take her hand and place it on my bump when he's really wiggling about. She is still amazed every time she feels him move like that.

I really think there is something in the water in my circle of friends/family/colleagues. 2017 is the year of babies. 10 just from my group, including me. Two have already arrived with the last one due in Oct, as of right now. The latest is such great news as it's my dw's cousin and her and her bf have been trying for 2 years, both faced with fertility issues. So the announcement is just amazing news. I also know that my sister is trying for her 3rd and final, but I'm not expecting that one to be a 2017 baby, but you never know.
Loads of people i know seem to be pregnant aswell. My best friend is due 4 days before me so that will be a race haha

Might finish my hospital bag tonight or as much as i can. Im bored of not being at work already lol
Hi ladies. Hope everyone is well I don't get much time to come on here with juggling everything. Iv had a quick read thru some posts to try catch up. I'm 32 weeks today and I can honestly say I'm totally exhausted. I'm having regular growth scans and my boy is doing great he's currently on the 80th centile weighing approx 4lb 6oz that was last week. I have a midwife app tomorrow morning I keep going light headed dizzy and feeling sick anyone else with this?
My PGP (SPD) is horrendous ATM and having physio and been fitted with a support belt (really attractive lol) I'm also injecting clexane everyday which I'm just getting used to doing myself now. Other than that I'm doing ok just want these 8 weeks to speed up lol.
Iv not even started my hospital bag yet. My hospital provide the formula milk ready made in small bottles for mums that don't want to breast feed I'm hoping to breast feed :) xxx
It is the year for babies, there are 4 at my work now. I bet my boss is not thrilled lol xx

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