May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Anyone experiencing rhythmic movement from the baby? It feels like a gentle kicking but goes on for say 5-10 minutes. It's about half the speed of my heart rate. I googled it and there's some debate, but most saying it's the baby practicing breathing. It seems quick for hiccups.

I'm getting all sorts of movement of name weird and wonderful varieties. No idea what most of them she though x

I had a dream It was the the 20th may and baby was still inside me lol. But we had this gorgeous cat that just wanted to be scratched under the chin. But for some reason he slept at the laundrette we had to drive him there every night and pick him up every morning lol.
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OK tmi:
Just gone for a wee and noticed I had a massive clear stringy thing of gloop coming out of there. Is this normal? Wtf was it! It was a good 6 or 7inches long. Anyone else had that?
Dovekie if it's rhythmical it sounds like hiccups to me. My lo gets them most days and it's quick - around every couple of seconds but gentle and rhythmical.

Ery I've had stuff like that but not quite so much of it!

Phew OK then lol. :) I'm used to having more "stuff" than usual lol. As long as someone has had something similar I can stop freaking out lol
I found I had more like that the day after DTD with hubby but I get it randomly too. Looks like bogeys! Gross. So glamorous this pregnancy malarkey!!

The symptom spotting never ends we will be looking out for labour signs soon lol
Oh gosh nikki, that's true. Soon we will be analysing CM and's a cycle :) xx
Lol its so true women become obsessed with what comes out of their foofs lol
Eek I've just spent an insane amount of money on a car seat. We have had our eye on this one for a while but the nearest place to have it fitted is quite a way from us, so I've taken a punt as I saw it on special offer and as they accept returns I think it would cost about the same in postage to return it as it would cost to drive to have it fitted (and then it is over £100 more to buy from there too).

Got a bit more to do emptying the front rooms ready for the builders to start tomorrow, fingers crossed it all goes to plan...
What one did you go for snowbee?

Ive been getting cramps and a lot of pressure low in my bump today. Think it's BH. Having a wee panic though as I'm so unprepared if it turned out to be anything more! X
I'm finding my BH are a lot more noticeable now and when I get them, they are often accompanied by the sudden urge to pee.

I'm struggling with constipation still. Think I'll pop into the pharmacy next week and see what they can give me to help.

I've had some ligament pain again today and I think I've got a bit of a cold too as I'm coughing and sneezing a fair bit, which isn't helping the pain!

My little lady is having a fair wiggle on at the moment. It can be quite sore sometimes when she moves, especially when she really sticks her bottom out!!

I am getting so much pressure too, when I go from sitting to standing, it feels like she could fall out! xx
I'm the same too. I think I'm getting some BH but with the extra gloop increased cm this pressure feeling and the BH I got concerned earlier today hahaha.

My floor has gone down today so next friday we start my son's room sat we go b&q and carpet shop sun we finish front room bar curtains. Then next week we start painting sons room then we order carpet and furniture for sons room then we paint babies room
I woke up with a rubbish cold this morning. Poor hubby had to look after our toddler by himself all morning while I felt sorry for myself in bed. I can't wait until I can take decongestants again!

And I bought a nursing chair off gum tree this weekend. It's soo comfortable. Here it is being modelled by my toddler.


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Aw pebbles thats lovely ive got no room in my house for a nursing chair lol im feeling alot of pressure feel so uncomfortable at the moment
Looks good Pebbles, I found a lovely little rocking chair on ebay before Christmas and it is so much more comfortable for my back than our sofa. I was hoping to reupholster mine as it is very dated but I've not got around to it yet!

MissY I've chosen the Britax Dualfix. It is 0-4 years and can be rear facing right up to 4. Plus it swivels to make it easier to put them in and out, being as my husband and I are old and creaky I thought it would be easier. My cousin recommended that one or the cybex version. I've seen photos of it in the same model car I have so fingers crossed it is going to fit in mine too, or it will be returned and back to the drawing board. The disadvantages of being rural and not having anywhere close by to go and test these things out.
Pebbles we have the same chair and it really is so comfy! My hubby loves it, so much so, he wants to get another one so we can have one downstairs and one in baby's room! Lol!

I would love a nursing chair!! No space though :(

We have a dualfix for our son snowbee! It is a great seat. I love ours. We didn't have it right from newborn, think he was about 15 months when he went into it but is still happily rear facing in it now and he will be 3 in a few weeks. The swivel is a fab function particularly since we have ours in the middle seat. The britax fit finder on their website is generally pretty accurate for checking your car. Hope it fits :) x

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