May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Had a quick catch up on last couple of pages (just in from work, long day :( )
I was dead keen to do the breast feeding and was feeling very happy about it until a colleague told me its not as idealistic as it seems! The 1st few weeks can be hell, I hope that's not true :(
I seen consultant for 1st time yesterday, she was all up beat and chatty until she asked me about movements, I told her they are not frequent and no set pattern but if/when I worry I use the Doppler....she was not amused, I understand why but I get so much re-assurance from that (I have a bit of medical training too fair enough veterinary!), I felt far better that than stress about pregnancy! She then couldn't get rid of me quick enough, never even found out babies weight :( I did ask about the aspirin though as also concerned re haemorrhage and she said, risks are very low and keep taking it right up till birth.
Oh and phone call today to say I failed my gestational diabetic blood test :( So I have to go and see the nurse in a week, I don't have any clinical symptoms so am a bit flummoxed but am high risk as old and a bit overweight.
The first few weeks of bf can be a very painful nightmare! Once it's established then it's great but the early days can be truly awful Sorry to be blunt, but I wasn't prepared for it at all so I say it as it is now!

It's OK to use a Doppler but it should never ever replace the advice or knowledge from your MW etc. I would use one to stop the blind panic I know I'd feel if she wouldn't move but I'd still be on the phone to get advice and monitoring if needed. I think the issue comes when people hear a HB and assume everything is fine but obviously they don't know what they're listening for in regards to rate and decelerations etc.

Sorry to hear about the gd, that's rubbish :-(

Sorry about the gd :(

My son was 2 weeks late too Emily still feel as though this Lil miss may come early but I'm fully prepared to go over.

Just like to add that I was one of the lucky ones that didn't have any problems bf as such. It never really hurt at the start it got uncomfortable when I was full and he wasntold hungry. And one day I fell asleep on the breast pump not recommended... that was tte first time I got a cracked nipper and omg!!!! It was sire and bled but I then found that lansinoh cream and it worked miracles highly recommend!!!
Hi gesic, sorry to hear about the gd, I also failed my gtt (which I had as I have pcos, which increases your risk). I failed by a tiny amount (so little that if I was in Scotland or Ireland I would have passes), I have no symptoms, all my bloods have been fine no matter what I eat and my growth scans so far have been a tiny bit under the 50th centile. Apparently it can suddenly get worse from 32 weeks, so that is what I'm going to be watching out for. It is a total pain, I find the testing hurts and they have been a bit funny with me about birthing choices because of it but I shall dispute this further provided my results don't suddenly go insane later on. The good news is the extra scans and chances to see little one. Hope you get on ok with the nurse.
I'll deffo be getting Lansinoh! It's a bf essential for sure!

Emily - my first was 9 days late and my second was 3 days early ao you never know ;) I was definitely more relaxed the second time as I knew what to expect and I think that made a difference.

Gesic - I also found bf'ing relatively easy like Ery. It is hard work doinh every night feed, and growth spurts are a mission but I enjoyed it overall. Hopefully it will work out fine for you but it's not the be all and end all. Also highly recommend the lasinoh nipple cream. Whack it on from the first feed rather than waiting for your nipples to crack/become sore. Xx
I breastfed my boy. I had some issues with very sore nipples and he dropped down the weight centiles a bit, but it turns out that was because he had some food allergies. I actually still breastfeed him twice a day at 2 and a bit yrs old.
I only expressed if I was planning to be out for the night. He never had any trouble drinking from the bottle.
A friend of mine has just told me about a new pump which she rates quite highly. Here's the link

I'm feeling a bit fed up this week. I'm getting breathlessness, major heartburn and back ache. And I'm getting braxton hicks which are really uncomfortable. They're not painful but I'm massive and I'm sure the baby doesn't have much space as it is, never mind when my bump decides to tense up. It feels like bubs is getting squished! I can't believe theres 9 more weeks of growing to do!
I don't remember feeling quite so fed up last time.

Does anyone else worry that when they go for a #2 that you might have the baby! It's not very likely I know but the thought crosses my mind!
Lol the thought does pass through my mind but not that bad as since having my son I haven't been able to erm push from behind. Lol. I know I should have spoke up years ago I just never got round to doing it :blush:

For all with heartburn issues definitely speak to your midwife and see if they can give you ranitidine i think when I see my cardio on the 20th I may well full on snog him hahaha lol mentioned it to me on the scans she was like "ohh if I had known I could have got you that!" So it's definitely worth a mention! It makes me feel human again!

I still wake up every morning with a really sore belly ache and it keeps happening more and more frequently. Feels like period pains :(
I not looking forward to those buggers again lol

Hubby has been super cute though.. he's like I just can't wait for her to here I think he wants a snuggle. And the other day when he was painting his models he goes. "I'm so glad we're having a girl, I get to use a new colour! Pink!" Lol
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Aw ery thats cute. Oh seems alot happier now with the baby which makes me.happy. were going on a tour of the hospital today im sure hes probably dreading it but im excited lol they are stopping the tours at the end of march so thought i better go now.

My scar was really hurting again last night from my c section hoping its just where my belly is stretching i really want my vbac this time! It seems better today
That's so cute Ery.

My dw is now is getting more excited everyday, repeatedly saying how she can't wait for him to arrive. She's being really cute. We're both feeling a little more settled now that we have most of the necessities now. This week we picked up the cocoonababy and next2me crib. A friend is dropping off some clothes and quite a few other essentials. Just need a changing table/dresser and the hospital bags.
We went to the tour it was good to have a look round and oh actually looked quite interested and spoke to me about it all after i thought he would moan the whole way round.

I hadnt thought of a tens machine but they gave us leaflets at the hospital for using them at home in early labour has anyone got any experience with them?

Tmi but i just went for a number 2 and it was a bit painful after there was loads of blood in the toilet hoping everything is okay!
You probably have the ultra glam pregnancy symptom ....... piles lol
Thats what i was thinking lol does that cause bleeding? I have been quite constipated
It prob is piles but try to find the area of bleeding to be sure. I have had it and if you just dab around there with tissue, you should see the blood.
I hadn't thought of the tens, maybe worth looking into xx
I've had bleeding from my back passage after I've been to the toilet. It tends to be when I've been constipated and straining quite hard. I swear I've pushed hard enough to push the baby out sometimes!! Lol!!

Just ordered some more bits for her bedroom - a Mrs Tiggywinkle Canvas and a cushion cover with Peter Rabbit and family on! Eeeek!! It's sooooo cute!!

Glad to hear thats all it probably is lol

Yeah people seem to rave about the tens machine i hadnt thought of it. Can rent them for.25 pound here for 4 weeks so might do that
Ery what dose of ranitidine are you on? Sorry I'm all about the heartburn this week :( x
I had raging heartburn earlier today at work and no Rennie's!! Thankfully I had to go and pick up a cat from the vets and empty our donations bin in Tesco so I bought some then. Also picked up a pack of tiny baby grows in the sale. Couldn't help myself! Lol!

I bought a tens machine last time. I tried to use it at the hospital. I'm not sure how much it helped really, but then I didn't go into natural labour. I'll try it again this time.
Anyone experiencing rhythmic movement from the baby? It feels like a gentle kicking but goes on for say 5-10 minutes. It's about half the speed of my heart rate. I googled it and there's some debate, but most saying it's the baby practicing breathing. It seems quick for hiccups.

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