May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Last time I weighed myself I had put on between 4-6 kg but not weighed myself in a couple of weeks. I'll try and hop on the scales at work at some point and see how much I weigh now. Looking at myself, other than perhaps a bit on my love handles I'm all bump!

I was weighed about a week ago now and I had put on about 11lbs.
I had put on 8kg ish from my booking in, but I'm sure I had put on some between bfp and booking in, which is fairly annoying! Mine is all on the front, I'm not bigger anywhere else at all, legs boobs etc all the same as before.

That is really bad of your midwife! Can they not come to you if you don't have transport? My appointments have been a mixture of at the GP, hospital and at home.

Day two of builders... More dust and somehow they have splattered the walls and ceiling of little ones room with muck from the radiators... Just as I had nothing to do lol. They are hoping to get the front of the house finished today, so we can move furniture overnight to the front and so the back rooms are clear... The joy. I've rang my mum for assistance cleaning and she should arrive tomorrow night and I will ask her to help get rid of all the dust and wash all the curtains and carpets.
i have love handles, minimal but i know they are there also my boobs are huge!! but no other weight gain anywhere else
Yeah mines mainly bump and love handles lol my boobs are bigger but other than that everything else is the same! 1 and a half stone scared me haha
im sure midwife will weigh me on monday for my 28 wk, ive only been weighed once and that was at my booking in
Betty I hope you get your midwife sorted soon. Independent midwives (or certainly a big group of them) aren't allowed to work atm due to the nmc ruling their indemnity cover unacceptable. I'm not entirely sure whether there is a loop hole somewhere... I think you could get some of the benefits of an IM from going private but would probably cost a bomb in comparison.

I weighed myself the other day and I had put on about 7.5kg from booking but ive barely eaten this last week as heartburn as been so awful.

I've been trying to get some cleaning done today as I've none naff all recently but also conscious DH is going to be late home tonight and probably the rest of the week so don't want to burn myself out if I've to everything with the kids myself tonight. X
I dont think you get weighed during pregnancy apart from at the booking in. I don't really want to know. I have probably gained a stone in boobage alone!! Then there is the swelling...
When I had Cam, I was only weighed at booking in.

I weigh myself at work on the dog scales but I've usually got my big work boots etc on so not sure how accurate it is really. It's the best I can do though as I don't have scales at home!

random question,

pregnancy and lambing time - my mum keeps going on saying i need to stay away from my dad as the sheep are now lambing and something happens to pregnant women when they are around the sheep meaning they abort the baby...

is this true?
Yeah, pregnant women should stay away from lambing ewes.

There's advice on it on the NHS website.

ive just googled it

just the sheep or do i need to stay away from my dad too who does the lambing?

says the risk is very low but is still present xx
Wow, I didn't know that. Not that's it's something I would encounter in the middle of London :)
I think as long as he's changed his clothes and washed etc then it should be OK.

hmm i might just avoid until its over with, he smelt today of lambs when i saw him but never had contact with him as such, just a kiss on his cheek when i left - now im all paranoid lol xx
Had someone ask me how much longer I had left, can't be long now? When I said I was due the first week of May she was like REALLY??: shock: I don't think I'm that big but I guess I must be looking very very pregnant today!! It's only just over eight weeks until I'm due which isn't all that long really!

I look ready to pop!!
It really isn't long though xx
In fact it's 2 calendar months today! It'll fly by at the rate this year is going! Once she's here though, I want time to slow right down so I can savour every minute!!

Same here, esp those first moments when you hold them and take it all in. Amazing!! Xx
I still can't imagine her actually being here and holding her in my arms!!

It still doesn't feel real sometimes!

I was looking at my tummy today and feeling her wiggling around and I had a real moment of, I just can't believe there's a baby in there!!


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