May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Sorry your ohs are a-holes! We've not dtd in a while but we've both done our backs in with this renovations lol.
I'm tearful a pissed off with argos. Every time I find a chest if drawers I like it's out if stock even when it tells me it's in stock on the checker I go to the payment screen and it says out of stock arghhhbhbbbbb! Lol they have a baby event on as well and I have £200 of baby stuff in my basket in a rage I cleated everything off lol still thinking about the tommee tippee electric breastfeeding pump though.
I havent thought about breast pumps are you planning on pumping straight away?
haha Nikki - he just really wound me up over nothing and i was like i could just rip his face off quite happily haha!

i of course would never admit that i felt poorly and i just wanted bed! so not going for the pram was ideal for me really.

we dtd once a week! haha hes too old and i normally have a mage high sex drive but all i wanna do it sleep - fear i may have tonsillitis as im coughing up boulders but the cold isnt on my chest.

Haha Ery i do this regular deleting the basket!
i was just going to get a manual as i dont want to physically feed him but im willing to express and give him it that way x
As far as breastfeeding pumps go i want to combine feed me and my breastmilk in a bottle. (Why pay for formula when I make it for free! ) I've been told to exclusively beast feed for 10 days to build up the supply. Then grt the pump out. I may pump a bit at the start too just depends on my supply and how hungry she is. Leigh.... I had a manual pump at first last time and geeeeez you end up with one hand like hulk no time and its just a pain in the ass! You spend all the time baby is asleep hooked up pumping one handed! With the electric one its so much easier and sooooo much faster and in my opinion well worth the extra pennies I wouldn't waste my time on a Manuel one. Plus when your boobs get full and heavy the electric one is so much more satisfying and quicker to empty than the manual.
If my sup ply this time us anything like with my son. I may end up donating some to the neonatal wards this time.
Aw ery thats really nice. I bf my first for 3 weeks but he was so hungry and i didnt like doing it in public so thinking expressing might be a better idea. Just watching this morning and a same sex couple both breastfeed their baby which is really nice
Agree with Ery on the pumping front. If you are wanting to pump anymore than an occasional feed so you can pop out or something an electric is the way to go. Swear I got repetitive strain injury in my hand from my manual and it also started needing parts replacing after pumping about 40Oz total. I've got a spectra one but I don't like it much. Im considering splashing out on a medela one but I'm not sure if I'll pump enough to justify the cost of that. X
thank you for your advice ladies - i am new to this so all advice is greatly appreciated!

thats lovely thing for you to do Ery!

my nipples are already sore at the moment x
I bought a cheaper electric pump in the sales at Christmas, I'm hoping to be able to express so my oh can do the evening feeds and I can sleep, although I doubt I'll be lucky enough for that to work out! I figured it was a good buy so worth a try.

My bump has gone to be the weirdest shape. It is really pointy right under my belly button and I can suck the sides right in to make it cone shaped. I have no idea what position little one is in to do that!

I'm so tired! I have a massive list that needs doing before these builders arrive Monday too, so I really best start. I also really need to decide if I'm booking to do the antenatal classes, I'm so undecided. My hospital also offer just breastfeeding classes too, so wondering if they would be useful or whether to just try and get help at the time. So hard to know what to do!
I swear I was like a cow withy son lol and I only stopped bring able to produce milk a month or two before my bfp (my son was 8yrs old) so I'm convinced in a past life I was a wet nurse lol. Lil miss is having a proper squirm today lol.
I have no problem with feeding in public lol I was bf my son walking round asda pushing the trolly one handed lol. No one can see anything and it's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's only like eating your lunch walking round the store only baby us having their lunch instead lol. With how hungry my son was it was every hour or every 2 hrs. As he had gatric reflux so half of what he ate came back up. :( hoping she won't have the same issue!
Snowbee with the breastfeeding class I would say it depends how much you know already? I went to one when I was pregnant with my first and I didn't learn anything I hadn't previously read and obviously until you have a baby in your arms you can't practise it! They were getting us to practise with dollies and it was just a bit pointless to me. They don't do antenatal classes round here so I didn't do that either. Just made it all up as I went along haha! X
I never had any classes snowbee as my employer took advantage and refused to let me attend them. (I now know that was illegal they actually changed my shifts to clash with appointments I had booked)
I got all the help after my son was born. Bf can be hard luckily I never had any problems and nor did my son pretty much straight away he was feeding and taking a good amount. Some people take to it like a duck to water some are more loke a cat to flight :p (they'll give it a good go but ultimately it was doomed to fail from the start lol)
I struggled with bf as I had supply issues (baby lost weight when ebf) so I combined fed for seven weeks before moving fully to formula.

I found the NCT classes a waste if time on the whole, except for learning about a few practical bits. The bf class they did was comical and did nothing to prepare me for bf at all!! They promoted 'laid back' feeding which in short was if you lie back and relax then baby will crawl to the breast and latch and feed!! Bf was nothing like that for me - it was bleeding nipples, endless hours of feeding and hours hooked up to the pumps and only producing a few drops!!

I'm going to give it another go this time round and hopefully we'll be a bit more successful!

I did the antenatal classes with my first and i didnt get anything from them. I had already read up on most stuff lol
I had a letter come through for ante natal classes again, I binned it!

I'm a but more anxious this time of bleed due to me being on a asprin and how much a small cut bleeds with that but I doubt classes will help with that. I'm also worried she's bigger or going to come early etc but again going to cross that bridge closer to the time. I'm starting to freak out more and more each day lol
Hmm I may sign up for the online antenatal course instead then, I don't want to waste 5 weeks and all that car parking fee if they aren't particularly useful. I was also wondering how useful breastfeeding classes actually were without a baby, I'm really not up for playing with dolls and pretending...
Ery, I keep getting worried she will come early. I am getting so much pressure down when I stand up.

My knees are agony from swelling, getting up and down is so hard. I can't wait to have normal knees again lol xx
Yeah im worried this little one will come early aswell i had both the boys at 37 weeks so thats my next milestone lol
Cam was 10 days late! I'm fully expecting this little lady to keep me waiting! Mind you, I waited nearly two years for her so a few extra days at the end of my pregnancy won't hurt eh? Still, let's see if I'm saying that when my due date has been and gone! Lol!


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