May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Hmmm, boyfriend is booking in camping trip with his mate about 5 weeks before I'm due. It'll be local and apparently he'll only go for one night (instead of 5). Should be ok? I'm just feeling left out of everything at the moment. The only things on my calender are midwife appointments and the due date. I wouldn't mind if we had quality time together, but it never happens. We only ever spend time together eating or cleaning, then he disappears to "his" room for a lie down (to watch something on his own) or to go on the computer, or go to the gym/for a run. Meh.

Oh, midwife appointment today went well. Apart from the trainee, who took my blood and it took ages and got everywhere - running down my arm, on my clothes and on the floor :/
Dovekie, it sounds like a room-mates situation, rather than a couple.
The camping wouldn't concern me as its local and only for one night but the separate rooms is a little odd for a couple, esp as he goes off on his own to watch his shows and doesn't involve you. Have you spoken to him about how you're feeling? xx
i love catching up on a monday morning - makes monday mornings more bare able at work :)

well was meant to be getting the pram on sunday but OH thought he would spend all afternoon in the pub - i was disappointed to say the least - told me to order it online - not the point i wanted to go pick it with him etc.

im feeling pretty pants, think im coming down with yet another cold, seems to hit me hard, spent most of yesterday asleep and still feel like a walking zombie today! got the midwife at lunch just to get my matb form then i need to decide on a date i want to leave work. its all very strange and having doubts all the time, will i be a good enough mum? is this actually happening? is there a baby in there as it doesnt look like it some days?

my little monkey kicked me all day yesterday when i was laid down, today much he is much more quiet, hes either tired like me or moved towards the back as he usually does this meaning i barely feel him along with my placenta at the front. he gave me a good kicking yesterday with some of them really hurting actually and felt like he was doing full turns

hope your all keeping well - cant believe how close you are all getting and talking about hospital bags! eeek still cant believe its happening xxx
Dovekie hope you are ok, I can't believe she got blood everywhere eek. I would be ok with the camping but like lisey said I would feel a bit odd about the different rooms and going off to do his own thing all the time. Some of the time is fine but sometimes you need couples time.

Leigh my oh hasn't been that interested in buying anything, he just says I can choose what I want as I will be using it the most. I know it doesn't mean he cares any less about the little one, he just isn't into shopping. Is your oh maybe the same?

I had the health visitor today, she seemed ok, just gave me a few leaflets including one about online antenatal classes. That might interest me more than the actual classes, although it might be nice to meet people at an actual class. I'm really unsure what I do about them and need to decide soon as apparently they get booked up quickly. What is everyone else doing?
I didn't even know they did online ones. I am not bothering but this is second time around for me. I didn't last time though either. I would have been more inclined to do the online one back then though, I am not keen on classes of any kind really. Might be nice though, like you say, to meet people xx
Dovekie - i would have freaked with the blood! regarding the room thing, ive been there it didnt end well, we bought our first home together and then things just went sour when we moved in - we stayed in separate rooms all the time, in the end it made me poorly and i just had to move back to my parents. we were living separate lives didnt do anything together never even ate together due to shift patterns etc

maybe snowbee - maybe im just a bit hormonal and poorly, and think thats how things should go etc thank you for showing me the other side of things.

i was put forward for antenatal classes however ive never heard anything back...
Hey girls i havent felt little lady much at all today but i have been at work all day so havent really been concentrating going to give it till later and see if i feel her when i can rest
I have read the advice is to empty bladder, drink something cold and lay on left side in quiet room where you can really concentrate and if nothing still, then to call. When I am busy I do feel her alot less, I do feel some movements at times when walking around but far more subtle xx
Ill wait till the kids are in bed and then try it lol cant sit down for 5 minutes while they are up!
Maybe just try sitting for a bit at least. I wouldn't wait personally just to be safe. I am sure bubs is fine but best to be cautious with these things xx
My bubs is transverse at the moment and was reading up on it today. If she doesn't move then c section will likely be done around 36 or 37 weeks!! They won't risk waters breaking as dangerous with transverse baby. So bubs could be here in just over 5-6 weeks!! Eek! Would rather her move though xx
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Wpuld you have them try and turn her hun? My first was breech and i ended up having him at 37 weeks for other reasons but they would of turned him otherwise
No. I don't want that as there are potential risks, hopefully she will move in time xx
Yeah i wouldnt of had it either i was too worried the cord would get wrapped around his neck or something. This baby has been head down since 16 weeks so hoping she stays there lol
Dovekie that is so bad with blood everywhere although I guess they have to learn somehow. Not nice being the Guinea pig though!

Hope baby is back to wiggling plenty nikki.

Hope you feel better soon leigh.

I've had a crap day. My daughter was sick at 6.15am and from then on she's been spewing pretty much all day. Then she got really lethargic and had a temp so called docs and they said to take her in. Was sat next to this poster about meningitis and I was really starting to freak cos she'd been complaining of headaches yesterday and a few other symptoms. Thankfully it's turned out to be an ear infection though! Poor wee things been so poorly but seems to have turned a xorner tonight and stopped being sick and eaten some toast. Then I was just back from docs and my son face planted the corner of a table leg so he's dosed up on calpol too! So glad they are both asleep now and hopefully much much better tomorrow! It's days like this I miss wine haha! X
Oh missyeovil, what a day. Hope you all have a better day tomorrow xx
I felt her a few times last night but not as much as usual even oh tried to get her to move. Ill see how it goes today otherwise ill phone the hospital :(
Missy, I really hope things improve. It's awful having a little on sick. Earaches are the the worst. I had them all the time when I was kid.

Nikki, I hope you start feeling more movement. Maybe she's just in a position where you can't feel her.

It's been a busy morning. After 3 weeks of no working out because of moving, unpacking, buying furniture, putting furniture together, etc. I finally got back into the pool today. It felt great! Spent 30 mins swimming and my back felt amazing afterwards. But it's back to aching again, but that is my own fault. I surprised the students with pancakes this morning before their trip, so I was on my feet for over an hour preparing and cooking. I should've made more of the American style chocolate chip ones. They all wanted more of those but had to settle for the regular ones. They are all off on their trip no, so it's quiet here and I can finally sit. I do have 2 left behind, but they are just getting on with work.

I haven't had a bleed now since my 28 week scan, so it's been about 2 weeks. It's a relief. I hadn't been working out, so it'll be interesting to see if swimming has any effect- none today so far. However, now that there are no more bleeds, the cm seems to be flowing.
Nikki, if she hasn't moved much since yesterday then you really shouldn't hold off on ringing them, she probably has just changed position but not worth risking. On my kick counts app it says to call if there is any change at all to movements xx
Nikki, if her movements were less yesterday then you really shouldn't wait today aswell. It would have probably been better to call yesterday to be honest. It's more than likely that she's just changed positions and that's why you're feeling less but sometimes a change or reduction in babies movements can be the first sign that there is an issue, so definitely call your MW for advice. Kicks count has some great advice on monitoring movement and I use their app too, to record my little ones daily movements.


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