May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Im phoning the hospital now i had to wait for the kids to be picked up so ill keep you updated
Will do hun just waiting for my mum shes going to come with me x
Hope all is ok Nikki.

I've seen a few posts mentioning using tena pants for afterwards, are these ok to contain what comes out? I see they make them in different absorbances. If they are then maybe I should try this as I really don't get on with pads at all they just seem to wander off whatever brand or pants I use with them!

Started going through a few things we have for little one, got to get everything wrapped up and put away for our building work and then I need to make a list of what we still need and work on that!
I have no idea what tena pants are like but I bled very heavily after having my son so definitely needed the maternity pads. It even soaked through those pads on the first night but I lost alot of blood so may not be the norm. I hate pads too, so uncomfortable xx
I'm not a fan of pads but I'd deffo use proper maternity pads for after birth. To be fair I used them after my bleeding had really lightened up, to give me extra padding around my stitches!

They were happy with her heart rate and movement so at least i can go home amd relax now
Great news Nikki.

I agree with Emily, they are nicely padded if you end up with stitches and after a few days if the bleeding is only light you can switch to less bulky pads. I don't know what the price difference is but you will go through a lot particularly in first few days so maybe worth thinking about. I can't even remember what the norm is?! I had a PPH the first time and I remember the second time it stopping very quickly compared with that but I dunno how long it was!xx
Glad she's all OK Nikki :-)

Tesco maternity pads (which are the ones I used last time) are £1.50 for ten I think. Can't remember how many I went through, although I'm pretty sure I had hubby bring me in another pack the following day. So, that would mean I went through nearly 10 in 24hrs.

I think I bled for around three weeks but I know for some women it can go on for much longer.

glad all is okay Nikki!

i didnt reallise you bleed for so long after, i knew you bled i just didnt realise how long for
Anyone still getting nausea, and now shortness of breath?! I experience it every morning after breakfast and I'm beginning to get breathless randomly throughout the day now.

Bump was a bit sore in places last night and seems to feel heavy, suddenly. Just looking at it makes me want to vomit. Poor mite.
i get waves of nausea still, i cant cough without gagging which isnt good now i have a cold and im still struggling to brush my teeth!
I'm not feeling sick really now but I am very breathless and I get it each day. Some times I get it just while I'm sitting down!! I think it's just that all my insides are being pushed up as baby is growing and my lungs just don't have the room!!

I get very breathless especially walking up the stairs etc lol
I get the breathlessness.
I overdid it at work yesterday and paid the price for the rest of the day. Had horrific upper back pain and around ribs, was awful. Still a little painful today.

I am not feeling myself lately, generally don't feel happy. I am happy about the baby of course but everything is annoying me or making me feel a bit low. Our room is upside down from decorating and its driving me crazy, My OHs Dad is doing it as needs walls skimming, wallpaper stripping and then painting, along with electrical fittings and then shelves etc. He comes inbetween jobs so it is taking a while and its getting me down. I just want some order and want to get things ready for baby but can't. Little things feel huge, its prob hormones and the fact I can't sleep due to backache, I just feel like a miserable old witch!! xx

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