May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

I'll start picking bits up over the next couple of weeks and make sure bags are packed by 37 weeks at the latest.

Yeah think I will do the same. How crazy that we are at this stage now of thinking of hospital bags :) xx
Eek can't believe so many of you are 30 weeks now! It has gone so fast :)
Ery so glad you're living room is almost done and snowbee I hope the heating work goes smoothly for you :)
I'm 28+2 now and have been nesting so bad these past few weeks. I never had this with M, is anyone else the same? I literally want to bleach the house top to bottom every day haha. Have spent the last few weeks literally gutting the whole house as a result. We've been here 3.5 years and have been constantly doing it up so it's never been properly gutted. The amount of tip runs we've done is ridiculous. Finished gutting our bedroom today and that was the last room to do, now just to put the new carpet in our room and the nursery and paint the nursery and the house will finally be finished. I can't wait to not have to redecorate or be saving for work to be done anymore lol.
I've been getting bits for my hospital bag already and will carry on over the next few weeks. Will probably have my bag done by 32/33 weeks but only as I went into hospital to have M at 36+4 so just want to know it's all done early so the bags can be grabbed whenever :)
Think ive got quite alot of my hospital bag bits now not packed it all up yet tho lol need to find a bag first
I was going to buy a pack of Maternity pads today while we were shopping but Tesco has sold out so I'll try and get some next week instead. I need to sit down and write a list of what I need really as I'm bound to forget something otherwise!

Hi Ladies, I do keep popping in. I've been so busy lately. Hope everyone's ok xx
I was just thinking about everything I need for the bag yesterday. I need to get the list together and start ticking items off. I can't believe we'll finally be meeting our little ones in about 2 months.

Really not looking forward to the sanitary napkins. I can't even stand pads.
I've not even started on my hospital bag. Must add that to my to do list. I also hate pads kabuk, I'm not sure how I'm going to get on with them and I'm not looking forward to it at all.

I seem to have got huge this week. I'm actually feeling the extra weight now and some things are starting to feel like hard work. I'm also really really hungry!
I feel huge too and I've had backache yesterday and today. Had achey hips and legs today too so think I might need to get an extra pillow on the go tonight, to go between my knees as well as another one to sleep in so I'm more upright to try and help with the heartburn!

I hate wearing pads but needs must eh?

I havent been able to sleep recently and ive been ill all week lol i feel huge too.even more when i look in the mirror ill try and get a pic later lol
I had a particularly bad night last night - was up to the loo three to four times which wasn't helped by the fact that I was thirsty so I was drinking each time! Had heartburn so used the pillow I normally put between my knees, under my head to prop me up more (I've got back and leg ache as a result) and I had a bout of insomnia at one ish and just couldn't sleep!

The joys eh? I didn't have this when I had my son. I had to get up generally only once to pee and other than horrendous leg cramps, I didn't really struggle over night at all!

I have come to the conclusion that sleep is a luxury for me now. I really struggle and wake several times a night, I get backache, achey hips, need the toilet and then legs get achey from the fluid. It really makes me feel in a bad mood the next day sometimes. I love that I am am pregnant but I am not loving pregnancy xx
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My inner thighs hurt when I go to get up off the sofa. It seems a bit random. Of all the muscles that could hurt.

My sleep isn't too bad. I do wake once or twice in the night and toss and turn a bit. Some nights are worse than others. What I find difficult is I tend to wake about 1.5-2 hrs before my alarm goes off and then my alarm wakes me from a deeper sleep as my sleep cycle is closer to 4 hours.

I'm really struggling with acid reflux. I don't get the heartburn so much, but the reflux and burning in my throat is a killer. Gaviscon helps, but I feel like I'm drinking that stuff all the time. It doesn't matter what I eat or how little or how much- I still get it.
No matter how much i love feeling her move i will be glad when shes here!
I couldn't cope with the reflux without my rantitidine I almost cry with it if I miss a pill now!

Sleep. ... yes.... I sleep 8pm-1am usually lol

I haven't begun to think about packing bag or even baby being here yet. I just need to get my front room and sons room done. Her room can wait but things are happening too slow and I'm getting snappy and stressy and bitchy especially at work and that's not like me at all! Lol
Ery i feel like that our house is still chaos and im getting frustrated about it with oh now. Weekends aleays seem to be wasted doing other stuff and i just want to get it sorted out before baby is here!
It is going to be mega chaos here for the next couple of weeks, this week with finishing packing and moving furniture and next with the actual building work. I'm just hoping they can do it in a week as that is all they have allocated! I'm sure it is going to take two I just can't see it being done in one.

I must be really lucky I've never had heartburn or anything like that in my life. At the moment I'm managing to wee about midnight then I can get to 5-6am. Very occasionally I have to do another one but I think that depends on the position of baby and how much I drank before bed. I have been having awful back pain though and some nights I can't get comfortable at all.

Little one has been a bit quieter today but I'm sure it is because he has moved and is facing backwards as when he has moved it feels more muted and further back.
That's how my little one was yesterday snowbee. I could feel her spine along my belly so I knew she had moved!
It's not quiet finished yet but here's a seek preview ;)

We still need to do the floor and put the fire on the wall and put the furniture back in the alcoves lol then like choose curtains /doh


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