May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

i love Russell brand!!!! his partner has just had a baby! should have asked him some tips :)
Oh wow that's amazing!
I get a few celebs in my place of work but not had a hottie like Russell Brand lol /drool lol
The students weren't there the first time he came in, but they were when he came back. Some of them were going crazy, but it was actually a couple of colleagues that were the most star-struck. We're just a youth centre/school in a small rundown building, what were the odds. He really is an odd one.
Booked a tour of the hospital for next saturday :) and my whooping cough on monday which i keep putting off lol got to have more bloods done on wednesday aswell busy week next week!
Good luck with the bloods. My whooping cough was a little sore but nothing major. Injections don't really phase me though after IVF.
Babys movments are different today, I am getting the feeling of a limb just moving along stomach, so weird but lovely. Last night in the bath she was loving lots and I noticed they are changing now, can see parts of body move along, rather than stomach just jumping. I love it xx
I've finally got a booking in appointment with my new hospital for transfer of care next week on Wednesday. I'll be seen at the hospital from now on instead of in the community because someone finally looked at the details I provided.

Lisey, I love that feeling. I've been feeling the limb moving across for a few weeks now, but it's become more prominent now. I actually feel that more than actual kicks. I really wonder what he is doing in there. But as I have no torso, he's now starting to press into my ribs. It's not painful yet, but it is uncomfortable when he does it whilst I'm sitting on the tube/train. I can't get stretched out.
I've felt that too Lisey! At one point it felt like a little hand or foot was moving across my stomach and I can generally feel where her bottom is because it's a hard lump and hurts my stomach to press it!

i have no idea where my little man is - i gets kicks flutters movement all over from my pelvis right to my ribs its so funny to watch when hes moving my tummy from the outside like a little alien!!

so much love for this little person already!

i got told today, my bump looks like ive downed a 2ltr bottle of pop and i need a good trump! haha
I get more movement now than kicks can feel her shift from one side to the other sometimes and it makes me feel sick lol shes been head down since 16 weeks which is good hopefully she stays there lol
My bubs is transverse (I think that's the right term, she is laying across).
I have had the feeling of a hand or foot moving all the way along but this is more like I am feeling arms or legs. She is a madam though and whenever I want OH to see, she stops and will not move!! Xx
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My lo was head down at our 4D scan and breech at the growth scan the day after!

I think she's back to head down now though as I'm pretty sure the hard lump I can feel is her little bottom!

I've been feeling the feet/hands moving across for the last month or so. I always feel that when I'm lying on my sides, usually in the morning. I caught it on camera whilst lying on my right side yesterday - some kicks or punches, plus something gliding along my belly. My parents thought it was fascinating!

What do you all think about epidurals? Someone just told me they've done both and preferred the natural birth as they bonded more with the baby due to the pain.
Haha Dovekie that sounds a bit ridiculous to me. I don't think the level of pain you experience will in any way affect the bond you have with your baby. Initial thoughts for me are I'm not keen on an epidural, as I don't like the thought of not being able to get out of bed etc but I've not ruled it out if I'm in pain and want a break. I've not ruled anything out I'm just going to see what happens.

Mine still has enough space to be on the move all the time, he has been head down at scans but the other night I got kicked and punched at the same time on opposite sides of my bump so he must have been laying across. He seems to have enough room to vanish too, one minute my bump is rock hard, the next he has gone and it is soft and I can't feel where he has gone to. Weird!
I honestly don't see how pain would increase bonding!! Alot of women act a little high and mighty about not having pain relief. It doesn't impress me in the slightest, everyone is different and should do what is right for them in the moment.
I had to have epidural as I was induced and contractions came on too quick, plus he was in a bit of distress so they said best to do. I am guessing incase c-section was needed. It was on my birth plan to have it anyway.
This time, I would prefer not to have it as I got bad back ache after but I will have it if I can't cope with pain. I am just going to do whatever feels right at the time xx
I think you just need to research the various kind of pain relief, any side effects for you and baby and then you can decide what you are OK with and what you are not. I don't think bonding and pain relief are particularly related. I had a perfect home birth with no pain relief with my son but ended up with PND and it took me a couple of months to really bond with him. Everyone has different pain thresholds and different ideas about their own labour. You do what is best for you and your baby at the end of the day. X
Yea I don't think pain has any impact on the bonding process geez if that was the case I should be madly in love with my door the amount of times I've stubbed my toe on it!!! :rofl: I had a water birth with gas and air last time and that was fine only minimal amounts of pain and it was perfectly cope-able with I'm hoping for the same this time but she's estimated bigger so I may need more I think I'd try pethidine? I'm not keen on an epidural as I don't like the idea of a needle on my spine but hey I done know what I'll be allowed and whatnot yet. As this time I'm joint led care and have a few cardio issues which may limit my choice im not sure. Lol

My little madam has been breech at every single scan lol
I would love a water birth with gas and air this time round. I love the idea of having minimal intervention and guiding her up through the water to my chest once she's born. But best laid plans and all that eh?! I would like to avoid an epidural if possible as I just don't like the idea of it (although i asked for one last time!) and also I think you have to stay in hospital for a certain amount of time after as they catheterise you so they need to check you can pee or something? There are so many pain relief options available, there'll be something to suit everyone so you get what you need!


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