May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

walking arpund helped and sitting/lying slowed it din hence why I think mine was so bad being confined to the bed
Why did no one tell me it hurt this much?! I've been going all night. Ended up going into the hospital for some codeine and to check dilation and I was only 1cm!!!! That was at 3am. Oh has been sleeping since 5am when we got home. I don't think I've really progressed but in the last hour I keep wanting a wee but it's not a wee and I'm wondering if it's my waters. I'm exhausted! I've taken some more codeine and managed to eat some crackers so will try and sleep a bit now. I've had some more blood but it was pink and diluted and they seemed happier with that Xx
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Bless you hun x you'll be holding you're little bundle soon though!
Nikki, I really missed my bump and having him inside as soon as I got home, so day 5. I would watch him move and try and picture him doing that inside. I'd become very nostalgic and start to cry I missed that special bond so much. The spontaneous crying because of it passed after a few days. I was looking at my last bump pics and couldn't believe how big I was. It definitely makes sense now as he is quite the big boy.

Betty, I hope you progress more soon. When I was induced, my progression was very slow. When my waters broke, I had just had 3 consecutive contractions and the got up as I thought I had to pee. Only when I got up, my waters broke and I stood there for awhile waiting for the gush and flow to stop. Even then, I went to the labour ward to find out I was only 2cm. It took the drip and another 28 hours for me to be fully dilated. I really hope you manage to progress quicker than that and without induction.

Aidan was weighed again and at 2 weeks he is now exactly 4kg, so he's up 42g from his birth weight. He's become quite the boob monster. He still has formula at night, but it's down to a max of 150ml over 2 feeds that my dw does. When she goes back to work, I'm hoping to cut them out completely. I have more than enough milk, it's just that he sleeps better with the formula at night and trying to find the energy and time to express just isn't happening right now.

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Really hope things progress soon for you Betty.

I don't know if it's because she's feeding less so there's more milk stored but I've been able to express more milk than before. I got nearly 5mls on one session! I'm taking fenugreek and eating lactation cookies so that might be helping too.

I can't believe that Eleanor was 2 weeks old this weekend! I miss my bump sometimes too although it is nice to be able to turn over easily in bed!

Got back into my pre pregnancy jeans today! They're not a perfect fit but they're on! :-)

16 days post partum



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How many more bubs are we waiting for?

Betty's is on the way and will hopefully be here soon. Is there anyone else?

I was thinking of starting a May mummies thread in baby and toddler section. What do you ladies think? Don't want to move over and leave anybody behind though!

So jealous Emily. I can get back into my bigger prepregnancy jeans, but I can't wear them as they all rub on my incision, which isn't pleasant. I still have a small belly, but it's the swelling or something around the incision that is most prominent. It's healing nicely, just very tender. But I do think that most of my prepregnancy jeans will fit once the incision is healed.

My boobs really leak. I'm going through breast pads rather quickly. Don't care for the tesco brand ones either, but they were given to me, so I'll use them until they're gone. I'm more than halfway through one box already. I have to tuck a muslin into my bra when feeding him as he can be fussy at the start latching on and pull off, and then my breastmilk goes everywhere. I really need some nursing tops so I'm more comfortable feeding in public.

Having friends over today. It'll be nice to have some adult conversation. It'll also be interesting to see how the twins (they'll be a year on the 3rd), react/interact with Aidan. They'll have a little brother or sister at the end of Aug, so it'll be interesting to see how they deal with their mummies snuggling with another baby.
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I'm struggling to find the energy to express. I've gone back to my medulla pump it's much easier to clean and put together. We had our first restless night last night she wouldn't sleep fron 1-4. Had to be the night my oh is back to work too!
Aww, ery, bet that was hard. Yeah, I do love the swing pump- it's so easy and gentile. But the rare times he isn't attached, I'm either cooking or trying to relax/sleep.

I'm not looking forward to my dw going back to work. Her taking the night shift has been great. I've been getting some good sleep then. I may have to start going to sleep around 7 and she can do the feeds between then and 11pm and then I'll get up for the 3/4am and go from there. He usually sleeps again after that feed, so I should be able to get a few more hours after that. Not sure how it will work yet.
Aw betty, I hope things have progressed a bit for you now x

I'm back in pre preg jeans too and actually weigh less than I weighed pre pregnancy too but that's probably because I am lacking in time to eat!

Today was my first school run by myself. We were a bit early! Doubt that will last though haha xx
So I managed some sleep thank God and some food but the contractions have all but stopped, they are about half as strong and I'm only getting one every half hour or so. They were every 2-3 minutes lasting over a minute from 11pm last night until about 4am so I feel a bit disappointed :/ xx
Emily you look amazing! I think a may parent group is a fab idea! Xx
Go for it Emily!
I'm not quite back pre pregnancy clothes. I've still got jelly belly but I'm hoping when I walk around more it will fall off.
I envy your school run my son is on school hols and he's driving me mad! Lol.
Glad your getting more milk up hopefully it's the supplements milk will be increasing over the first 40 days when you get to your max production I think or baby peaks at most demanding you might still be able to make more if try/train get me
She's been on the non boob quite a bit today. I need to make sure I feed or express over night too though as that's when hormones are at their highest to stimulate production.

We've had Hubby's family visiting over the weekend to meet baby and been out and about quite a bit so I've done a couple more bf in public. Thankfully I'm not shy about feeding in public so she can have some boobie milk while waiting for her bottle to cool.

We're just back from the garden centre so I'm going to attempt to do some flower pots for the garden in a bit.

I'll do a May mummies thread later on :-)

I can't wait for first public bf with her. I first need to leave the house though lol. I've noticed her belly button looks a bit wet and oozy is that normal? The cord fell off over a week a go and mw said it looked fine after that but just wondered?
Eleanor's cord fell off ages ago, think it was like day five or something? It's looked quite oozy and red but each time I've got MW to check it she's said it's fine and just bathe it with cooled boiled water.
I've started a May mummies thread in baby and toddler if you want to start heading over there.

I probably need to finish my pregnancy journal too.

Feels like the end of an era!

It's not over until the fat lady sings, literally! Looks like I'll be the one to do it :/
Are you having any twinges or anything at all hun?

Being overdue really sucks. My son was born 10 days over so I feel your pain.



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