May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Bump loss is most definitely a thing I had it with my son. But thankfully my labour has put me off wanting a bump at least for now.
Gesic definitely try itnfacol. It helped with his wind. And maybe try a different brand of bottle/teat I've heard that can make a difference too. Bf can be very very hard I've been to many Bf groups with my son and lots of people struggle. I'm very lucky I seem to be built for it but I swear im built to be a wet nurse as my milk didnt dry up after my son. I was making milk 7yrs after i last Bf him. As for the sleep that can be very hard. We found with my son getting him to sleep on me whilst playing a certain song (or band for your sanity) then playing that at every nap time every sleep helped also make sure all the bedding and blankets smell of you can help too. Some babies can't sleep when it's too quiet some can't sleep with noise. My hubby spent hours and hours rocking our son to sleep.
Ery there's a breastfeeding support peer where I luve who must be in her sixties and she reckons that when she hears a baby cry in asupermarket she still gets tingles in her boobs like a let down! I personally think she's bonkers though and her advice is crap ha.

Gesic sounds like you are totally knackered! Agree with Ery to try infacol. Also at 1 month old I think you can try gripe water which I always found really good. Also changing teats/bottles is a great shout - I think I've seen Dr brown's bottles recommended a lot for colic but theres loads of options.

As for going down in her crib...I hear ya sister! Oli doesn't mind being put in his bouncer when asleep but the crib he usually wakes within 5-10 mins. He has had 3 or 4 two hour stretches in it at the beginning of a night but after that I just bring him in our bed. He only settles well when swaddled. I even tried putting him on his tummy but it wasn't much better than his back and obvs made me worry more. My other two were a lot like this too though, I guess they just don't want to be away from mum! Xx
My little lady is still not 100% on settling in her crib and she often ends up sleeping on our bed. When they're so tiny and brand new, the world is a bit overwhelming and they need mummy to help them feel secure. Maybe try wearing a muslin under your top for a while and then pop that in the crib with him so he can smell you and it might help him to settle?

Oh gosh I hope I'm dried up by the time I'm in my 60s lol.
Lil miss has been drinking a lot today and yesterday I think it's the heat But I feel really like my bobs are empty and she's just using me as a dummy! She's also been quite sicky but I think that's normal with the amount she's tried to cram into her belly
I have tried to respond a couple of times to this thread and failed due to a small but very clingy person who occupies one or both hands 90% of the time.
I too had the mindset of B feeding and thought possibly naively it would be the easiest and most natural thing in the world to do. I was wrong, perhaps having a section meant we did not get the best of starts as milk took 3-4 days to come in, to being chastised by the midwives whilst in hospital for trying both methods (but when I had no milk I needed to feed her something!!). To coming home and having her constantly looking for food and never appearing satisfied and consequently not having sufficient rest periods between feeds (I was averaging 1-2 hours sleep every 24 hours). Feeling awkward and causing her more stress trying to get her to latch on when she was already worked up.....I then decided to move onto formula. I found it upsetting :( However despite now being reassured as to exactly how much she is getting I am now getting a whole new set of problems, she gets trapped wind, I am almost battering her after every feed to try and shift it but I cant seem to get it to come up. She is still hungry and will take 4 oz but over the 2 hour period then will sleep.....eventually (the other issue) for an hour prior to wanting more. Her nappy changes are frequent for urine, not so for faeces which I have been told is normal but still a concern given the amount going in.
the sleep situation...... she will not sleep in her crib/basket, I will sit for ages till I am sure she is in a deep sleep then I attempt to transfer her, she will then come to within 5-6 mins and the whole feeding/settling cycle repeats. I have taken to sleeping on the reclining sofa downstairs and have latterly started to drop off for a few hours with her on me which I find very worrying as I know what could happen but I am exhausted and really not sure what else I can do.
I wonder about colic drops if that may help. Have tried to get out of house the past 3 days just to get some air and hopefully supermarket shopping....but we have failed. Oh and she is still jaundiced so the visiting midwife today has said we need to go back to the hospital for more tests etc, but not till Tuesday.
Sorry to appear to be on such a downer I am honestly chuffed to bits with her but wondered if any of you had any more tips of words of wisdom as I am feeling at a loss.
I am also mourning the loss of my bump!! After all the morning sickness and discomfort, strange but I am quite envious of pregnant people now.

Hi Hun
I feel your pain on a few points, Leora cluster feeds and it is exhausting, especially at night! And she won't sleep in her crib either, we think it's down to reflux as she is constantly interrupted with pain/discomfort so she won't relax, the only way I get any sleep is to co sleep, read about it but I sleep on my side with my arm up over her head and my head leaning on my arm and then she sleeps on her side (better for her reflux) chest to my chest snuggled fairly close but not close enough to smother her! I was told it was the safest way to co sleep, there is some research to suggest co sleeping can help to reduce SIDS. Just a thought as sleep deprivation is so tough! Hope you manage to work out something that works for you all xxx
Also a hot water bottle to make the sheet warm and something you have worn as a sheet in the crib can help, didn't work for us though :( x
I did miss my bump to begin with. I actually cried when my waters went as I wasn't finished with being pregnant.

My little dude has only just started being put down to sleep this week, I think he was just too small to start with. At night we mix it up a bit, sometimes he will go in his basket (which has one of my worn nighties as a sheet). We also use the dream sheep and the first couple of weeks the radio on low too. I tried the hot water bottle on the sheet to make it warm, which did work a little bit. He mainly sleeps on a fleece square on our bed though, I find this easier to do night feeds as we don't have to get up for the first boob, I just roll him on. He isn't that keen on sleeping on his back either, so I tend to put him on his side. Got to dash for a feed but will finish this later!
Ffs I hate that previous thread link so annoying on a phone!

Anya just had her first practice at laughing in her sleep and woke herself up it was really cute. Can't wait to hear her laugh and her voice!
I'm lucky she's such a good sleeper I find she goes off to sleep best on her side usually on my chest then it's easier to me her to her basket. We have succeeded in getting her to sleep in the basket but that's purely down to the fact our basket is on a rocking stand. Couldn't gave done it otherwise. Wish it otherwise had though of a rocking stand sith ny son!
I've only got a basket with a rocking stand at the moment. I hope that'll be ok.
I keep having what I can only assume are contractions overnight which wake me up through the night (along with the 7-10 wee trips a night) but then it all stops as soon as I get up. So I'm not even allowed to sleep now but nothing ever kicks off? I love feeling my baby move in my tummy but my God I do not enjoy being pregnant!

If I go the whole two weeks overdue and it comes to induction, can you ask for a cesarean rather than induction? I just can't get my head around it but I'd rather have an elective than an emergency. Xx
Weigh day for Eleanor today.

Fingers crossed that she's had a good gain!

Hope things get moving for you betty. I don't think you can ask for c section when being overdue. I could be wrong though.
Good luck Emily. Has anyone heard from health visitor yet? I have obv been discharged from midwife but they said would soon hear from health visitor, I am assuming she should be weighed regularly? Xx
I've only got a basket with a rocking stand at the moment. I hope that'll be ok.

I've only got a rocking one too. It's got "brakes" on though

I hope it's starting Betty I had that about 3 or 4 days before it all kicked off!

Good luck Eleanor!!
Hope things get moving for you betty. I don't think you can ask for c section when being overdue. I could be wrong though.
Good luck Emily. Has anyone heard from health visitor yet? I have obv been discharged from midwife but they said would soon hear from health visitor, I am assuming she should be weighed regularly? Xx

I had my HV 2 days after my last MW. So on day 12. They told me to weigh her once a month at clinic starting in 2 weeks time so day 26 or so? My HV is from my doc so maybe call them and see?
Morning ladies. So iv not been on for a while now I'm just so busy I don't get chance. Any way iv come on for a rant about my OH so apparently all I do is sit on my arse all day.. I'm fuming Teddy will be 5 weeks old on Tuesday and my OH hasn't once offered to do 1 night feed bearing in mind I have 3 other children to my ex husband so I have them to do everything for also. I'm totally knackered. Teddy isn't the easiest of babies at all and is a night mare at night my mum offered to have him over night to give me a break and a full nights sleep when I mentioned it to OH he was like oh no I don't want him sleeping out in not ready for that... pffffft u might not b but I'm a walking zombie right now. Last night he sat there and drank 10 cans of fosters then slept on the sofa and because I'm in a mood about it this morning he's kicked off saying not everything is on your watch my reply was no it's on the babies. We had a BBQ and needed stuff for it from asda he wanted us all to go when the temp was 27oC seriously it only takes one of us to go to asda not two adults and 3 children and a baby in so angry that he has the cheek to say I sit on my arse all day... he's not once made up a bottle for teddy not once washed and sterilized teddys bottles not once washed his clothes etc . Sorry for the rant just so mad needed to get it off my chest xxx
I'm sorry to hear that becsybabe, he sounds like he is being quite insensitive. Why doesn't he do anything like a night feed? My oh isn't going to help whilst we are in the newborn stage but we've agreed it's my job because he goes out to work and pays the rent for the next few months, so at least we have a compromise. That's a lot of fosters to be drinking of a night too :/ sometimes I write my oh a list of everything I do in a day whilst he is at work so he can see I've been busy, it may sound a bit petty but I like him to know how busy I've been too so he doesn't think things like that xx
Becsy he sounds like an arse! Is this his first child,does he not realise he will need to step up? I think I would start telling him he needs to put the laundry on, or hold, feed, change the baby. If he doesn't want teddy going to your mums to give you a break tell him tonight is his shift so you can sleep.

My oh works long hours but still manages to help when he can. He will play with him at night and if I'm having a bad night will take him downstairs at 5 am until he goes to work for me to have a sleep.
Lisey we have seen the health visitor a few times already, once before the birth and twice since for him to be weighed. She is coming again when he is 6 weeks old for his next weigh in.
He's had a month off work and only went back this week so he doesn't have the excuse of he's going out to work to pay the bills etc. he doesn't live here ATM he just stays over each night so it's me that's paying the bills my mortgage etc. he will change teddys bum and feed him but I have to make the feeds up etc.
I'm that way out today because I'm tired. Yes it's his first baby. But he's 36 years old so surely he's old enough to understand how hard it is and it's not just sitting on your arse all day long xx

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