I have tried to respond a couple of times to this thread and failed due to a small but very clingy person who occupies one or both hands 90% of the time.
I too had the mindset of B feeding and thought possibly naively it would be the easiest and most natural thing in the world to do. I was wrong, perhaps having a section meant we did not get the best of starts as milk took 3-4 days to come in, to being chastised by the midwives whilst in hospital for trying both methods (but when I had no milk I needed to feed her something!!). To coming home and having her constantly looking for food and never appearing satisfied and consequently not having sufficient rest periods between feeds (I was averaging 1-2 hours sleep every 24 hours). Feeling awkward and causing her more stress trying to get her to latch on when she was already worked up.....I then decided to move onto formula. I found it upsetting

However despite now being reassured as to exactly how much she is getting I am now getting a whole new set of problems, she gets trapped wind, I am almost battering her after every feed to try and shift it but I cant seem to get it to come up. She is still hungry and will take 4 oz but over the 2 hour period then will sleep.....eventually (the other issue) for an hour prior to wanting more. Her nappy changes are frequent for urine, not so for faeces which I have been told is normal but still a concern given the amount going in.
the sleep situation...... she will not sleep in her crib/basket, I will sit for ages till I am sure she is in a deep sleep then I attempt to transfer her, she will then come to within 5-6 mins and the whole feeding/settling cycle repeats. I have taken to sleeping on the reclining sofa downstairs and have latterly started to drop off for a few hours with her on me which I find very worrying as I know what could happen but I am exhausted and really not sure what else I can do.
I wonder about colic drops if that may help. Have tried to get out of house the past 3 days just to get some air and hopefully supermarket shopping....but we have failed. Oh and she is still jaundiced so the visiting midwife today has said we need to go back to the hospital for more tests etc, but not till Tuesday.
Sorry to appear to be on such a downer I am honestly chuffed to bits with her but wondered if any of you had any more tips of words of wisdom as I am feeling at a loss.
I am also mourning the loss of my bump!! After all the morning sickness and discomfort, strange but I am quite envious of pregnant people now.