May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Aw, congratulations Rachel - adorable. And over 10lbs! I agree, the c section was probably the best exit for Harper!
Oh my God, can I please have this baby already?! This is what my tummy looks like when it sticking it's bum out! I'm seriously worried about the size of it! Or maybe it just has a big bum like it's mummy!!! Xx


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I had big bum bits like that and she was "only" 7lb 5. Hope yours isn't too big. Rachels 10lber sounds painful I would be glad of the sunroof delivery!
I'm reassured to hear of your big bum bits! Did your bump go really hard in the last week or two like the baby has completely run out of room? It's almost like a constant braxton hicks. Xx
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Aye! It went really tight in the last 2 weeks is where I got my stretch marks. Had nothing for the other 8.5 months!
Oh no! I've got no stretch marks at the moment. You only went a couple of days over or something didn't you? I just feel like crying today, I know it's not even my due date til tomorrow but I've really had enough! The heat has finally gotten to me and I don't want to do anything other than eat cake, slob around and cry! Midgets are not good baby carriers! Xx
Looks normal to me Betty. I get those weird lopsided moments. Sometimes he's all over to the left side and the right goes flat. Sometimes my belly looks square!
3 days over but I did t have any marks at 37 weeks for sure! The heat is not good when pregnant! Hope it's not too long for you!
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Congrats Rachel. She's adorable.

I had a tight belly for a couple of weeks as well, although I was induced. I almost got away mark free, no stretch marks, but then came the emcs.

I read updates often, but having a free hand is near on impossible. Since the heat hit he's been attached to me. Occasionally I get lucky and can put him on my dw whilst he's sleeping, but it's hard to get him to stay asleep in his crib right now. He's feeding all the time too, well drinking and feeding. Seems that in the heat babies will feed more frequently but a good portion is just the very liquid part to hydrate and not the the hind milk.

Very tired at the moment. It's hot and it's draining not being able to put him down. All the advice to sleep when he sleeps is useless as he's sleeping on me. Unless my dw is around to keep an eye on us, I don't like sleeping with him on my chest.
I'm with you on the one hand thing! And the sleep thing. Was getting worried that anya wasn't feeding for long enough again as she was only feeding for a few minutes at a time when I found a great website that helps exo lain about milk production and pumping. I had to pump earlier than normal today as I felt so full

This may help Emily who I know struggles with our ping and is a bit nervous of it due to past experiences.
Your emotional state. If you feel upset, stressed, or angry when you sit down to pump, this releases adrenaline into your bloodstream, which inhibits your milk flow. If you’re feeling negative and aren’t pumping as much milk as usual, take a break and pump later, when you’re feeling calmer and more relaxed.

It's also put my mind at rest telling me I have a larger than normal storeroom of milk.
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Yes, you need your oxytocin levels up! This is out of the booklet I mentioned yesterday. Could be a useful chart.

Can you read that ok? Might have to photo in better light tomorrow.
It's weird I can read it better on the forum than it can when you click on to make it bigger! That's helpful though!
Due date today. Still nothing. We haven't heard from Leigh in a while, I was thinking about her last night hope she's enjoying motherhood :) xx
I hope she's OK too. I'm sure she's just busy with newborn cuddles. As you two will be soon. X
I'm kind of freaking out about this sweep later. Please forgive me for being totally naive but do they have to get their whole hand up there? For example to tell if you are three or four cms dilated they have to use three or four fingers? I don't even let my oh do things like that :/ xx
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Happy EDD Betty! Nothing much happening here. My belly was quite hard yesterday though. Not painful. And this morning it felt like baby was a bit lower down.

I'm feeling emotional today. It would have been our one year anniversary. Instead, I'm cleaning the flat I'll be living in alone, with baby. At least I have time to do some of this before he arrives.
Nor their whole hand no. Just two fingers mine was they have to go quote high up though if your cervix hasn't dropped it can be quite uncomfortable but mine was only painful on the unsuccessful one as she was trying to basically force me open but that's optional.

You've probably already had it by now though so you know!
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Hahahahaha! Yep I found out! Just two fingers!!! It was completely unsuccessful and I couldn't be more closed if I tried. Now I feel awful. I'm going to go two weeks overdue, get induced only to find this baby is too big for me to birth naturally and end up with a cesarean, the exact birth I am terrified of and don't want. Sigh. Xx

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