May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Good to hear that Emily x x brill uo hear you have a plan snd good to know baby is better at getting milk from you than gadgetry and adults!

I've just witnessed anya flutter her foot so fast it explains some of the weird movementstuff I felt in the womb.

Kabuki thats good hubby is so insulation in all don't want her to get too close. I half joked I'm going to make hubby drink my milk to get my immune system in him instead of his own he's always ill!

Still gutted about last night's events I'm just holding my family a bit tighter tonight (except maybe hubby ill hug him when he's less sweaty cough and sneezey!)

Loving my bf pillow it's like a third arm when anya wants a nap on the boob
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Oh Ery, that is so sad to hear about your friend's brother. I'm from Stoke on Trent originally, which isn't far away and I'm just hoping I don't see anyone I know added to the list.
My hubby is due to go to the championship playoffs at wembley on Monday and I'm a bit worried about him going to such a major event at the moment.

Emily, I'm glad you're a bit happier about your feeding situation.

It's so warm at the moment. Etty has a heat/sweat rash in her neck and it looks so much worse in this weather.

Etty's doing really well. She was the same as her birth weight at the 5 day check and the HV has been today, she put on 13oz in the last 6 days!

Good luck to Dovekie and Betty. Hope you are not waiting too long.
I wonder how Rachel is getting on.
Not good news for my highschool friends brother I'm afraid x thoughts to his family x :angel2: :cry:

So sorry that's so sad :( such a scary world with such evil in it! I look at Leora and think I hope things get better! Scary bringing kids into this world sometimes x
Oh Ery, that is so sad to hear about your friend's brother. I'm from Stoke on Trent originally, which isn't far away and I'm just hoping I don't see anyone I know added to the list.
My hubby is due to go to the championship playoffs at wembley on Monday and I'm a bit worried about him going to such a major event at the moment.

Emily, I'm glad you're a bit happier about your feeding situation.

It's so warm at the moment. Etty has a heat/sweat rash in her neck and it looks so much worse in this weather.

Etty's doing really well. She was the same as her birth weight at the 5 day check and the HV has been today, she put on 13oz in the last 6 days!

Good luck to Dovekie and Betty. Hope you are not waiting too long.
I wonder how Rachel is getting on.

Wow 13oz's in 6 days is amazing :) well done you x
I am glad u r feeling happier with feeding Emily x

Leora cluster feeds during growth spurts, check out the app wonder weeks, it tells u all the milestones and expected growth spurts etc x

Good luck Betty, dovekie and Rachel xx
I've asked my husband to put the wonder weeks book on my ereader, as soon as he has done it I'll have a look.

Anyone with dissolvable stitches out there? Wondering when they are supposed to dissolve? I've stopped bleeding but the two knots of the stitches are still clearly there and attached.
I've got stitches but I can't for the life of me remember how long she said it would be before they dissolved! I had the gas and air for my stitches so that part I was less aware of! Lol!

Harper Rae is here! She was delivered yesterday (24th) by c-section, weighing 10lbs 1oz! My pain was getting unbearable even with gas and air and being in the birthing pool, so I elected to have an epidural. They combined this with a hormone drip because when my waters went on Tuesday, they were green and baby had done a little poop so they didn't want her to take too long to come. After what seemed like forever I had progressed to 6cm but no further and the doctors gave me a choice of c-section or continuing with the drip. By this point I could barely keep my eyes open and hadn't really eaten much since last Thursday. I knew I wouldn't have the energy to push and am really glad I made that decision knowing now how big she is. She's absolutely amazing and I'm so in love!!


Aww Rachel, she is a beauty, congrats xx

I am reading this thread lots but not able to post much as often only have one hand free. Baby loves to be held!! Xx
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She is beautiful well done you. I wish I had a section over the drip! What a lovely name too gorgeous!

As for the stitches they didn't tell me but they said at least 2 weeks but could be longer if if recall.
Aww Rachel, she is a beauty, congrats xx

I am reading this thread lots but not able to post much as often only have one hand free. Baby loves to be held!! Xx

Me too!! It's so hard one handed! R u struggling to eat your dinner one handed too!
Lol is it the 2:30am feed time?
Anya drank so much she tgrew up again. I don't know what to do I know she's doing it do it try to stop her but she doesn't understand and gets really upset.
I'm a professional at the one handed dinner! Lol!!

Sling library for me on Friday and then hopefully life will get a bit easier!

Hubby is back to work on Tuesday so I'll need to be able to get stuff done. Although yesterday I did manage to wash, peg out and bring in a load of washing! #winning

Aww Rachel, she is a beauty, congrats xx

I am reading this thread lots but not able to post much as often only have one hand free. Baby loves to be held!! Xx

Me too!! It's so hard one handed! R u struggling to eat your dinner one handed too!
I felt dead proud I managed to eat chicken Kiev waffles and sweetcorn one handed. Bless my husband he brought me a knife and fork l have a feeling it will be a long time before I get to use a knife again lol
Rachel she's gorgeous. Lovely name! Born on my due date! I can't believe her weight though :O
Our biggest may baby! Congratulations Rachel, you must be exhausted bless you :/ but look at your beautiful daughter! I reckon I'm in for a 10lber if I go two weeks overdue! Xx
Congratulations Rachel she is a sweetie!

I've taken to cutting all my food up first so I can then eat it one handed. My little man is 4 weeks old today! Cant believe it is going so fast. My stitches are still here 4 weeks on, I thought they would have gone by now and I did clearly check they were disolvable ones... we dtd this morning, first time in what feels like ages!

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