May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Hope they get good news very soon Ery. Cute little picture! It isn't that hot here yet but our house does get insanely hot upstairs in summer, as the dyson expert are the tower fans worth the money? At the moment we have a big normal fan but it sounds like a plane taking off and is like laying in a wind tunnel!
Betty, my pains felt better when I got up too. I've just had pains at the end of my walk. He's been really active today and have felt him hitting my cervix quite a few times, which isn't pleasant! Quite a few BHs today too. Nothing happening now though. Can't imagine he'll be out on his due date, but it is just an estimate. How are you tonight? X
We have one in our room it is quiet quiet I must admit. Its a very good seller and whilst it doesn't physically lower the temperature it does make you feel a lot better. Hubby is a better critic than me and he loves it. I'm a Yorkshire girl at heart so it is expensive and you can puc up cheaper very cooling fans for around £50 but I have swrval issues with them... 1. The blades they get so dirty and so hard to clean. 2. Coz they are hard to clean they send dust and pollen round the room agravating my allergies 3. The big motor on them behind the blades heats up the air after a while so the air feels warm (or maybe issues had a really crap fan lol) 4. The spinning blades and limited options give me bad headache's ivery not had headaches with the Dyson ones.
Basically you can get more powerful fans but they have more drawbacks too. The Dyson ones is a very good all rounder. (If you were going to go for it though I eould consider paying a bit extra for the purifier though if you are sensitive to that sort if thing)

I need to give me a dust down its still dusty from all the work we've had dobe recently!


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    2017-05-23 21.45.08.jpg
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Just lots of bh but I've been getting them for a couple of weeks now, pretty much most of the day. When I've had proper pains it's usually a few over a couple of hours from about 5am. I think I've been having cervix punches for quite a while now, initially I didn't know what it was! Xx
More nothing! Not even any of my now almost usual 5am pains. I've been quite stressed lately and I now worry I'm delaying labour because of it! I feel really needy and like I need a hug from oh but he is so busy on a work contract he hardly notices me at the moment. He was supposed to have finished this week but now says he has another two weeks left so if I do go into labour in the next two weeks I'll be on my own :/ so maybe that's delaying it too. I just wanted to spend some time just me and him before baby is here and feel loved...I think late pregnancy hormones have gotten to me! Xx
Rachel - I hope you're either having cuddles with your baby already or that induction goes smoothly for you today xx
Not good news for my highschool friends brother I'm afraid x thoughts to his family x :angel2: :cry:
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Betty that must be hard, I hope he finishes sooner and you get that time together. I wonder if you or dovekie will have due date babies as I don't think anyone has had one so far.

Rachel hope all has gone well and your little one is here!
What happened to him Ery? They've found him?

Due date today and nothing happening. No pains through the night. I'm just trying to chill - still time! My Mam wanted me to take the induction next week so that she doesn't miss her appointment with the DWP! I'm not arranging my birth around the DWP!
Happy Edd dovekie. Only take induction if it is right for you! Eryinera that's sad :( I would love a due date baby. I'll see what I can do! Xx
Does baby arrival run in families? I was one day late. My Mam was a few days early. Hmmm.
I was 2 weeks late so was my son I think if any had her way she would have been in there another 2 weeks too.
And yes dovekie they found his body last night x
Ery, so sorry to hear that.

My little one is doing some major cluster feeding. He's attached almost all day. And somehow I was still able to express 60ml in about 35 mins this morning for his night feed. If babies are more efficient on the breast, then he's getting a hell of a lot of breast milk.
Aw, that's terrible news. They must be devastated :( It's not looking good for those that are injured either. I think they found a young girl with no legs - how awful :(

Kabuk, I read cluster feeding coincides with a growth spurt, but I thought that would be around 3 weeks. I guess all babies feed differently! Did you read this? It's pretty good for breastfeeding info.

Anya has started to cluster feed too I got told they can do that when it's hot and they are thirsty too
Oh Ery that's so sad. The whole thing is just so tragic :-(

So, Eleanor has gained some weight. Not a huge amount but it's a gain! We've got a plan in place which is basically to feed her for 20 minutes from each boob and then top up making sure she has a total of 240-250mls in 24 hours but we can be a bit more flexible with how much she has at each top up. I've been advised to take Fenugreek supplements to try and help and to express what I can when I can.

I questioned how much formula a baby that was being 100% formula feed would be having and she said it would be about 90mls each feed. Eleanor has only been having 20mls of formula and still gained weight so she must be getting a good amount of breast milk from me! I'm feeling much better about our feeding situation having figured that out. We might never be able to stop the formula completely but I'm really happy that she's getting a good amount of milk from me and we'll just keep going while it works for us. I'm still only managing to express 2.5mls so I guess I'm just one of those ladies who can't express milk. It's been so disheartening to see so little come out when I express but I guess my boobs will only give it up for bubs!

Emily I'm so so glad to hear things are going well and you sound much happier. Xx
Rachel - if you are still going and not in established labour yet. First of all it sounds like it's really uncomfortable for you and I hope things start to ramp up soon.
I went into labour after I was losing plug all day, so that's a good sign.
A midwife friend once showed me an article that says paracetamol can slow down labour in the early stages which is leading to more women having extended labours. Probably a bit late to mention it now but you could consider not taking it. (if you have been)

Also, being induced when you are so many days overdue should be easier than an induction on your due date. So if it comes to that tomorrow I hope it doesn't take too long.

Interesting. I've been reading about gas and air slowing down labour and did wonder about paracetamol. I'll try to avoid it if I can. Gonna be tough!
Thanks, dovekie, I'll have a look at that.

Ery, I was thinking it might be the heat. I know my water intake has gone up even more these last 2 days with the higher temps. The egg is showing the temp in the living room in the mid 20s most of the day as long as I have windows open. At one point it said it was 30.

He's finally getting a good sleep. He's sleeping on his mem as she plays her video game. It's giving me some me time without a radiator lying on me in this heat. 1.5 hrs and counting.

Emily, glad to hear things are going well and that you've found a feeding combo that works.
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