May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Nikki what a cutie :) overdue induction is 42 weeks here as well. Dovekie can you still have a waterbirth if you refuse induction then? I assume you're having a waterbirth at the hospital, do they have a cut off? Rachel I can't believe you're still going! You poor thing :( xx
Induction is 41 weeks here, which I think is a bit early. As far as I'm aware, you have to be between 37-42 weeks to have a waterbirth, otherwise baby needs constant monitoring. I'm not sure what's more important to me! He pops out naturally past 42 weeks or I get induction plus waterbirth. Obviously, the ideal is to go into labour naturally within the time frame.
Congrats v1ck1! You'll have to update when you have a name. We struggled for a boy's name, too. Had a list of 25+ and then started to narrow things down using meaning and numerology. We think his name really suits him. By the time I went in for induction, we were pretty sure of the first name, but the middle name was initially our second choice, but it really fits him. Good luck with selecting a name.

Nikki, glad things are going well and you're recovery nicely. She is beautiful.

Rachel, I really hope things start to progress for you. That really does sound awful.

Thanks for the advice ladies. The nipple cream is starting to work its magic. As for swaddling him, we do, but we have to leave his hands out. He hates having his hand constrained. He did manage 2 feeds today of breast only, which is a first. Then the last feed was 20 mins one boob, sleep and hour, 20 mins the other boob, sleep an hour, 60ml formula top up, wide awake and chilling in his bouncer. It's so hard to tell when he's actually hungry as he finds sucking very soothing. I do the brush the cheek and see if her moves his mouth towards it. He's already using a soother as he gets frustrated when he can't get his thumb in his mouth. It really is, let me suckle on anything please. We are being very careful with the soother as we need to know when he just wants to suckle vs when he actually wants food.

Yesterday was a bit much. 8 days post-emcs and was getting cabin fever after spending 8 days in hospital an then stuck inside at home. Decided to go to costa around the corner and turned out to be a mistake. The pain came rushing back last night and he had to have formula feeds only as I couldn't manage to have him on me to breastfeed, nor could I move and pick him up, so my dw had to do the feeds at night. I felt too awful to even express. Still wasn't great this morning. Managing better now, but I've been on ultra light duty today.

I spoke with the support worker who rang to check on Aidan's jaundice and me and she seemed to think Paracetamol with codeine would be okay with breastfeeding. I've seen mixed things about this. I know in hospital I was given cocodamol and morphine whilst breastfeeding. Am I being paranoid. It's only 16mg per dose. Has anyone been given pain relief like this post-csection whilst breastfeeding? I took one dose and then second dose was just paracetamol, but there is a difference in the level of pain that is reduced.

The pain increase is bad enough that we've pushed our newborn photoshoot back a week to next Tuesday. There is no way that I could cope with getting there tomorrow. I'm still not sure what in the hell I'm going to wear for the family shot. I can't even entertain the thought of wearing jeans yet and I don't really own much else. I've been living in sweatpants. I don't even have yoga trousers to wear. I may have to try jeans and just change into them there for the photo and back into sweats after for comfort.

Hope everyone who's given birth is adjusting well and enjoying their newest family members. I still can't stop watching him. Good luck to all who are still waiting. I hope to see announcements soon. Hang in there.
Induction is 41 weeks here, which I think is a bit early. As far as I'm aware, you have to be between 37-42 weeks to have a waterbirth, otherwise baby needs constant monitoring. I'm not sure what's more important to me! He pops out naturally past 42 weeks or I get induction plus waterbirth. Obviously, the ideal is to go into labour naturally within the time frame.

Can you still have a water birth with induction? During induction both you and the baby will be monitored, so you have to be in hospital. I was in the antenatal clinic for this. I was then moved to the labour ward once my waters broke where we were both monitored. You may want to double check with your mw on this. Because if the water birth isn't an option with induction, then that can help you make your decision. Induction can be really long and it's uncomfortable. I'm not sure I'd want to go through that again, but it is different for everyone. My cervix was high and posterior, so every exam was extremely painful. I think if I were to have another baby, I'd probably go for a planned c-section if there was any chance of not having a natural birth. I wouldn't want another induction or emcs.
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Kabuk, that's something I'm not sure about. I don't know if it differs from one area to another, but like you say, you need constant monitoring. I'm not keen on induction because it's not natural, which means it will hurt more and probably take longer. Although I have read about relatively straightforward inductions on here. Yours wasn't, unfortunately, and didn't sound very pleasant at all.
Wow Rachel poor you! A lot of us seem to be having less than straight forward births! !!! Good luck to those still waiting x kabuki I know that feeling I overdid it going out 3 days past birth can't imagine the cabin fever of 8days!

I made a huge mistake of wearing a bralet type thing today designed for breastfeeding but not for my huge chest at the moment and it made one booby a bit blocked so me snd Anya had a real fight snd my left nipped is now well and truly chewed! So sore partly coz she kept scratching at them ouch!
For me, I opted to accept induction but then I had polyhydramnios, which could cause problems, and a baby that could've been significantly bigger had I gone 2 weeks overdue. I couldn't imagine sitting here still pregnant.

Ery, that sounds awful, painful.

My little guy is being a cheeky monkey today. He hasn't had a solid sleep off me since this morning. Last 2 feeds was boob, sleep switch and then wake up as he's being put down. He's yawning like crazy but not sleeping. And
Yea it's still sore now :???: thing is her feeding habits today and yesterday have screwed my milk production. I'm supposed to be waking her now for a feed but she fed the most she ha done before bed since spice was born so she ain't ready to wake up for a good while yet.

What really hurts is the pain in my pelvis I get every night it's ridiculous! What the heck causes me to be in spite much pin in can't get up of move my legs but just when in inmn bed at night?
Ery why don't you go see your gp about the pain in your pelvis?

Well last night's feeding didn't go to plan! Hubby brought her up to me at some point, I think it was about 11.30? My memory is so bad though I can't really remember. Anyway I just started bf her and fell asleep! Woke up and she came off boob so popped her on the other one and then topped up with formula. By then it's like 1.30 so goodness knows how long I was asleep for!! Supposed to feed her every three hours from the start of the last feed so she should have eaten again at around 2.30 I think but she's only just woken up now!!

Don't get me wrong I've had a lovely and obviously much needed sleep but it does mean we'll struggle to get our 8-12 feeds in 24 hours as so far we're only on two!

Anyone else enjoying the delights of post partum night sweats??

I've been awake since 4 with regular BH and a pain low down in my groin, below the belly bulge. Paracetamol didn't seem to shift it. Feeling sick now. 1 day to go.
Hmmm Dovekie sounds like something might be happening!!

My contractions I felt at the bottom of my bump rather than ask through it!


Yes that's how mine started too dovekie!
And yes Emily thoughroughly loving the night sweats !!!

The mw looked at me and said everything was fine a few days ago I have another mw today. Next time I go pee ill dip a stick and see if there's any protein etc in my wee or anything that may suggest any protein uti. I may just be bruised from the cathater? I kinda said you myself my bruise on my hand is still sore then smny internal bruise is probably the same. If it still hurts after that then there is maybe a problem?

Also after my son I got diagnosed with ibs and only went no 2 once a week since Anya I've been once every 2-3 days wonder if I've been fixed lmao.
Hubby has a cold is there anything we should be cautious about?
Ery, I hope you figure the pain out. I've battled off and on with constipation and wind since he was born, but I'm also on iron tablets as I lost 1.5 litres of blood during the c-section. As for the cold, the one thing that is recommended is for him to not kiss the baby below the head. There isn't much else you can do.

Dovekie, that's how mine started (of course I was being induced). I didn't feel them through out my stomach until after my waters broke. Before that, it was all lower back and pelvis area.

Had to read up on the feeding habits of babies. My lo was attached to me all day yesterday. Whilst they say 8-12 feeds, they also say you should feed them when hungry in the first 6 weeks. Apparently they cluster feed from time to time and I think yesterday was a cluster feed day. At least I know it's normal. I was so worried as it was a weird day of lots of eating with small naps and long periods of being awake (very content during these times). I was so knackered by the end of the day. I had to have my dw do a formula only feed for 4am as I couldn't function anymore. I didn't mind doing this too much as he barely has formula yesterday. But I couldn't even think about expressing. I need to start expressing for that feed though so she has some breastmilk to give him.
Any fed almost constantly for 3 hrs 10-1 but only had small feeds like 2 min's fie the rest if the day. Good news is my nippke is back to normal after our fight yesterday. No more bras for me. They hurt too much dunno what to do about the leaking though if I have to go out :???:

I need to express now as well I've got my taps back lol I have to have a drip container under one boob as I feed from the other. I half think my body thinks I've had twins. With my really high hcg level at 6 weeks and this over production of milk. Im wondering if my folic acid either made me have 2 eggs released but only one took hold!
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I think it's just awful what happened last night. So sad. Makes me upset thinking what a world my baby girl has been born into.


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