May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

My post disappeared! Boys names are hard. We have one but I don't want to confirm it until he's born.

Did you ladies get piles during pregnancy? I have them and I'm worried they'll do something weird at the birth!
Yeah I had them really badly after I had an episode of really bass constipation and took 40 minutes struggling to open my bowels. They went down before birth although not gone completely but they're back again. I'd recommend taking fybogel if you are struggling to open your bowels as straining will only make them worse. Mine were so bad I couldn't sit down all day and I was googling to see if I'd still be able to give birth naturally without turning inside out!! Lmao!!

Congratulations v1ck1!

I was having regular pains for about an hour this morning, they got painful enough for me to get out of bed and then stopped. I'm feeling really frustrated and was reading on another forum of a lady whose baby passed away shortly after birth recently, now my anxiety is through the roof :/ xx
Awww Betty that's awful x if your concerned phone triage and see if they can monitor you for a bit they my even offer a sweep x
I've got midwife tomorrow so unless baby decides to have a quiet day I'll wait to see her. I just can't imagine having a healthy happy baby at the end of this. It seems like it's been too many years in the making and I've gone through too much to get here I suppose I can't believe it's real. I'm sure you've all individually said the same thing recently! It seems to be how late pregnancy makes women feel! I feel like I'm being punished for past mistakes I've made in life, this baby never has really moved very much and I lay awake some nights wondering if there is something wrong. I really have to stop myself some days from having a proper meltdown about it all. I guess I'm just having one of those days xx
I'm taking lactulose Emily. Horrible stuff! The constipation just started again recently. I was getting quite regular!

Betty, it's normal to worry, but it'll be fine. Have you felt plenty of movements? I was getting BH when I woke up this morning, some of them low down. I ususally just get them high up. Nothing else happening here. I'm getting bored!
Oo congratulations Vicki I'll update front later. Yes I think we all at rugged at the start and ends of our pregnancy probably because not many of us have had straight forward pregnancies in the past! However it just means we knowill more than most how precious our bundles are!
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I feel most movements if I lie on my right side. I think his legs are over to the left, so I see them stick out more when my belly is leaning to the right.

I think the June mummys will get going before I will!
I've never really felt plenty of movements. It did reach a peak at around 28 weeks but has been tailing off ever since. I do get bouts of movements sometimes and can be quite painful, but it's usual for me to feel a swish, and that's it for 2-3 hours then a little prod then nothing for hours and so on. I have read some women just either don't feel it as much as others or have 'lazy' babies. I average about 10 movements a day, not even sessions just movements, and if it goes below that I go in for monitoring, which is always fine! They used to say to lay down and count movements and if you feel less than 10 in 2 hours to go in. If I did that I would have spent the whole pregnancy in hospital! I know that's no longer the advice but it has made me worried. I almost wish I had no Internet whilst being pregnant! But then I wouldn't have found this forum!!! Xx
I also used to get movements at night when I woke up for the toilet and for about the last 2 months that also slowed down and then stopped altogether. Considering I'm up at least once an hour for the toilet I should have noticed. Then it doesn't move until well into the morning. I know they say that movements aren't supposed to slow or reduce towards the end of pregnancy but mine definitely have. I've been monitored and had scans and there's nothing wrong that they can detect and I've even been told by midwives that some babies do slow down towards the end, despite the advice.

Sorry everyone! I'm really stressed today :/ I obviously don't want another episode of reduced movement and I want baby to be fine, but a little part of me almost wants that to happen so I can go and get induced on Friday. I was terrified of emcs until recently, but now I think I'm just more terrified of losing this baby so I no longer care how it comes out I just need it here! Xx
It's probably just normal for you, as you say. My mam is surpised by my movements. She said she can't remember anything like that, apart from one occasion where my foot poked out in the bath! Your baby is probably just chilled and quiet - like I was!

I get this one moving when I rub oil on my belly too - not sure if you've tried that?
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I've tried everything. I've read so much stuff about how baby is supposed to respond to light, sound, touch, our voices. Mine doesn't do any of that. If this baby this turns out to be OK then I've spent pretty much this whole pregnancy worried because of online advice! Xx
ive been so busy the last few days havent had a chance to catch up. im alot better now 11 days after my section. still a bit tender but nearly back to normal! cant believe aria will be 2 weeks old on thursday! here are a couple of pics. been getting out and about quite a bit. hows everyone else?


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Congratulations V1ck1!

Betty I felt the same way, it is so difficult to imagine a baby at the end isn't it. I was still finding it hard to believe even after he was here! It has sank in a bit now but still seems a bit surreal even at over 3 weeks old. Hopefully you and Dovekie will be holding your little ones very soon :)
I bought a swing. He seems to quite like it, I've not put him in for very long but little and often seems to work for us at the moment. I had to search about a lot to find one that is small enough for him not to flop about in, that is the problem with his bouncer he just isn't big enough for it just yet.

My aunt bought him some 9-12 month clothes, they are huge and I can't imagine him being big enough to fill them!
Hmm, just saw midwife and have refused my 41 week induction on 31st. I really want to start naturally, but I also want a waterbirth. Difficult to know what to do really.
So strange how policies vary so much in different places! They don't offer induction till 42 weeks where I am.

Glad he likes the swing snowbee :)

Nikki she's gorgeous :)

Congrats v1ck1!

Hope you aren't waiting too much longer betty. All the aches and pains if pregnancy will soon be forgotten when you have baby in your arms xx
Still having strong contractions every 10 mins or so (this has been going on since Thursday now) and I'm shattered and in so much pain. I can't lie down in bed so am spending long nights semi sat up on the settee. Saw my MW this morning and I've been booked in for induction on Weds morning. I just want it to be Weds now. Also lost my mucous plug this morning.

Aw Rachel that sounds awful :( it does sound like it's doing something though even if its very slowly so hopefully induction will work well if it comes to that! Xx

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