May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Congrats MrsLM, glad the birth was a really positive experience, especially after all the stress you had with reduced movements.

Congrats Ery. Happy anniversary.
Ty both x
Boys I've noticed tend to be boob monsters. My son was always on them often using them as a dummy more than anything. Lavisol or something do a fantastic nipper cream that helps kabuki cold lettuce leaves can help reduce some pain too. But most important is just ensuring the latch is right. It can get sire when they are feeding so much I remember the cracked dry nipples with my son well! I also got told with him I was overfeeding him and had to wait a certain time between feeds but I would only do that upon guidance from a pediatrician. Basically my son had gastric reflux and found comfort in food going down and would literally drink until he was sick and repeat. For that reason he lost weight and needed medication and weaning at 3 months. But I think that's extreme lol. He was projectile vomiting several feet away after nearly every feed!
Lasinoh nipple cream kabuk, it's awesome stuff! Apply it all the time, you don't need to wash it off before feeding either xx
Aww, kabuk, he's so gorgeous.

I'm thinking of declining my sweep, if he's not out on the due date. I just want as little intervention as possible. Every date this week has some sort of meaning. The weirdest one is probably the 26th as that would have been our one year annoversary, if we were still together.
Aww, kabuk, he's so gorgeous.

I'm thinking of declining my sweep, if he's not out on the due date. I just want as little intervention as possible. Every date this week has some sort of meaning. The weirdest one is probably the 26th as that would have been our one year annoversary, if we were still together.
I declined my sweep on the 11th as my nan died on the 10th and I wanted to know qhatcqas happening r.e. funeral but she decided she was coming like it or not. Lol I hope your not waiting too long. Hubby is just relieved were back home in time for twin peaks tomorrow lol hwas glad he didn't have to miss the birth to watch his show :rofl: (jk)
Happy anniversary Ery!

Kabuk he is lovely :)

Missy I can't believe your little man is in 0-3 already! Mine is now in newborn, he out grew tiny baby at just over two weeks but I'm glad I got the tiny size in the sales as initially the newborn drowned him and he looked ridiculous! He is getting long though, so I suspect he will be in 0-1 month soon.
Thanks. That's quite helpful. Order some and it arrived today. Will start using it. Good news is that he latched today without the shield. But he does this thing where he pulls away and then can get frantic when trying to latch again. He gets so frantic after about 45-60 minutes that I can't get him to latch again.

How do you know if you're overfeeding? I don't think I am. He settles and sleeps after the top up, but I wish I could eliminate the top up and just have him breastfeed. But It's hard. Even when he unlatches himself and sleeps, as soon as I move him, he gets frantic and gets all ******* when searching and I have yet to find a way to calm him so he can reattach. Maybe I can try a soother for a minute to calm and then have him try again.

Finally, a pic with his eyes open.


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Our main indicator was the constant projectile vomit!

*edit* my son did have GER (gastric something reflux)
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He's gorgeous kabuk. I'm glad you're home now. Happy anniversary eryinera. Dovekie, I want as little intervention as possible but at the same time I can hardly get around so each day I'm still pregnant is a chore and so I'm in two minds about everything. Also worried now about the size of baby compared to me. Last scan was at 37 weeks and the predicted weight was 7.5lbs and I'm tiny! They say they grow half a pound a week so it could be 8.5lbs by now. It looks it too. So I think I'm going to accept a sweep on Friday, even though after researching it doesn't look to be that successful in most cases :/ xx
Kabuk have you tried swaddling? My boy would probably feed all day if he wasn't swaddled.

I didn't really want a sweep but I was in a panic my sister would miss meeting him if I didn't have him asap and I'd tried all the old wives tales. I had 2 and the second did put me into labour but the evidence says they only really work if you're body is ready anyway so if you're not keen definitely decline!xx
Hi ladies I had my rainbow baby boy 💙 on Wednesday 17th may At 11.30am by planned csection weighing 7 pound 7 so in love ❤️ xx
Yea my 2nd put me in labour ish.... it ramped everything up but I was already 3cm
Betty, a few days ago the Bounty app said that whatever weight the baby was that day would be his final weight when born. I don't know if it meant providing he was born on his due date or not though. But, it meant he wouldn't grow any more...?

Congratulations Vicki! Have you got a name yet??
Boys names are difficult. I have a probable winner now, but I want to be sure before I confirm.

Ladies.... piles. I seem to have them now. Will labour make them worse??
Congratulations to the ladies who have had their babies!

Hope those of you that are left aren't kept waiting too long.

Feeding is still a work in progress for us. We're topping up after every feed at the moment to try and get her weight up but I'm hoping I won't have to top up after every feed indefinitely but we'll see.

I took her out to my dog club's show today so I could introduce her to everyone and show her off a bit. We did our first public bf too which was all good.

Oh and expressing wise I've managed 2 sessions today and got 2 1\2 ml by hand. I might try a session overnight when my hormones will be a bit higher and see if I can get anymore than 2 1\2mls.

She's just had a top up and is snuggled up with hubby so I'll be away to bed soon to get a few hours before the night shift!


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