May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Yep, me too! I'd been having contractions sporadically throughout the night!

Had no idea we'd be in for such a crazy day!!

Last night my sweet girl has been sooooo good! She's fed and fallen asleep and I've been able to put her in her crib and there she's stayed until she's hungry again! It's been lovely to have the bed to myself and to actually be able to pull the duvet up properly and get some decent sleep. Hubby is downstairs still on the pullout (can currently hear him snoring) but it's working for us so all is good. No formula for her overnight either but I'm just praying the scales show she's gained weight! I'm not worried if it's masses or not, just as long as she gains.

Woo. On her 1week birthday we gave lost the umbilical cord! She's growing up!
So after thinking that everything was going so well, Eleanor has lost weight again :cry:

I'm absolutely fucking gutted and I can't stop crying.

This is the exact same issue as I had with Cam - the second I stopped top ups bubs loses weight. They wanted me to pump and top her up but I just can't do it. I just can't sit on the pumps and not get enough milk out for her. Then they were talking about taking domperidone again but I just can't do it all again, I just can't. My boobs just don't make enough milk to feed a baby no matter what I do. I couldn't feed her more if I tried - she's been feeding for at least 4 hours today already. My boobs have had so much stimulation to make more milk and yet she's still dropping weight.

I've sent hubby out to buy formula and I will just formula feed her. I can't go through this whole feeding issue again. I've got Cam to think of and I can't neglect him to sit and feed then top up then pump! He's only little and he needs his mummy too.

I'm devastated though. I so badly wanted to feed her myself.

Emily, it's not necessarily the case that you're not producing enough. Like Ery said, to have gained in the first few days is amazing and might actually be an unrealistic figure to compare to. Most babies will have lost weight in the first 5 days and that's normal. There's no cause for concern unless they've lost 10% body weight in 5 days.
Like Snowbee said, her boy didn't get back to birth weight until 2 weeks.
It could be just that you've dropped the top ups and your supply is adjusting to produce those extra feeds.
Don't lose heart now, you're doing an amazing job. Try not to fear the worst.

If baby seems asleep on the boob but is fluttering she will be getting the fatty hind milk, so it's always best to wait until baby unlatches. Even if that is 30 mins.
I just don't know what to do for the best. She's dropped just over 10% now. For the last 48 hours she's only has 2 top ups and that's it. I love feeding her myself it just feels so right and so special. I just don't know if I can go through all the pumping etc again when I know deep down it'll fail.

Don't panic Emily, my midwife said they were happy for them to lose up to 12% before they would recommend trying something else, and as I said before it took 2 weeks for my little dude to get back to his birth weight and they were perfectly happy with that. If you want to ff then go for it and don't feel guilty but if you want to persist with bf then keep trying and see how it goes. Honestly they won't let her suffer, if they think she is losing too much they will say and help you try something else. How often are you getting visits and being weighed?
My friends just had her baby she was due June 2nd born today.
Just 3 more friends to go unfortunately the rest don't live too near me one in Wales one in Scotland lol
They have advised to top her up either with expressed milk or formula and she's next being seen on Monday.

After 1\2 hour pumping I managed a whole 2mls from my right breast! 2 bloody mls and that's it!

I really want to bf but I just don't think my body can do it :cry:

I just posted on your journal. But don't be disheartened hun. Make sure you're nice and relaxed. If this is the same pump you used with cam then maybe the pump is not the right fit for you. I make a decent amount of milk but the other night I got fed up of my pump coz it just wasn't working even though I knew I was feeling full and just wanted to feel comfy. The pump just wasn't working to get anything out hence amount by thing frantic 3am search on ebay for a different pump. Theno next day when I was calmer and more comfy and it wasn't as crucial I managed though get a decent amount out. You may find its easier at certain times due though when your prolactin surges etc.
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I hope you don't mind me jumping in. Emily, you can tell from your posts how much you have enjoyed breastfeeding and how much it means to you. If that's still the case, then keep going. You've made the first week, it'll get easier soon. I don't understand why pumping is recommended, your baby girl will be much better at getting milk from you than a pump. I hate pumps. I'd massively recommend seeing a breastfeeding support - midwives and health visitors are mostly pants at advice (I get that some are good). You should be able to track down support at a children's centre or nct or hospital. If your girl is happy and having wet nappies then give her longer. My baby was really slow to gain her birth weight - I reckon she was full of water and fluid when first weighed making her heavier! She had jaundice too but I stuck at breast feeding her and she got there. She soon even became pretty chubby. Please seek proper support if you want to carry on. All that said, nothing at all wrong with formula - still happy babies! Take care of yourself
Hi ladies! I haven't been on for ages but I have been reading and lurking. I ended up having a pretty pants pregnancy and was regularly in hospital from 33 weeks with reduced movement. The last few weeks of pregnancy were exhausting what with x3 weekly monitoring sessions, scans and consultant appointments where I kept being threatened with early induction for the RFM even though they could find no reason. I desperately wanted a natural water birth and luckily the consultants were on my side and happy to leave me to due date until inducing me. I was given a sweep at 39 weeks last Friday and on Sunday 14th got the labour I'd always wanted! Stayed at home until I was 6cm and then went to the MLU and used the pool for the rest of my labour. Amazing experience and the complete opposite to my first labour!
Our gorgeous girl Olivia was born weighing 7lb 11oz on 14.05.2017 and we are so in love :)
It's been so lovely reading all your posts and I'm so pleased all your babies are here safely :)
Will keep on lurking and dipping in but as you all know life is manic with a newborn and I bet once my husband goes back to work Tuesday it'll be even more insane going solo with a 3 year old and newborn haha xx
Aww congratulations hun x glad you got what you wanted in the end. Wish I had a water birth this time but I least I managed to experience it with my son x it really is magical!
Lovely name x
Giving hibby some quality time alone with Anya. My heart strings are being pulled. Lol
Congratulations mrslm :) another lovely may baby here!

We had a stressful afternoon and evening yesterday, little man just wouldn't settle at all and screamed for hours. He did eventually have a huge poop and then fed for over an hour before having a pretty good night, so hopefully all is well now and we won't get a repeat screaming session today.
Congratulations mrslm!

Sex and curry last night and....nothing :/ xx
MCompletely slipped my mind but it's me and my husbands 1yr wedding anniversary today :)

Our gift to each other will be a birth certificate seeing as 1yr is paper :)

Snowbee it must be hard having his first tough poop. Any was the most unsettled shed Bern since she was born this morn so I put her in this really pretty outfit with bambI on that I've been waiting to put her in and she projectile vomited all over it and me lol. Oh well that's why it brought a dryer lol. She can wear into tomorrow when I go sbd see my work friends!

Betty I hope your bunfle decide's to come soon!
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Once again, I need to catch up on everything on here. But first I'll write an update as it's all fresh in my mind. I'm thinking of starting to journal as well, just for me, my dw and my son. I want to share my thoughts and feelings on this journey and wish I would've started one right after the bfp.

We came home Thursday evening and it's been so much better, although it was like starting again. I hated that we couldn't come home sooner and spend some time with his grandparents, who were amazing throughout. They sorted out some house issues, made delicious meals and froze them and came to the hospital to be support and see their grandson. But it was all a rotation so very little complete family time.

I can't believe he's a week old already and that it's been 11 days since I went in to be induced. It's crazy how quickly that time has gone already. My hormones being all over the place aren't helping. The tears just come as I sit there and watch him move in his sleep. It makes be think back to him being inside and trying to figure out just what he was doing in there. The end of the pregnancy was tiring, but now I miss being pregnant, miss that special bond that only you have with the little baby growing inside you. I'm so happy to have him here and love every single cuddle, but I find myself getting nostalgic and balling my eyes out. And when those thoughts stop, my mind drifts the other way, crying because I know just how fast this year will go and the years to come and at some point, he won't be my little baby anymore. God I hate hormones.

My dw has been amazing, but I think she's taking too much pleasure in what these crazy hormones are making me do. I feel deeply, but I don't usually show it through tears, that's her. So she's enjoying this a bit- always ready to hand me a tissue and give me cuddles. Even though she is right here, I find myself missing her as well as we have to take shifts for part of the day to get sleep, but we are trying to take one of his naps as out cuddle time- whether to talk or just cuddle up to a film or just for company with a book each.

Feeding has been a little difficult too. After latching without a problem for the first few days, he started to become distressed and stopped latching. I was expressing whilst at the hospital and topping up with formula. When I got home I found the nipple shield, and he will take the breast with that, so that's good. I'm really enjoying breastfeeding, even though my nipples are starting to feel a bit sore (any tips on how to help with this?). However, we are still topping up with formula. He feeds for 40-60 mins every time, but it never seems to be enough. During one feed yesterday, I thought I'd try and put him back on the breast when he started fussing, but even though it took it and stayed on for about another 30-40 mins, he was still hungry after. Initially, all the signs of satisfaction they tell you to look for are there, but then when I go to move him, he gets so fussy and starts searching again. It's like I would have to keep him attached all day to keep him satisfied and quiet. He does tend to fall asleep towards the end of his feeding. If I didn't move him, I wonder if he would sleep? Not sure how much he gets from the breast, but we've had to increase our formula top ups from 40ml to 60ml.

He is so precious and I really could sit here and watch him all day. We've had to go through his close again as he is too big and long for anything newborn. The up to 1 month fits though, so that's good.

I finally have my feet, ankles and legs back. Swelling is finally gone! I'm recovering nicely. Still need to take some pain killers, but generally, getting around much better. However, I'm still sleeping on the couch as getting in and out of bed is still too painful- it's the rolling on my sides and then trying to sit up from flat position. Hopefully by the end of week 2 I'll be abel to move back in to the bedroom. For now it also works as it give my dw quiet to sleep whilst I manage feeds in the night.

Some nice weather out, so we just may take our first walk today and stop at a cafe. I do need to get out.

Attached a couple of pics: 1st night home, 1 week old and one of the onesies my sister sent. I can't wait until he fits those.


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Congratulations Mrslm! Glad you had the birth you wanted :)

Happy anniversary Ery :)

We've just been discharged from midwives this morning. They weighed Oli and he's put on 5oz already. He is literally always hungry! He's already in 0-3 month suits. Makes me kinda sad he's so massive as he won't seem like a baby for as long :( xx

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