May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Girls how many wet and dirty nappies are your babies having each day? I'm worried because Eleanor has only had two wet nappies today - one at about five this morning and one at about 10. She's been sleeping well today after feeds and seems content but maybe she's too sleepy rather than content iykwim?

I'm seeing the midwife tomorrow morning so I'll discuss it with her and get her weighed.

I think anya is on her 2nd or 3rd wet nappy but I know she does more near nighttime
I'm so loving bf her but I'm worried she's not getting enough as she's not having many wet nappies and she's not pooped since yesterday night.

Have you had her weighed Emily. That's usually a good indicator?

How much are people managing to do in the day? All I have managed is a walk with baby and dog and to take clothes off clothes horse and put in dryer!! Oh and put some washing away. I am so tired today and feel a bit emotional, I think I am putting pressure on myself and feel like I am not doing enough.
Sophie is quite demanding with her feeds and doesn't like to be put down until she is asleep xx
She was weighed yesterday and had gained but not very much and she's in to be weighed tomorrow.

I was going to go to a bf support group this morning but I missed it as I had to wait for a phone call from the doctor.

Latching is better I think, as it's not painful but I'm not sure if she's feeding efficiently and if I'm doing the right thing with how I'm feeding her. She always falls asleep on the breast and flutter feeds for ages and I do wherever possible just leave her there until she unlatches herself and then I offer the other breast too.

Most babies are down in weight still at 5 days so the fact she's gained is great Emily! Xx
In the bath and feel much more comfy here. Think I'll just stay here until I give birth, lol!

What have the hospital/midwives said Rachel? Are you still getting pains?
What happened to MrsLM? She used to come and go. I wonder if she's had her baby yet.
Good luck Rachel!

G is a wee and poop machine now he has got going. He didn't get through that many in the first week though. He got back to his birth weight at 2 weeks, which the midwife said was fairly normal.

I'm not doing much at all, he hates being put down so I basically hold him all day. I can squeeze in a bit of housework but that is about all. I did my horses today and he was asleep in the car, mostly I've just had to leave them out in the field though. He is so small and cute I don't really mind at the moment, especially as we waited so long for this and he may be our only one, so I'm making the most of it. My parents are coming to see him on Sunday, I think they feel left out living so far away.
Glad you're enjoying him Snowbee :) It's so nice to see all of you that have struggled, now happy with your little bundles of joy.
What have the hospital/midwives said Rachel? Are you still getting pains?

I am, but they're less frequent than yesterday/overnight. Still v painful though. The midwife I spoke to last night advised staying at home until contractions were closer than 5 mins apart/my waters break/ I can't take the pain anymore and feel like I need help with it. Thinking I could possibly be in slow labour.

Anya is down 3oz on day 6. I think you're doing a grand job. If it's not hurting the latch it sounds like your doing good. Most babies fall asleep on the beast and the flutter feeding is what stimulates you to make more milk. It all sounds perfect to me x
It's not uncommon for breastfeeding fed babies to go longer without pooping etc the beast milk creates less waste than formula. You will probably get a mega poop when she does go lol. Was the last poop yellow?
Good luck Rachel!

G is a wee and poop machine now he has got going. He didn't get through that many in the first week though. He got back to his birth weight at 2 weeks, which the midwife said was fairly normal.

I'm not doing much at all, he hates being put down so I basically hold him all day. I can squeeze in a bit of housework but that is about all. I did my horses today and he was asleep in the car, mostly I've just had to leave them out in the field though. He is so small and cute I don't really mind at the moment, especially as we waited so long for this and he may be our only one, so I'm making the most of it. My parents are coming to see him on Sunday, I think they feel left out living so far away.

My little one is the same, I don't mind either. Just wondered if I should be managing more. When she has been asleep a while in crib I want her awake for cuddles xx
Yea I'm doing hardly anything either my poor hubby is doing everything and more. Ive only recently been able to hrlp with nappy changes even.
I've been doing too much :/ hubby had to do a course for work yesterday so I had 4 kids to look after. Was a bit of a nightmare as my 3 year old played up massively all day buy luckily Oli was good as gold. I'm totally knackered today and needing a rest but there's also stuff needing done for us to move next month so I've been by myself most of today too so hubby can crack on with it all. Xx
Hubby has been doing pretty much everything round the house, getting Cam off to school, cooking tea etc.

I've just been chilling out and feeding my baby girl mostly! Will need to get back in the swing of things by the end of next week though as hubby goes back to work then.

Hopefully now that lil miss is filling up more from me and sleeping longer, I'll have more time to sort things. Hubby has been fab, he really has but safe to say we have different standards when it comes to the housework! Lol!

Since I posted last, she's had 2 more wet nappies and we're off to the midwife layer to get her weighed. Fingers crossed she's gained! The last 2 days she's only had one formula top up in the evening which hubby gives her while I go to bed for a couple of hours so she's 99% bf and I would be so happy and proud if she's gained and all through my milk!

Depending on what the scales say, I was debating about whether to try and express (shudder) milk so that hubby can give her that instead? I don't have a pump though but could try hand expressing and see how I go? I wonder if the hospital might have a pump I could try? If I was to hand express I'd have to do it straight into one of her bottles. Could I just use the same bottle for multiple expressing sessions throughout the day and basically just top it up as the day goes on or do I need a sterile receptacle each time?

Aww great news hun. Amazing go what difference a few wee's make lol.

As for expressing I would say you can pick up a manual pump relatively cheaply about £15 ot so. So you font have to spend a fortune but that will give you a better idea of if you like it or not. And that eill save you hand cramp but still give you control rather than a machine that will probably give you PTSD! But the manual pump will most likely give you a better yield so won't disheartened you if it tsjes ages to hand express a bottle.

I wouldn't hust top up a bottle as then you wouldn't be sure on the freshness and may end up throwing away good milk. It lasts for around 4-6 hrs at room temp and 6 months in a freezer I forgot the fridge one but it's on a fudge magnet it's my fridge lol.

I'd recommend expressing into a bottle then pouring g isn't isn't to a milk storage bag to fridge/freeze then you can warm it up as required. That way uou can keep expressing into a sterlised bottle and you can always defrost/warm up multiple bags just remember you write the amount thats in there.

You're doing such a fantastic job hun. Be proud of yourself you're doing great!
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Ant believe this time last week I was just over half way through my labour. I was waking up either contractions every 10 min's!

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