May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

I've got mw tomorrow I'm just worried she doesn't feed enough I keep waking her up but she's so sleepy happy but sleepy!
Also I've decided I probably shouldn't be in as much pain as I still am? It's a struggle to get in bed and agony to roll over if in have to.
It's impossible for me to get in the bath as I can't get over the side.
That doesn't sound good hun!

I get a bit achey and sore when we've been out and about for a bit but I'm OK and it doesn't stop me doing anything. Deffo mention it to your MW tomorrow.

Perhaps your little one just feeds very efficiently and gets her milk easily so can then just snooze away?!

I'm hoping so Emily x when she's on she doesn't doze she just goes at it for a constant 10-15 min. When I pump in that time I'm getting a good 2oz+ I think if if did it right now at my fullest I could get 3 possibly 4oz in 15 min
I've been contracting for over 12 hours now at home. Waters haven't gone yet. This is horrendous. They got to about 4 mins apart and then 8 overnight and now they're around 6. They're lasting for 60-75 seconds each.

Oooh Rachel how exciting!! Bubs is on the way!!

I'd give your MW a buzz if I were you and let her know what your contractions are doing. Mind you I think I'm over cautious now as my contractions never got regular and never lasted more than around 40 seconds!

My little lady all filled up on mummies milk and snuggled up asleep!



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Congrats gesic xx
So cute Emily!
Hope you are ok ery!
Good luck Rachel x
Kabuk hope you are home and not too sore! Anti coagulant injections are horrid :(
Still struggling with reflux, and now expressing.. going to try a bottle of formula on a night as I am hardly getting any sleep and she just wants feeding every 2 hours day and night! Her reflux was so bad she was chocking this am and scared me silly! Going to enquire about osteopath treatment today
Good luck Rachel.
Emily she is just lovely. Lou, I hope bubs gets son relief soon and that yo get some sleep xx
Exciting Rachel! Good luck :)

I thought something was happening last night but I just ended up with some pains and really bad farts :/
Good luck Rachel! Eryinera I would definitely see your midwife or Dr if you are that sore. Emily she is super cute and very contented!

Dovekie since we haven't really heard from any of the other may mummies from the front page, if Rachel has her baby now that'll leave just me and you! I also thought something was happening last night - but I think it was just a bit of a tummy ache. We had a naughty take away last night so probably all it was. I'm trying to enjoy these last few days and have been giving the house a proper spring clean. Xx
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Wchad a curry the night before I went in labour lol. Maybe it true
Mw just been. My tummy feels fine from outside and my stitches are fine. My bleeding whilst a lot is not foul smelling so all seems so just need to keep pain relief up and keep things clean. It's probably muscular.

Lil Anya has only lost 3.5oz and she did a big wee whilst there and poops are yellow so she is feeding OK just not that often I have a very lucky efficient feeder and I'm very lucky in my milk supply. I wish i could help others out who struggle! So all seems good. She just has dry skin! She didn't even cry during the heal pick only when she got a bit cold on the 4th blob of blood.
No baby just yet. After a sleep deprived night, my contractions are dying down. This little girl is making me wait.

Aww sweetie labour is tough isn't it.

If things are slowing down then maybe take the opportunity to have something to eat and drink and try and get some rest.

Hopefully things will get going again soon.

I know Betty, I imagine I'll be last! I'm not up for any interventions but don't want to miss out on a waterbirth by going over 42 weeks. I bet I've been a June mammy all of this time!!
It's really not easy. Pics on here of the gorgeous babies helps. Reminds me why I'm going through the pain!

It really is tough Rachel. Emily is right get done energy back coz when they come bak they may be stronger and longer x hope you're holding your precious baby soon!
Can anyone recommend some baby nail clippers??!

I'm not sure hun. I'm using sleepsuits with built in scratch mitts coz none attached ones fall off snd her nails are so tiny I wouldn't want to trim them!


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