May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Kabuk I look at her and cry just because I love her so much!!

That's great Emily.
Kabuk, I do that. If I think about our journey to here too much I cry. I am still in disbelief!! Xx
I cant help but be amazed each time I look a her, pregnancy is remarkable and yes tears are never too far away.
My birth actually was not too traumatic in the end, they started inducing me on the 10th and 12 hours later the proverbial hit the fan (not with me though!) they had so many admissions on labour they were unable to cope that coupled with the computer hacking meat they were stretched beyond their means and relying having to bring in extra staff was not helping as they also needed extra rooms/beds and theatres to cope with demand.
My induction perhaps might have gone better had they continued when they said they would but they had to keep stopping and leaving me as due to staffing etc it was not safe to do so.
So 4 days later and three beds later (I was moved frequently!) I was rock bottom, on my own most of the time as partner working and feeling like an after thought by the staff, they finally decided to move things up a gear. I was taken to have waters broken but during the process she moved which meant it was not safe to carry on. I was given choices, more induction (but given the length of time and the fact hey said the business they were experiencing should ease the next day...the previous 3 proved that was not the case!) or a section! I jumped at the chance of a section and would have a section every time if I knew then what I experienced then. I know not ideal, but my god I am 5 days down the line and the last 2-3 days forget the pain killers as I simply do not feel the need, blood loss minimal and the wound well I cant see it as my belly over hangs it lol, out of sight, out of mind.
My only issue now is feeding. I was/am determined to breast feed but my milk only started coming 2 days ago. I have borrowed an electric pump from midwife which yesterday was great I produced a fair amount I thought but she was latched on a fair bit too but more or less all afternoon/evening. I literally couldn't do anything, she wouldn't settle if I tried to put her down, as a result I hardly drank/ate as I had no spare hands to put food to my own face!
By the evening she was really unsettled and I mean totally inconsolable, I at that point had been functioning as best I could with probably a total of 3 hours sleep over a 48 hour period and not enough food. So I gave her formula, she then settled right down and we slept for 4 whole hours!
I have already ordered a Ardo breast pump from Amazon (not cheap! but I know it worked for me)
I am now wondering does she pref formula, am I fighting a losing battle?
She loves the comfort of suckling but I do not know if she is getting enough and if I offer EBM she does not really like it? With formula I know she has had a set amount and sleeps longer periods in a dilemma lol
Emily, I read that oxytocin is essential for milk production. Stress produces adrenaline. So stay calm and positive! Sounds like you've got it sorted now though :)
Maybe that's why I've produced so much rhen coz of the oxytocin drip!
cant believe aria is a week old already!

my bleeding is very light now it gets worse when ive done too much tho. oh is at the football tonight so going to have a relaxing night in bed lol
Gesic, my milk has only just really come in today on day five. I've given Eleanor a couple of top ups over the last few days. The night before last she had 2 top us as I was a hormonal, crying, sleep deprived mess and couldn't come with another night of constant, relentless feeding.

She had a top up last night at about 1 o'clock but that was after I had fed her three times from each boob from about 10.30. Then I got really tired and needed to sleep. SHE'S fed twice this morning so far and no top ups yet. I'm taking it a feed at a time and if she needs a top up then so be it and if not then great!

She fed constantly for 14 hours the second night and it was truly horrendous! I literally broke down when she started it all again the following night! We need to sort her latch too as my nipples are scabby and sore and bits literally coming off :shock:

Establishing bf is, to put it bluntly, tough as fuck! Get help and support if you need it and do what you have to, to make sure you and baby are happy and healthy.

Congrats gesic- she's beautiful.

I didn't want to introduce formula either, but realised it was best moving forward for now as at least he'll be fed. A happy baby will sleep and relieve som of the stress. My lo took to the breast at first, but with antibiotics and jaundice, he became impossible to feed by breast because he either wouldn't wake for a feed or would become agitated. It was worse at night. We had 2 nights of screaming an no sleep and caved on Formula that second night. We have the added stress of still being in hospital too. My milk came in yesterday- started leaking overnight. I'm still determine to breastfeed, but I'm compromising for now. I decided to express and managed 60ml in about 40 mins- 30 ml from each breast, pumped for 20 mins on each. Last night was crazy in terms of intervals, he ate 30ml expressed milk + 40 ml formula every 2-2.5 hrs for 3 feeds in a row, the next one was 4 hours after the last and it's been great, especially this morning. I'm hoping that the combo feed will help maintain about 3-4 hr intervals.

When we get home I will work to get breastfeeding established. We both need a more relaxed environment and pillows. For now, mixed on bottle gets him both stress free and he seems happier now. After the change in feeding and light therapy the jaundice is gone. The upside with express feeding is that I know how much he's getting. Although I'm really hoping to get him on the breast only. For now, I make sure plenty of skin to skin which will help maintain supply on top of pumping. He also likes to suckle, so he does that on the breast too when he's sleepy.

In the end, she needs to be fed. If she refuses the breast, so be it. You could speak to a mw and see how much breast milk is a good amount for health benefits and express enough for that. Mine is fine drinking formula but tends to spit it up. Every baby is different and you have to do what's best for you both. I had a good long chat with a breastfeeding support worker here and she was fantastic and was very supportive of mix feeding and focusing on what's best for an individuals situation.
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How much longer will you be in hospital for kabuk?

Gesic my milk like Emilys didn't arrive for days but once here we were well away with bf. My little dude had formula top ups the first night in hospital then we managed without afterwards, which did involve a lot of feeding until my milk arrived but I think was worth it for us. Go with what you think is best for you.

3 weeks old today! He has just been weighed by the health visitor and is now 6lb 15, so put one 15 oz in a week!
So eventful day we were late leaving house for the funeral. And as we were on the way we saw the aftermath of a big crash that had only just happened. If we had left at the right time we could have been involved. As we were driving past they were taking a pram out the boot snd there were people in obvious shock. I burst into tears.
Then at the wake I ordered an orange and they gave me vodka and orange what and great time to get free booze lol. Any other time I would have been so happy lol
Slightly concerned my vbleeding doesn't seen to be easing if anything goes it's slightly worse and my tummy is do so tender
I'm worried about my bleeding too as it's about stopped. I did pass a few clots early on but now not even bleeding as such.

We are still in hospital, meant to be going home today but Charlie is now jaundice, he has been on his sun bed all day so hopefully his levels will be lower and we can go home. I just want my own bed now.

He feeds every 3/4 hours at the moment and takes 70ml bottle. So I could sleep if I wasn't so paranoid haha.

Hope everything is getting easier for everyone xxx
Sounds like an emotional day Ery, hope you get to relax a bit tonight x
Well done Emily. I'm glad the bf situation has improved.
I'm still having latch issues too but we're getting there I think. She's certainly not suffering for it, just my nipples!

Ery, I would probably speak to someone about the tender tummy. I don't know anything about it but that sounds like something that should be checked out.
Also, having full sore boobs sends the signal to the brain/boobs to produce less milk because the baby isn't using it. If you pump a lot, the body thinks you need to keep producing that larger amount.
If you just pump/express enough to make it just bearable then your supply should slow down.
That's the theory anyway. I don't have oversupply so in practice it might not be that easy :)
Still in hospital but finally going home this evening around 7. The emergency c-section decision came without giving him time to fully descend because I had a fever that was slowly climbing. Because of the infection, Aidan required 5'days of antibiotics intravenously. So we had to stay in hospital. As he ended up developing jaundice, at least we were here to treat it. Think I've benefited from it too in some ways. In terms of pain management. This was the first morning I didn't ask for additional pain meds. Plus I was able to have a mw take off the bandage and do 5 of my 7 anti-clot injections, which I'm not looking forward to doing. I also took advantage of seeking advice on breastfeeding and mixed feeding, so made the most of it, the best of it.

I'll do more of an update when I get home. For now, I just wish I'd stop getting these little tickles in my throats because it kills me to cough.
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Thanks for reassurance and advice all, I am going to persevere and not feel guilty about topping up.
Midwife today was the 1st who actually said its fine to do both until I feel I don't need to.
We did have a worry of her jaundice being worse and being readmitted, she is also very sleepy today but midwife said she is below threshold of treatment and as its warm that may account for sleepiness, she has only lost 6% bodyweight since birth so doing something right.
Glad your getting out Kabuk, its nice having the support of midwives in hospital but days can be quite long and its always good to have your home a shower and own bed .
I hope that the accident you witnessed did not result in any serious casualties Ery, not nice to see, as for the bleeding, get it checked, if nothing else you will get some reassurance if its normal or they can do something if not. I know that when you do BF the stimulation does cause further uterine contractions which may contribute but I would get a check x
Think I have a touch of baby blues too lol, even when someone sais something nice I am welling up lol
I'm really worried she's not kept enough weight. I guess I find out tomorrow. She's been really sleepy but happy. She's on track with the recommended wees and poops I just seem to have lost the knack of bf when my milk came in. Oh well mw tomorrow I'll raise all my concerns then. Just hope I don't have to go back to hospital!
Eleanor has gained weight although not much.

MW said to make sure she feeds every three hours as apparently we want her to pile it on! To be fair as long as she's gained then I'm happy. The scales are going in the right direction :-)

She had a bottle of formula at 9.30 last night and hubby brought her to me at about 12.30 so I've had a good few hours sleep ready for the night feeding sessions. I'm hoping I won't need to give her any formula tonight but we'll see how it goes - one feed at a time still.

I've been sleeping topless to let the air get to my poor nipples and I've woken up so sweaty it's gross! I read that you can get night sweats after having a baby but I'm hoping it was just because I wasn't wearing anything?

Tomorrow, is the first day since she's been born that we do not have to go to the hospital! Yay! What with her jaundice and my blood pressure we've had to go in every day so far! I might pop along to the bf support group for a bit but equally I might just spend the day at home and try and do lots of bf and snuggling my little lady to try and really boost my supply. Oh and nap, I think I'll deffo try and nap!


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