May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Congrats gesic, she's adorable!! :)

I'm still left. I've just transferred doctors and I'm waiting to hear from the midwives. I'm not registered at the hospital and have no information at the moment (emergency numbers etc.). I called today and the bitchy receptionist said something about how the midwives are busy and I need to be patient. Ok, but I could pop any day now!
Good luck girls x can't wait to hear how quick and painfree your deliveries will be x
Positive thinking - I like it!! Is it not a relief to not be pregnant anymore? Xx
Not long for you Rachel! I'm 39 today, so still potentially 3 weeks!
Positive thinking - I like it!! Is it not a relief to not be pregnant anymore? Xx

I can drink tea again!! Best thing ever!! Part of me misses having a bump but now I can actually do stuff and get up off the sofa without being out of breath which is awesome. I did just have him in his carrier a wee minute ago though as if carrying him around for the last 9 months wasn't enough haha xx
Im still a bit sore from.from . labour but living every min of being a mum but my god my boobs hurt. I'm worried she's not feeding enough with all her sleepiness coz my tits are like rocks. Anyone else? I'm waiting for breastfeeding feeding support to call me back. But I'm going to have to pump some off. Or else I'll cry lol
Mine have been pretty bad today, he's slept quite a lot but has still fed plenty too so think its just because my supply will be trying to sort itself out. Was the exact same with my other two. If you're uncomfy definitely just pump a wee bit so they're not engorged. Or maybe take a hot shower and they might just leak enough to give you some relief? Xx
After typing that they both literally just started dripping so I spent 20 min (10 min each side) as they were rocks and got 4oz out if them and she fed in between too.

I'm going have a bath tomorrow I've Neen using a flannel since getting out of hospital as my hips wouldn't let me get over the side of the bath. But tonight was the first night getting into bed didn't make me feel like I was tearing my legs off lol
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Well what a contrast to last night!

Hubby brought her up to me at 10/30 where she fed through to around 1. I gave her each breast three times before topping her up with about 20-30mls formula. I was able to put her in her crib at 1/30 and she was in there for a good hour before she stirred. Brought her into bed and she went off to sleep again and she's just starting to stir now although still very sleepy. I've got her at the breast ready to latch when she wakes properly and hopefully can get a more decent latch before she gets too frustrated.

My milk his 'come in' so just need to work on supply and try and wean off the top ups now if we can. I squeezed my nipple a second ago and easily got enough drops of milk to trickle off the end! This is such a big deal for me after the struggles I had bf Cam! Lol!

I'm going to continue with the plan to take things one feed at a time but I'm feeling so much better about things than I was yesterday. Mind you, I did say everything seems so much worse at 3am when you have a screaming baby who won't latch, you're a hormonal mess and have had 4 hours sleep in 48! Having just had nearly 3 1\2 in a row I feel like a new woman! Hope hubby got some good sleep too - he's still on the pull out downstairs! Lol!

Yay hun!!! We had a similar night we all got really good sleep. I have the opposite supply problem to you where I'm making too much so it's really sore all and now affecting her latch. But I'm grateful of any latch painful or not if it drains these monsters lol. I'm going to have to up my expressing I got 5Oz our yesterday. I need to it more often or else going to end up with mastitis!
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Any one else still bleeding really heavy? If anything I keep thinking mines getting worse not better :'s I can feel I need to pass another huge clot too. Wonder if it's affecting my blood loss :???:
We still need to work on our latch for sure but at least I know my boobs are producing milk! I'm going to go to a breast feeding support group tomorrow and see if I can get any further advice.

My blood loss gas always been really light after the first 24 hours. I'm wearing maternity pads but really don't need to as it's not heavy enough for them. Really using them to give more padding for my stitches!

I expected mine to be heavy after the aspirin etc the huge clot freaked me out and I feel bruised down there. I gad to switch to ultra thin mat pads as the padding was hurting my stitches! Maybe that's why it all looks more to.
I still space a pad every few hours though. I think if I left it that long 6hrs would be top I could wear it for iykwim
Oh I did have a mini freak out this morn but it was OK. I had fallen asleep breastfeeding my dressing gown lol. I had rolled it up and woke up rocking it to sleep on my boob :rofl:
Hahaha! I used to do similar when I had Cam! I was paranoid about falling asleep with him in my arms in bed and I would wake with the duvet all bunched up and me cradling it like a baby! Lol!

So much to catch up on. I guess if I were at home I'd have more time.
Snowbee , he's gorgeous!
Ery, it is quite crazy.

Sorry read about some of the difficulties you ladies are having. But it sounds like most of it is to be expected. I hope thing improve got everyone. In the meantime, take a moment and just watch your baby sleep- for me it's the most peaceful thing in the world, although my hormones love to bring on tears just from that.
So bloody happy I could cry!!

I fed little lady from my own boobies with my own milk with no top up this morning and she's totally settled a stayed awake for a bit after without rooting around for more and has just fallen asleep (ish)

:-) :-)


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