May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Yes that's true about the milk and pumping you won't see much I got maybe 1ml with my pump a few days ago when we had to syringe feed when she was a go sleep but she gets much more when dje feeds herself coz I've seen her throw it back up lmao
I try to get a bit of sleep in the day if I can

She's seems more settled this morning and gas twice now fed and fallen asleep and stayed asleep, albeit on me. I gave my boobs a little squeeze earlier and quite a few drops came out right away. I've had some tingling, aching and shooting feelings in my boobs so hopefully things are headed in the right direction.

Things always seem so much worse when you're in the midst of a hormonal meltdown in the wee hours of the morning.

I know the issues we're having with latching as I got it checked at the hospital yesterday so, it's just getting the hang of it all. Which again seems impossible when she's screaming at three in the morning!

I'm not sure how our breast feeding journey will pan out but I guess what will be will be.

Hope she's sleepy because she's content and not because of her jaundice or anything like that.

I'm sporting a pretty epic headache from all the crying last night! ******* hormones and sleep deprivation!

I really hate pumping with a passion.

I have very negative associations with it from having Cam in NNU and just re!energy feeling so disheartened at not ever really getting anything (most I ever got was 8mls) and feeling very vulnerable sat on the pumps.

I'll keep trying with sorting the latch out and see how we go. I try to latch her on as soon as she stirs but she gets angry really quickly! Fesity little lady!

hope you can get it sorted emily. can you ask the midwife when she comes out?

im so annoyed with oh at the moment think its my hormones. clearly i had major surgery yeah i am feeling a bit better now but he only helped out the first 2 days. since then hes been busy doing work for his business and in the garden and its like these 2 weeks off are to help me so i dont overdo it (i cant stand a messy house im a bit ocd) and to spend time with his daughter. i did all the housework yesterday and sorted all 3 kids out all day. all he did was the school runs and made dinner.

and he wants to.take the baby to see his dad and his nan and grandad on friday. i asked if me and my youngest could come because im a bit overprotevtive of aria and not quite ready to be away from her yet but he said i cant take my youngest because his grandad is ill. am i being unreasonable?
Aw Em my milk didn't properly come till the evening of day 4. I was pumping and getting colustrum even though my boobs were huge tingling etc . Everyone kept saying my milk should be in and to try Imogen bfing again but there wasn't any. Then eve of day 4 it was pouring out! Hope that helps a little xxxx
I had the same problem with Imogen too with latching and her getting frustrated sooo quickly. I couldn't work on my latch because soon as she was frustrated she was in such a state she couldn't latch at all. So I did totally formula for the first three weeks in the end with the odd expressed milk. Then when she was 3 weeks she could latch much better so I did a combination then. We're on just formula now because I have to thicken her feeds with the carobel and when her reflux got bad she just wouldn't latch but we managed a good couple months doing both. Sounds like Eleanor can feed so hopefully it's just the fact your milk is taking a little longer to come like mine did. You are doing a great job :)
What I'm producing is definitely changing in colour now, it's more translucent white rather than golden so hopefully it'll come in properly soon.

I'll carry on with the bf but do a bit of a formula top up if I need to. I'll just see how we go and take things a bit at a time.

That's good hun. I think the change us a bit awkward but should make her more content. Mines now gone from yellow to white. I managed about 25ml out of my left boob with the pump just now. I needed to do something as I had lost feeling in it! Ita good she fed snd slept. That's a good sign! Hopefully things will be better and more positive this time round. Hopefully with the fattier milk she will better a bit more content too.

Above all... do what you want and what you feel is best. Don't feel pressure to do anything or not do some thing x
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I spoke to the MW about what we were doing with the formula top ups etc and she said it sounded like a good plan. She said I can always call the birth centre 24 hours a day for advice if I need it. I'm happy we're doing the right thing.

I'm so conscious of not pressuring myself and not doing things I'm uncomfortable with, such as the pumping at present, as I don't want to trigger PND as I had it with Cam and it was a horrible experience.

I'm just going to take each feed as it comes and do what I need to, to make sure me and my girl are happy and healthy.

This is a very quick update and do plan to have a good read to see what I have missed since I last was on.
I was admitted last Wednesday for induction, my little girl arrived Sat 13th May at 19.26 via C section weighing 7.55lb her name is Ayda Elizabeth
We only got discharged yesterday and are currently trying to cope with breastfeeding, not easy as milk only came through yesterday as now are over producing and boobs are like rocks!! However she isn't taking that so well as formula so much easier and I get a bit stressed trying to get her latched on....all thumbs and worry about her neck etc
Life now home is at full speed with little time for anything as once she is changed, fed and settled you basically cannot think what to start on first....sleep is last on the list and can honestly say I will be lucky if I have got more than two hours per night for the last week......its great and wouldn't change it for the world :D
Congrats to all who have had their babies since I last logged on, I hope they are all thriving and your all well. Also good luck and hope the rest arrive safely very soon xx
Oh wow!!!! So beautiful! And another may 13th baby!!!! Lovely name too!
Congratulations hun!

May 13th was a busy day on the baby front!

Was it a full moon or something?!

Think it was a full moon on the 11th!

Congratulations gesic. She's beautiful xx
I've updated the front if I made any mistakes let me know x I had a lot if catching up to do :rofl:
Look st that hair too I think in 5 yrs we will get our first Friday 13th birthdays lol
Congratulations gesic she is lovely :)

I'll see if I can find someone local with a swing I can test run, good idea missy thanks.

We are getting on fairly well. We do have quite a bit of random screaming, I can't figure out why as he is fed, changed, winded etc and doesn't appear to have any trouble keeping milk down but he sounds in pain. It tends not to last too long (it just seems like it at the time!) and he will then stop as suddenly as he starts. Something to ask the gp about I guess. We registered him this week, so he is all official now, just waiting for his birth certificates to arrive and then I will apply for a passport for him. I've also send off the child benefit form and have spoken with the GP about registering him there. Is there anything else I'm supposed to do?
My bump is so tight and sore! I'm ridiculously swollen and can hardly get about, how do you manage with other children being this pregnant?!

I've got midwife tomorrow. Do you think if I tell her I feel like I'm dying she might do a sweep?! Lol! Xx
Worth a try betty lol
finding it hard to keep up with everything at the moment. Congrats to the ladies with their new baby's and to those waiting, I hope it's not long. Who is left now? Xx
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