May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Lou I'm at my nans on Thursday :( it's tough.
As far as supply goes it's probably fine probably just reflux they do grow out of it but can take a while.
Are you getting lots of nappies and putting on a decent amount of weight if do its probably not you. My son was on omeprezol gaviscon and infacol. He still had to add rice to his xiet at 3 months.
I got told to offer both breastfeeding each time if one gets reused use that 1tt next time. Also can help to massage the beast tissue to stimulate manual expresion to improve supply.
Lou, exactly what Ery said. It is probably the reflux making her cry. My daughter would feed and feed, because it temporarily made her feel better, but it was of course actually making her reflux worse. It's really really hard, but literally as soon as she started solids it got better.
So long as she's plenty if nappies and is putting on weight there is nothing wrong with your milk. It could even be she's having a wee growth spurt and is just upping your supply.
I hope she calms down a bit and gives you a rest xx
Actually that's a good point when con was in hospital they told me to feed him less so his tummy didn't get as full.
So cute Snowbee! :D

I'm 39 weeks tomorrow. I'm glad he's stayed in so long. I thought all of the stress I've been through would have made him premature. There's not a lot happening really, just the odd pain.
Won't be long now hun! :-)

We're having a better night so far. I've managed the same amount of sleep tonight so far that I've had over previous nights combined!!

I had a bit of a breakdown earlier and we have Eleanor some formula. I'd tried to come up to bed for a bit and leave her with hubby but again she just wanted boobie but isn't ever satisfied because I've got no milk yet. She then chilled with hubby for a good two hours. I fed her then from both boobs then changed her then fed her again but she just wouldn't settle so I topped her up with formula and she slept for an hour. She's just woken up and had a small feed but fallen asleep on me. She's not great at being put down to sleep so we'll need to work on that too!!

So scared and pissed off with hubby.
I was shattered and fell asleep feeding Anya. But it's OK he was watching over. Right?
Just woke up ciz she threw up on me and the fool is asleep next to me! I could of killed her my perfect rainbow I'm. Now in tears. And he's just been sleep eating like nothing is wrong. I'm do upset. She's fine snd now in her basket but I feel like I trusted him to put her back if he felt sleepy but he didn't. I don't know. Maybe I'm emotional. But I emotional as so scared waking up with both of them asleep. I feel awful
Awww hun you poor thing.

I've been really tearful too. I think baby blues kick in at day three due to hormone changes so that plus being so tired etc will likely make you feel very emotional.

I've slept with Eleanor on me. It worried me no end but I was so exhausted I just couldn't help it at all. Plus she only seems to settle on someone and won't really be put down.

You're right. I think it's coz aside from the birth and the 8 yrs trying for her she's been so quiet snd placid. With my son if one thing was off he'd let you know but with Anya she's so quiet happy and easy. I feel like I don't deserve her!
Do we ever stop worrying? I'm now more scared of losing her now she's here than I was when she was inside me.
No, you'll never stop worrying. Ever. It's what happens when you love and care for something as much as you do your children.

You're so right x

Thank you for bring awake at stupid o'clock lol. I'm much less in a state after talking to you!. Can't believe 5 of us had our babies on the same day!
Well time to try and wake her for a feed. My boobs def hope she's hungry lol.
I'm in a fucking state myself!

My boobs just aren't working! My milk still isn't in, my nipples are shredded, she's so hungry and frustrated she won't latch and I'm a hormonal mess of tears! So, I've just given her some more formula and she's content and happy and snuggled up on my chest.

I had bf issues with Cam in regards to supply and I'm conflicted as to what to do. I don't want to fall at the first hurdle but I also don't want to keep fighting a battle I'm already convinced I'm going to lose! Probably not a decision to be making at 3 in the morning though!!

I'm not going to go back to hospital for more support with it. What with her jaundice and my blood pressure we've not actually had a full day at home yet! I don't want to be away from hubby and I definitely don't want to be away from Cam.

The MW said to feed,feed feed to help her jaundice but feed her with what?? I'm not producing milk!!!

And to top it all off.... Fucking hormones!!!

Aww dear. I wish I could give you some of my supply :( have you tried using a beast pump to get things going? She may be chomping in fustration.

Dnot be disheartened by how fast milk has come in btw. I was still making milk after not feeding my son for 6+ yrs I have weird boobs. I went to a breastfeeding support group with my son at my son local drs. Have you found a way ehere yo feel comfy? And drink lots of tea o swear by hot sugary drinks when bf!
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Emily do you see her srick her tongue right out of her mouth as if she's bring chhrk
I would try pumping if you can Emily, if her latch isn't quite right it may not be stimulating your breast enough to get the milk flowing but a pump should help. Then if you can get your milk in then it may be easier to sort her latch.

Aw Ery poor you! I think Emily is right, hormone drops and tiredness just kinda amplify all the worry you feel with a newborn. If it makes you feel better I have slept with O on me too. He doesn't like being put down so it's just about the only way of getting sleep for us all. Xx
Ty hun. I don't mind sleeping with her on me when someone else was awake is all. I've done it loads in the day but t was just the argh shit everyone was asleep moment! Spoke to hubby about it. He was like you poor thing so all is good. Sod it. She gonna be fed an hour early. I have the opposite prob to Emily.
My public bone and belly are still so sore . Pmm
After reading your nightly troubles I have decided I'm happy baby is still in my tummy for now!!!! Do you all sleep during the day when you have such little sleep at night? Xx
Sleep..... I vaguely remember the concept lol.

Pmsl I found out how to wake her sing marty pellow really bad atchervshe gave me a "look that's just awful" look lmao

Lol I tried Adele she stick 2 fingers up at me. Looks like I'm not gonna win X factor any time soon :rofl:
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Aw Emily. I agree that pumping should help. In the early days they don't need much milk. Babies are born with brown fat which gives them enough energy for a couple of days. During that time they'll be getting the colostrum which is also high in energy.
Like others have said, "feeding" your baby, or at least the process of baby latching on and suckling (regardless of if the milk comes out at first) triggers the let down eventually.
The pumping action also helps trigger the same response, but don't expect to see much /any milk come out from pumping. Babies are much better at getting milk out than a machine. So that isn't a reflection of your actual supply.

If baby seems frustrated it might help to offer the boob when she's settled rather than when she's hungry.

For the nipple pain, you could try using nipple shields. They were a godsend when I fed my boy.

Have you thought about contacting la Leche League for advice?

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