Aidan Lucas was born on 13 May at 9:48pm. He's 8lbs 12oz. He's absolutely precious and my dw was fantastic through everything. He's latched on a couple of times for a few sucks but isn't feeding consistently yet.
You know the story of the induction. When my waters finally broke, I was excited. However, I was only 2cm and figured it would be a long haul and went straight for the epidural. Glad I did in the end as was put on the drip and I wasn't 10cm until almost 9pm. However, he wasn't in the right position and I had developed a fever and infection and they couldn't give him another hour to descend and they couldn't even try an assisted delivery so it was a c-section. Wasn't too bad at first, just weird, but then I felt some kind of excruciating pain. Still not sure what from as it was much higher than where they were working. I couldn't wait for it to be over. Poor Hess, that really scared her as I'm not one to scream like that.
My fever has now gone and he has no sign of infection, so both of us are healthy. I'm quite sore and dread getting up and about. Missing the good shit right now- have had some amazing drugs over the last 2 days. Whatever they gave me straight after was fantastic and I finally got some sleep.
I'll post some better pics when I have them. The 13th is quite fitting as this is the 13th grandchild. Dw has already pulled up is astrological chart and he really is a mix of the two of us. He's got lots of fire in him too, so Aidan is quite fitting.
Congrats, Ery- same edd and we go over the same. She's beautiful.