May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Glad your hips feel a bit better. I felt much more comfortable walking around than sitting down for the first couple of days but make sure you take it easy!!

Oli just had his heel prick test today. He was a star. Didnt get too upset and he bled well so was nice and quick.

I've just written up my birth story on the announcement bit if anyone is interested xx
Etty's latch is a bit pinchy too Emily. I don't think she's getting enough boob in her mouth.
I had the same problem with my son and never really solved it.
I think my boobs are the problem. I have quite flat nipples and fairly loose skin.
I'm just trying to encourage her to open wide each time and putting lansinoh on after each feed.

I know she's getting milk because her nappies have started turning yellow and my boobs have started to feel full.
Eleanor has only had one wet nappy today and no poops.

My boobs feel fuller and heavier too so I think my milk might be on the way. Hopefully!!

Anya went nearly all day yesterday with no poops but then did 3 just before bed! We are turning yellow too apparently bf babies produce less nappies than bottle but as long as you're getting something all should be well x
G didn't do any poops for several days but once my milk arrived so did the poop and then it was poop central!

He is very clingy today and won't let me put him down at all. Good job he is so cute as I can just stare at him while he sleeps on me.

I think I've finally remembered how to attach a picture...


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Snowbee, he is gorgeous x

apparently if you place nipple of their nose, they open wider. I read it, tried it and works for Sophie. I though breastfed baby's did more poos, it is poo central here. Eat, sleep, poo-repeat!! Xx
We are getting a lot of poos at the moment but it's also quite normal for bf babies not to go for a week to ten days! Think that's more normal a wee bit later on though once feeding is really established.

I've pumped the last 2 days because he's sleeping so much in the day my boobs were getting a bit ridiculous. Would be nice to get a wee freezer stock started! Xx
Wow just realised how close pebbles and maydays babys details were same weight same day sane time (12hrs diff)!
Aidan Lucas was born on 13 May at 9:48pm. He's 8lbs 12oz. He's absolutely precious and my dw was fantastic through everything. He's latched on a couple of times for a few sucks but isn't feeding consistently yet.

You know the story of the induction. When my waters finally broke, I was excited. However, I was only 2cm and figured it would be a long haul and went straight for the epidural. Glad I did in the end as was put on the drip and I wasn't 10cm until almost 9pm. However, he wasn't in the right position and I had developed a fever and infection and they couldn't give him another hour to descend and they couldn't even try an assisted delivery so it was a c-section. Wasn't too bad at first, just weird, but then I felt some kind of excruciating pain. Still not sure what from as it was much higher than where they were working. I couldn't wait for it to be over. Poor Hess, that really scared her as I'm not one to scream like that.

My fever has now gone and he has no sign of infection, so both of us are healthy. I'm quite sore and dread getting up and about. Missing the good shit right now- have had some amazing drugs over the last 2 days. Whatever they gave me straight after was fantastic and I finally got some sleep.

I'll post some better pics when I have them. The 13th is quite fitting as this is the 13th grandchild. Dw has already pulled up is astrological chart and he really is a mix of the two of us. He's got lots of fire in him too, so Aidan is quite fitting.

Congrats, Ery- same edd and we go over the same. She's beautiful.

Just catching up and updating the front. 5 babies I the 13th :shock:

We are so similar lol same due date same birth date same birth hour similar trauma births lol same geekiness you could be my sister lol.

(Side note) milks cone in geez I have two milk cannons I'm going to have to start pumping as she's not feeding often enough for my boobies lol. Told ya. Past life I was a wet nurse lol
My milk still isn't in.

I had supply issues with Can and really hoping I won't have the same issue this time.

I don't feel like bf is going well for me but will persevere for a bit longer and see how we go. I just can't get this latch right and the lack of wet nappies is worrying me a bit. She's only done one wee today.

She's just fed so I'm going to give her the dummy and head to bed for some much needed shut eye!

I hope you manage to crack it Emily. Is there breastfeeding peer support in your area? They might have a few tips to help get the latch right xx
Aww hun. It can be so tricky. What did the mw say? Did she show you how to tempt babe to open mouth bigger? I found at the start lying down to feed was the easiest way. We only had 1 wet nappy so far today. Are her poop's changing colour? Nipple cream is a must too. Even with a good latch they can get raw. And I find massaging the deep tissue helps too x
My milk took ages to arrive Emily, I was so glad when it did as it made a massive difference to how long and often he fed for. Hope yours arrives soon.

Anyone got a swing? We have a bouncy chair but he is too small for it at the moment despite it saying suitable from birth, wondering if a swing would be better and which ones you recommend for a little baby that he won't flop about in?
Do you know anyone with one you could try snowbee? I was warned off buying one because some babies hate them. Sure enough I tried one with my daughter and she screamed blue murder and didn't get on with it at all! What bouncer have you got? Maybe you could get some sort of newborn insert for it?xx
So fed up tonight. My dog walker keeps letting me down and keeps ignoring me rather than just saying he would rather quit, so now I have mine and my neighbours to walk and look after. My oh is very busy at work and just spends all evening on his mobile and doesn't even acknowledge I exist! I'm huge and feel like I'm having constant braxton hicks the last couple of days and it's making me feel exhausted. My birth room isn't nearly ready as I was supposed to have help but that person can't help now. Oh has fallen asleep on the couch where I can hear him snoring but he won't wake up to move and I have no idea if he has set an alarm for work tomorrow. And just basically so done with being pregnant now!!!! I feel like there was a flurry of babies but mine never came and now feels like it never will, I just got to watch everyone else have them!!! Xx
aw betty it wont be long now!!

snowbee he is lovely :)

im bottle feeding aria and i swear i change about 20 nappies a day its ridiculous lol bit annoyed with oh today :(

midwife came and shes gone from 7lb 12 to 7lb 8 so not too bad. shes currently asleep on my chest lol
Congrats Emily! Gorgeous baby pics everyone x Betty I hope it won't be long for you Hun xx

We had my nannys funeral yesterday it was a tough day! Long story but my dad has severed his Achilles' tendon and is in pot and kept slipping in his crutches :( he has already had a heart transplant both hips replaced and an ankle replacement which didn't go well so he is really weak on it and now in pot on his other ankle he is really down so it was an emotional and difficult day. Then last night Leora fed constantly from midnight to 4 am and she is screaming when not on the breast :( she has done the same today and tonight and I am exhausted :( I am worried there might be an issue with my milk supply :( don't know how to know or what to do! :( plus the reflux it's all a bit much right now x

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