May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Oh my goodness! Congratulations Emily! Thank goodness you made it just in time! What does cam think of her?

Pebbles hope you feel better soon. So sorry to hear so many have had a tough time :( xx
He's besotted with her! Keeps saying how much he loves her and apparently earlier he was shouting over the fence to the neighbours telling them she had arrived!

I can't believe it all went so fast, I really can't. We were so close to not making it and it's not like we were taking our time! Hubby was amazing and really kept it together.

After pains are awful though!

Wow that was extremely speedy Emily!! Huge congratulations on your baby girl. So glad you finally have her in your arms! Can't wait to see her pics. Hope you're doing okay xxx
Here's her and Cam....

My world :love:



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Wow Emily. That's crazy, literally there just in time!!! Lovely pic, Cam looks so proud xx huge congrats xx
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glad you got the birth you wanted pebbles. sounds like it was quite quick!

Thanks Nikki.
Yes, the labour part couldn't have gone better really. It was pretty quick. If only the story stopped there.
I didn't go into too much detail before because I didn't want to frighten anyone who was still in labour but the bleeding I mentioned turned out to be a severe post partum haemorrhage.
I was moved from the birthing centre to the hospital labour ward where the did their thing. It was really uncomfortable, I still needed the gas and air!
So they monitored me all day and kept me in overnight in case I needed a transfusion. Luckily I got away without one. They let me go home this afternoon with iron tablets . I'm sure I should feel worse but I'm not too bad. Just tired

So I would agree, the 13th seems to have been unlucky for all of us!

Don't worry Rachel we can't all be this unlucky!

Did they do the pumping thing on your stomach to make it contract? That's so painful. I had severe pph too, lost over half my blood volume and needed multiple transfusions. I was surprised how ok I feel too, iron levels very low but feel pretty good.
No matter what happens in labour, we are on good hands with the midwives xx
Aw what a proud big brother and beautiful baby girl! After pains are a bitch, they definitely get worse after each baby. Mine were horrendous first couple of days, much better now though. A heated wheat bag helped tonnes.

I'm a bit worried about my blood loss. I had retained products with my first and a PPH 10 days postnatal. I seem to be passing quite a few clots this time around despite blood loss seeming normal in between times. Mw's are monitoring it but I'm so paranoid it's crazy! Also looks like oli has a wee infection on his cord but need to wait on swabs coming back. Xx
Yeah, the massaging of the tummy was really painful. Then after he finished doing that I had super bad cramps. I felt much better after a diclafenic (sp).
They told me I lost 2.3 litres, so were surprised I didn't need a transfusion.
I am certainly glad I was in hospital!
I wasn't really distressed by the situation either, I just trusted the professionals. I was more curious about the biology of what was happening.
They don't know why it happened either because I don't have any of the risk factors. It just seems my uterus just stopped contracting properly. At least it waited until it had got baby out!

The things we go through for these babies!
Oh wow such a busy day may 13th and none went ro plan!

I'm in so much post pain too. I said to hubby it feels like half my body is trying to exit my vagina. I can't do anything. I can't even lift her properly without wanting to scream in agony. We're OK at feeding. When she feeds she feeds well. But she's much more interested in deep then food lol.
As traumatic as the end was. Parts were funny. I kept missing starts of contrations with the gas and air so ended up taking too much. And I went super posh at one point I yelled at the top of my voice in the poshest voice ever "why darling I do believe I'm fucking pissing myself right now!"


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Yeah, the massaging of the tummy was really painful. Then after he finished doing that I had super bad cramps. I felt much better after a diclafenic (sp).
They told me I lost 2.3 litres, so were surprised I didn't need a transfusion.
I am certainly glad I was in hospital!
I wasn't really distressed by the situation either, I just trusted the professionals. I was more curious about the biology of what was happening.
They don't know why it happened either because I don't have any of the risk factors. It just seems my uterus just stopped contracting properly. At least it waited until it had got baby out!

The things we go through for these babies!

That is a lot, I'm surprised you didn't need a transfusion too.
Oh the painkillers were good, i was still hooked up to epidural so they used that too xx
Aw Ery, look how tiny she looks in that moses basket.

I remember my son wasn't interested in feeding for the first couple of days. He was pretty sleepy. I put it down to diamorphine I'd had during labour.

Little Etty wants to be attached all the time. My poor nipples are already sore.
Plus I've found I can feed her lying down which meant I got some sleep last night, yay!
Aw, Missy, I hope it doesn't turn into PPH for you again. It must be stressful to go through that at home.

Thanks for the wheat bag tip!
My little lady is a boobie monster! Been pretty much constantly attached since 10 last night.!!

Congrats too all the mummies and babies!! Seems not very many are having easy births!

Charlie is getting stronger he is out his incubator off all drips, oxygen and antibiotics. Still testing everyday for jaundice as he is just below the treatment level. We are now trying to increase his feeds. I feel so guilty leaving him on a night but I know it's for the best xxxx
Great news leigh, sounds like it won't be long until he is home.

Wow it has all been go on here, congratulations to all and I hope you are all feeling better and recovered soon. Cute photos too from you all , I really must add my pictures. Emily that sounds fast and scary. Ery loving your posh voice!
CONGRATULATIONS to all the new mummies :) my little man Teddy will be 3 weeks old on Tuesday I can't believe how quick it's going. He's so gorgeous but my god does he have a temper definitely takes after his daddy with that but I'm totally in love with him xx


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just caught up. wow emily cant believe how close you were to having her in the car! ive been kept nice and busy with 3 kids lol. still in alot of pain and i think oh is struggling to look after all of us ive sent him upstairs for a nap lol

heres my little angel at 4 days old. im so in love with her i could watch her all day! my kids have been great at helping and we are all besotted with her.


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