May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Congratulations mayday!

Pebbles she's gorgeous, beautiful name

Hoping everyones labours are progressing nicely...Maybe even some cuddles going on! Xx
I'm deffo a mammy dovekie. North east lass born and bred hehe

Hope everyone is well and all babies are well

So I've been discharged, little man still in hospital, off his oxygen today and hopefully his drop by tonight. Got my first propa cuddle and even changed his nappy and give him a bottle. I can't believe his progress. I'm truest blessed


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aw leigh thats such a nice picture. glad hes doing well and i hope hes home with you soon xx
Leigh, such a lovely pic. Glad he is doing so well xx
Leigh gorgeous pic :) xx

Congrats mayday and pebbles, pebbles she is gorgeous and I love the name! Xx.
Aw leigh,lovely photo. Glad he's doing well, fingers crossed he's home with you Monday :) xx
Anya is here. 7lb 5. 9: 09pm labour went tits up
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She's still fast asleep! She's had more kip than me!


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I'll finish the whole story later but basically. Ended up on constant monitoring and due to where she was i had to remain on the bed the whole time.

Got to 5cm dilated only to discover 4 hrs later after crazy contractions anya had gotten stage fright and I went back to 3cm.

Ended up on the drip with gas and air and a stupid drug that dI'd fuck all. So I ended up just screaming the place down. For most she was back to back too but then decided to turn a's she was being born.

They had to catheter me to drain my badder as that was stopping her coming out. 2nd degree tear and excess bleeding went all fuzzy and faint.

. Now 9hrs on I feel War torn and bruised. My legs don't work well my pelvis feels broken and even my lungs are bruised. I feel like I have no tummy muscles at all and I can't lift my daughter without either feeling like I've ripped something or with help.

She is such an angel she's fed twice and slept right through the night only heard her cry twice since being on the ward. Poor might has a stuffy nose though!
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She looks so sweet ery, sorry the labour went a bit haywire. Sounds stressful. Glad she is here safe and well though xx
A little traumatic but we are both healthy. He arrived on th 13th. Will update more later.
Sorry it was difficult Kabuk. It seems a few of us had quite a traumatic time of it.
Congrats on your little boys arrival xx
Congratulations all. Sorry to those who have had a rough time but now healing can begin and you can enjoy your babies being here. I think you all deserve medals xx
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