May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Congrats ery, gorgeous and love the name x I hope you heal soon! Sounds traumatic Hun!

Congrats kabuk! Hope u r ok! Look forward to update later x
I'm deffo a mammy dovekie. North east lass born and bred hehe

Hope everyone is well and all babies are well

So I've been discharged, little man still in hospital, off his oxygen today and hopefully his drop by tonight. Got my first propa cuddle and even changed his nappy and give him a bottle. I can't believe his progress. I'm truest blessed

Beautiful pic Hun x
aw ery shes a cutie. sorry about the difficult labours girls but glad they are here safe. im really struggling after the c section day 3 and i cant do anything. still cant walk well, in so much pain, cant have a bath, cant get in and out of bed. i forgot how hard it was and im getting a bit down about it. paracetamol and ibuprofen arent doing much. aria is good tho shes a feeding and pooping machine. i decided to bottle feed and shes draining them like anything lol wont let us put her down at night though little monkey so we are very sleep deprived!
Aidan Lucas was born on 13 May at 9:48pm. He's 8lbs 12oz. He's absolutely precious and my dw was fantastic through everything. He's latched on a couple of times for a few sucks but isn't feeding consistently yet.

You know the story of the induction. When my waters finally broke, I was excited. However, I was only 2cm and figured it would be a long haul and went straight for the epidural. Glad I did in the end as was put on the drip and I wasn't 10cm until almost 9pm. However, he wasn't in the right position and I had developed a fever and infection and they couldn't give him another hour to descend and they couldn't even try an assisted delivery so it was a c-section. Wasn't too bad at first, just weird, but then I felt some kind of excruciating pain. Still not sure what from as it was much higher than where they were working. I couldn't wait for it to be over. Poor Hess, that really scared her as I'm not one to scream like that.

My fever has now gone and he has no sign of infection, so both of us are healthy. I'm quite sore and dread getting up and about. Missing the good shit right now- have had some amazing drugs over the last 2 days. Whatever they gave me straight after was fantastic and I finally got some sleep.

I'll post some better pics when I have them. The 13th is quite fitting as this is the 13th grandchild. Dw has already pulled up is astrological chart and he really is a mix of the two of us. He's got lots of fire in him too, so Aidan is quite fitting.

Congrats, Ery- same edd and we go over the same. She's beautiful.


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So the 13th was an unlucky date for labours !! Lol. Mine wasn't fantastic either as I stopped progressing so just as I thought I'd be near ready to push I hadn't dilated any further when I arrived :o wasn't as bad as some of your stories sound though! Once they broke my waters he arrived within 2 hours. Congratulations to everyone who's babies have arrived xx
Congrats Mayday. It really does sound like the 13th was a tough day to give birth.
Unlucky 13th lol. I just wish I got my dates right thought my grandad was the 13th but he was the 12th lol oh well. She has her cousin birthday. Which was also a horrific birth story!
Congratulations Ery and kabuk! I'm so sorry to hear yous had a traumatic time. I hope you both recover quickly. Enjoy your cuddles with your beautiful babies xxx
Congrats kabuk! Sorry you had a traumatic time too :/ Lovely little one :)

Goodness! Who's next?
We are home. But have issues with not being able to wake her up to feed her!
Congratulations on all the births! I'm still waiting but some of these stories are making me want to carry on waiting!!

Thanks ladies! I can't wait to be home and in my own bed. I'm really struggling to sleep in hospital. He makes so many cute little noises. He managed a good deed today. I couldn't believe how quickly he went searching. First attempt wasn't great as he'd manage a few sucks and then stopped, but turns out he just needed a good vomit of all the fluid he swallowed at birth. After that he latched on and had a good go.

I've been getting lots of cuddles and can't stop watching him. It's all still a little surreal.
When she does latch on she has a good feed but she's just always asleep. I never knew I'd be complaing at that!

And she's just had an operating system named after her lol
Aye. And I eill update the front just need a moment or two. But holy cow the trauma of having a wee :o I need gas and air and home just to walk geez
Aw Rachel try not to be put off! There are plenty of good birth stories too xx

Kabuk glad he's feeding better. Hope you get home soon and are able to get a good sleep!xx

Ery the poor wee soul is probably just exhausted from it all, I'm sure she'll be waking you up at all hours soon enough!xx
glad you got the birth you wanted pebbles. sounds like it was quite quick!

Thanks Nikki.
Yes, the labour part couldn't have gone better really. It was pretty quick. If only the story stopped there.
I didn't go into too much detail before because I didn't want to frighten anyone who was still in labour but the bleeding I mentioned turned out to be a severe post partum haemorrhage.
I was moved from the birthing centre to the hospital labour ward where the did their thing. It was really uncomfortable, I still needed the gas and air!
So they monitored me all day and kept me in overnight in case I needed a transfusion. Luckily I got away without one. They let me go home this afternoon with iron tablets . I'm sure I should feel worse but I'm not too bad. Just tired

So I would agree, the 13th seems to have been unlucky for all of us!

Don't worry Rachel we can't all be this unlucky!
Eleanor Rose arrived on 13th May at 2.12pm weighing 7lb9oz.

Fast doesn't even come close!! Thank goodness the midwives were so on it!!

I saw my mW at 12 for sweep and was 3cm. Contractions a lot more frequent after sweep but still lasting less than a minute. Waters went at 12.55. Called hospital at 1.10 and told to go straight in. Pushing in the car for a couple of contractions but not every time. Arrived at the hospital at 2.10 and baby delivered at 2.12!! I didn't even have time to get my shoes and trousers off!! Had them round my knees and very nearly had her in the toilet but mw stood me up. If we'd have hit a red light on the way I'd have had her in the car!!

It was a student midwife who delivered her and she was her 40th baby which qualified her :-)

Have a second degree tear and home on blood pressure meds as it's raised but we're doing well. Bf is going OK so far I think.

It's all such a shock as it went so fast!!

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