May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Oh good!! I'm so curious as to what you're having Betty. Have you got names?

I'm so excited. Honestly, this is the best surprise ever! We've got a couple of names for each sex but we're really waiting to meet him or her first so we can see what name suits best.

For a girl our current favourite is Daisy and for a boy it's Leonard.

Do you have names? We post so often in here I can't remember if you'd said already xx
Do you have any inkling as to whether it's a boy or a girl?

I'm feeling snoozy but need to get the roast going otherwise tea time will have been and gone and we'll not have eaten!

Had another good tightening while out on the walk and a good couple of fanny daggers/lightening crotch so hopefully she moved down a bit!

Daisy (the days eye) is quake in Marvel totally awesome!!!!
Love Leonard (lion like) too big bang theory lol
I well want a roast now. We're having pasta and meatballs. I could just do with cooking a gammon joint with roast potatoes steamed carrots and peas a big pile of mash Yorkshire puds and a luscious gravy. Mmmmm I may well cook that tomorrow! Lol
Happy due date Emily!

My feet and ankles went back to normal 2 days after birth, they always went down overnight but now they are good at all times of day!

We had our 10 day midwife appointment today. He is back up to 6lbs, so nearly back to birth weight. He is feeding really well, in spite of having tongue tie. I'm finding breastfeeding quite straightforward, especially now I have milk. I would recommend giving it a try to anyone thinking about their options. I'm hoping to be able to express so that my husband can give the occasional bottle, I may experiment with that this week. The hardest bit I'm finding is at night as he just won't settle after about 3-4am at the moment. He is getting better at being put down though, so I think we will get there in the end.
Do you have any inkling as to whether it's a boy or a girl?

I'm feeling snoozy but need to get the roast going otherwise tea time will have been and gone and we'll not have eaten!

Had another good tightening while out on the walk and a good couple of fanny daggers/lightening crotch so hopefully she moved down a bit!


I though it was a girl for ages but I've stopped thinking of it as a girl in case it's a boy - I don't want gender disappointment! Xx
That's one reason I'm glad I'm being induced. We really want him to be a taurus. He'll be a combo of my me and my dw where east meets west. I'm a rooster, and it's the year of the rooster and she's a taurus- so we could have a taurian rooster. We like that idea. She's a taurus ox and I'm a sagittarius rooster.

That would be pretty cool!
Pebbles, I think you're the most preggers lady on this forum right now!!

Don't think I'll be having a due date baby. Just have to wait and see what next week brings....hopefully an ickle baby!!

Do you have a date for induction pebbles?
That's a shame Emily. Hope she's not too late for you!
Well, we know it won't be any more than 12 days now until they induce me although I'm hoping she comes before then!

My next MW appointment is on Thursday so we'll see what the plan is from there.

My next mw is Thursday too when I'll get an idea also! Though I'm pretty sure I'll be booked in for induction on may 22nd.
I'm guessing I'll be booked for induction on 19th if she's not arrived by then.

Not sure if I'll get a sweep on Thursday? My MW said they don't do them for second babies until 41 weeks but you never know, she might have the urge to give my cervix a good old jiggle on Thursday! Lol!!

im getting such bad pains tonight and im a hormonal mess. i shouted at oh about dinner and then broke down in tears because i smashed a.bowl. im like the hulk right now lol going for a soak in the bath in a minute
I'm thinking of asking for a sweep tomorrow on my due date. I remember they told me 41 weeks with my last but my sister flies to Ghana for 2 months on Saturday so I'm starting to panic baby won't be here by then! Xx
I'm so glad I have an induction date. I'm getting to be rather miserable and I'm not 40 weeks yet. The swelling is killing me. A shower is difficult and causes the swelling to increase and my calves and feet feel awful in there. Swelling no longer goes down for part of the day. It's so tiring to get out and about that I can't really do much- between the swelling and my back, I'm just miserable when out. Plus I only have one pair of jeans and 2 tops that I can still fit, other than sweats.

Mw appointment in the morning. Wish she'd give me a sweep to see if it would get things started before induction, but I doubt it. Maybe she'll be able to tell me more about my current state tomorrow. Got an appointment letter for a scan on the 11th, which has me confused since I should be in hospital with induction booked for the night of the 10th.

Pebbles, you really are the most preggers. Not sure how you're doing it. Don't know how anyone manages going 2 weeks over. I'm so ready to have my body back.
I'm nowhere near as close as you lot but I'm so ready for my body back! I'm freaking huge though because I'm so short. Kabuk I really think if you ask the midwife should do a sweep if she can as it would be better to go into labour before your induction if at all possible. I can't believe how swollen my legs, feet and hands have become. I can barely walk. I tested for other pre eclampsia symptoms today just to check but all clear. Xx
I've noticed that my ankles are swollen today and yesterday by not too badly. I took my wedding rings off a few weeks ago as they were getting a little bit tight overnight and I didn't want to risk them being cut off.

My nose is so stuffy tonight, I know my snoring is going to be just horrendous!! I'm betting I'll end up on the sofa where I can snore and snort and make weird sleepy noises to my hearts content without disturbing hubby. Mind you, he's going to have to get used to disturbed nights sleep once bubs arrives!

Oh good!! I'm so curious as to what you're having Betty. Have you got names?

I'm so excited. Honestly, this is the best surprise ever! We've got a couple of names for each sex but we're really waiting to meet him or her first so we can see what name suits best.

For a girl our current favourite is Daisy and for a boy it's Leonard.

Do you have names? We post so often in here I can't remember if you'd said already xx

We have Leo in our list. I daren't say what I'm thinking as I've decided not to choose until I meet him. I was getting fed up of people not liking my choices.

I had bad period pain earlier, in my lower back. Baby is very active tonight.
Strange about them not giving a sweep until 41 weeks. I had one last week at 39 week's. She called it a failed in ghough so maybe it was too early!

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