May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Dovekie, pushing was easy for me. 3 contractions of pushing and she was put. Midwife couldn't believe it. Took maybe 10 or 15 minutes from the start of pushing to get being born xx

Betty, I am a little more swollen as I have had so many fluids pumped into me. I literally could not feel my fingers after at all. They have gone down a bit now but feet are still swollen. Can take a few days they say and often gets worse before it gets better xx
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Also, I agree with Emily. No matter how big they get and how tight things are they should still be moving as much. Hospital can monitor and put your mind at ease xx
It's such a worry - I've been in for reduced movements and is why I am having the growth scan tomorrow. The ctg is always fine and baby always moves loads when I'm at the hospital! So strange. The scan is at 8:30am so can't get one any sooner. If I went in for every reduced episode I'd be in every day at the moment :/ it's never been a massive mover this one, I've read some babies just aren't. I remember you saying you daily got 20-25 movement sessions per day on the kicks count app, I'm lucky to get up to 15 with around 10 being the norm. And then I start to think what if there is something wrong with it and is why it doesn't move much...and then you should see my Google history! I am getting tempted to go in again today but I'm going to relax in the bath first and see if that helps. I do wonder if it's movements might be inhibited by my anxiety because as soon as they put me on the monitor and I chill out its movements pick up again xx
i dont know if this is true but i heard the monitor has like waves that run through your belly which entices baby to move which would explain why they wake up once you get to the hospital lol

glad youve got a scan tomorrow betty but if your worried beforehand definately go in. i would of been in alot more if our hospital wasnt so far away
I feel around 20 episodes of movements from her each day, but that's not to say everyone will feel their baby as much. It's about getting to know what's normal for your baby and obviously allowing for variations in how each individual monitors sessions.

Never hesitate if your worried though. They are there to look after you and baby after all!

My baby is generally quiet through the day I have movement a bit in the morning around breakfast. A little bit when I eat. But then she has a rave all through the night lol. (Wonder if she will be the same when she's born! )
We've been telling Lil miss it's time to come out. We can imagine her looking at her watch in there saying "excuse me I've booked this womb for a bit longer thank you very much" lol
The monitor irritates them so they expect them to move more so they look for how many movements you have plus the heart rate variability, they look for accelerations and this tells th baby is happy. Go in every day if u need to but still go in, things can change in a day so if in doubt go in, I went in loads and the same thing she was always really busy as soon as I went on the monitor but it's the heart rate pattern that will telll them if there are issues with blood flow etc so the monitoring is really important regardless of movements whilst on it xx

Happy due date Emily

Hope everyone doing ok x trying to catch up when I can x
Hope all is going well lou and life is getting more used to having a little one around!

Anyone else slightly disappointed every time they stand up and their waters don't pop lol?
I'm right with you ery, especially since the pressure there has really increased. He was really pushing away there yesterday and I couldn't understand how it didn't cause my waters to break. Oh well.

Just had a lovely omelette that was so easy to cook in my new pan. I was able to toss and flip. Nothing was left in the pan after.

Happy due date Emily. Hope your little one doesn't keep you waiting for too much longer.
Happy 40th Emily :D

Betty, I tend to feel more when I hold my belly. I think my hands pick up more than my belly does. The movements have changed. They're stronger, like he's stretching my belly out in two directions. I still feel limbs sweeping over and now feel arms in my groin and fluttery stuff. Yesterday he did a weird rapid kick, it scared me at first.

My belly seems to have stopped growing. It's just big now. I'm not gettting shortness of breath much. CM has increased and seem to get the occasional period-like pain at night. Oh, and diarrhoea-ish poops.

I really hope he stays put for a few weeks.
I've just had a couple of movements while in the bath so feel better for now. Dovekie I'm constantly holding my belly as like you say I tend to feel smaller movements better with my hands xx
Oh good!! I'm so curious as to what you're having Betty. Have you got names?
They are lovely names a lot of really nice names in Buffy/Angel

I hope youre not waiting too much longer pebbles!
Happy due date Emily and Xjdx

Thanks Ery. I hope things happen soon too.
I found out today that my mum was induced for all 3 children. 2 of them at 10 days over.
And my mum thinks my nan was induced for 2 of her 3 children (don't know how many days over though)
Then I was induced at 2wks over for my son and my sister was induced at 13 days over for hers.

It would seem we definitely just carry for longer in my family! It's a shame we don't know how long we would carry to if we were allowed.
I just hope since this is my second, that it will come before 12 days over when my induction is booked for!
I went into labour the day of induction with my son and my mum went into natural labour 2 weeks after my due date so looks like we carry for 42 weeks! If Miss Anyanka gets her way I think she's holding out to be a Gemini not a Taurus then we will have 2 Gemini's and 2 Sagittarius's in the household lol.
That's one reason I'm glad I'm being induced. We really want him to be a taurus. He'll be a combo of my me and my dw where east meets west. I'm a rooster, and it's the year of the rooster and she's a taurus- so we could have a taurian rooster. We like that idea. She's a taurus ox and I'm a sagittarius rooster.
I was booked for induction with Cam but went into labour myself naturally two days before.

Been having some strong tightenings while walking round Tesco and the odd period type pain but nothing new there!! Going to take our old dog for a little wander round the block in a bit and then put my feet up for an hour until it's time to cook the tea.

I'm a sagitarian ox lol
We finished her walls off today just need the cot and to move the stair gates out if her room and to set up the cctv then we are done! Oh and a lampshade unless she likes fireman Sam lol


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Hope the tightening's progress on the dog walk Emily I may have a ball bounce tomorrow
I've been getting them when I walk round for a week or two but they never amount to anything. I don't think I'll be walking far enough to have any effect as she's sixteen years old so we don't go far with her now. Bless her!


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