May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Oh good!! I'm so curious as to what you're having Betty. Have you got names?

I'm so excited. Honestly, this is the best surprise ever! We've got a couple of names for each sex but we're really waiting to meet him or her first so we can see what name suits best.

For a girl our current favourite is Daisy and for a boy it's Leonard.

Do you have names? We post so often in here I can't remember if you'd said already xx

We have Leo in our list. I daren't say what I'm thinking as I've decided not to choose until I meet him. I was getting fed up of people not liking my choices.

I had bad period pain earlier, in my lower back. Baby is very active tonight.

I love the name Leo. Never-ending what anyone else thinks - it's your decision. I get period type pains when baby moves a lot too xx
Sat waiting for my scan, been up since 4:30am and didn't sleep well due to multiple toilet trips! I feel like one of those nodding dogs! So hoping everything is ok on the scan...xx
I was only up once last night. Think my snoring may have been pretty bad though as hubby seems in a grump this morning! Ooops!

I'm sure everything will be just fine hun. I know it's easier said than done but try not to worry.

Nothing to report from me this morning. I'm off to see a friend later and was hoping I'd have to cancel as I'd be in labour but nope! Little miss is snuggled up good and proper still! Lol!

good luck betty hope it all goes ok

39 weeks today. feel so heavy and uncomfortable. was too hot so i couldnt sleep at all lol
Thanks all. So scan was all good and efw is 7lb!!! The midwife said that some babies do slow down a bit towards the end and my baby is probably just one of those but because it can also be a sign of distress that would be awful to miss they want me to come in every day if it continues. They're just so nice at the hospital. I actually had a bit of a cry as I've been quite anxious but just trying to hold it all in. She said if I come in again then they'll have a doctor discuss induction at 40 weeks with me rather than the normal 42. Baby is on the lower end of acceptable movements for me but is moving regularly enough today. Oh reply to this news was "let's get our bedroom boogie on and try and get it out soon!" Love him, can't believe he still fancies me - I'm a huge burping farting crying mess!!!

Yay nikki 39 weeks xx
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aw betty thats good news and bless your oh. my oh knows how.petrified i am of having a c section on thursday so weve literally been.trying everything to get the baby out but shes being stubborn lol
Mw just left. She was more than happy to give me a sweep and said that as long as they document I asked for it its not a problem. It was successful so fingers crossed it does something. Other than that all is good with baby. Xx
My hubby won't actually dtd due to infectuon risk now but anything else he'll try lol nipple stimulation is his current fave job lol. Also when he blows raspberries on my belly she punches my cervix so hoping that breaks my waters lol. I don't think she likes raspberries lol
ive sorted all my kids stuff out for my mum this morning and sterilised the bottles they are on tne side lol trying to get organised! just going to blotz the house
Meanwhile in the overdue club... I just can't stop eating!!

Lol Emily I had breakfast this morning finished it thought oooo it could eat that again..... so i did lol.
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lol emily i cant stop eating either! ill eat and then half hour later im back in the kitchen!
I had period type pains which were going into my lower back all yesterday afternoon and evening. I was so hopeful that it was labour starting but by the time I went to bed they'd eased off.
Saw my mw this morning. She's offered me a sweep next Monday when I'll be 40+4 but I don't know whether I'll go for it or not.
Baby can't come on Saturday cos I'm picking up my new car!

Lol I'm in the same situation she can come sny day but not saturday as my mum has an appointment miles and miles away lol.
Ooh, Missy, fingers crossed that sweep sets things off for you. They say it can take a couple of days.

Isn't it funny how different parts of the country have different rules.
They were funny about me going over 41wks but were happy to try a sweep at 40wks yet some of you have had to push for a sweep at 40wks but you're allowed to book induction for 42wks!

My induction is booked for this Saturday 13th. Eurovision night! That's 40wk +12.

Gonna try again to book a mw appt for tomorrow. We didn't arrange one last week because I was supposed to be induced today. I left a message last Wednesday but not heard back yet.

I'm getting a mild lower back pain which I don't remember feeling with my son, so I'm hoping that's a good sign.
I find it's easier to cope with the waiting if I don't get my hopes up that anything will happen before Friday.

The most awkward day for baby to come would be Tuesday night/Wednesday because my son has an allergy appt at the hospital and we could still attend if baby comes any other time!
My stepdaughter has a hosp appointment on weds so that's not a great day for me either! Also don't really want Friday as that's her birthday.

Im still getting a bit of blood post sweep and I feel really achey in my back and low in bump. Hoping its the sweep working it's magic but guess I will have to wait and see! Will try dtd tonight if nothing obviously happening as hopefully ny cervix will have softened a bit more by then if nothing else. I really want this baby out now!!

You seem so much more relaxed than me pebbles. I am not coping with the thought of being overdue and as much as I am enjoying the sun I am so hot and bothered!


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