May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Lol Millie, glad you didn't have the pph though of course.

I honestly can't wait to read all your updates. It was strange this morning when I looked at her and thought that just 24 hours earlier she was inside my womb being a little ninja!!

I literally feel complete now xx
Ery, how long does it take to express? Does it hurt? I would want an electric pump but don't know which to buy, so many to choose from xxx
lisey your making me so eager to have my little girl lol glad your both getting on well :)
So happy for you lisey :) x Does she look like her 4D scan??
It doesn't hurt it's quiet relaxing as you get a relief from it. Make sure you get one with customisable settings. You want one with 0% back flow for easy clean abilities. The top 2 out there seem to be the medulla swing (I had that last time) which was great but has a price tag. I've got with the tommee tippee one this time. It looks pretty much the same but it's half the price. I've not tried it yet but it gets pretty good reviews x as for time. I recall it was more efficient than my son was lol. And it will depend on which setting you use. The first setting is very gentle. The highest was a bit more well.... like someone giving you a lovebite... and definitely would advise not wasting money on a manual unless you want to get cramp in your hands lol


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Thanks and yes she does look similar to the 3d scan. Was comparing earlier. :)
Thanks so much ery, I was thinking of the medela but that's cos it's the main one I have heard of. Will read lots of reviews, thanks for the tips xx
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I really liked the medela last time I just thought i would try a different one this time as I prefer the TT bottles but you can still use any bottle with any pump. I just could resit the money off lol :p

So cute that she looks like the scan too! !
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Speaking of Buffy, I've always liked the names Willow and Xander.
They are lovely names a lot of really nice names in Buffy/Angel

I hope youre not waiting too much longer pebbles!
Happy due date Emily and Xjdx
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Thanks hun!

No action happening here as of yet. Had a bloody horrendous night's sleep - really hope this snoring does one as soon as she's here. Hubby gets all pissed off and huffy and flings himself over in bed which wakes me up and then I can't get back to sleep again and just lie there all paranoid that I'll snore again! Then I drift off and sure enough I snore (not helped by the fact I've got a bit of a cold) and I wake myself up. Then there's the heartburn, need to pee and dry mouth situation too.

I can see me just coming downstairs to sleep tonight!

Im in exactly the same position emily, the snoring is awful inwale ,yself up with it. And when i nod off in front of the tv i make bizzare gurggling noises as im about to drop off so the shole family knows im about to fall asleep lol
It doesn't seem to be as bad if I nap during the day.

Hubby keeps going on about it and it's really starting to piss me off! It's not like I can help it!! Ironically last night I was lay there awake worrying about snoring and disturbing him, while listening to HIM snoring away!!!

My dw sleeps like a rock, so unless she's having a restless night, my movement doesn't bother her. The only thing that disturbs her sleep is if I move the covers too much and let too much cold air in, but she just makes a noise, pulls the covers in and drifts right back off. I've gotten good an adjusting, even with as difficult as it is now, and not letting the cool air in. Luckily, now that I'm not working and worried about lack of sleep, I'm finding that falling asleep is easy. I do wake several time for the loo and to drink more water, can't help it, need the water, but I'm now getting back to sleep quickly.

Dw's body has decided today cannot be the day he arrives. She's stuck in bed with a migraine. Work has been exhausting. She's trying to do everything as she's taking a month off when he arrives- 2 weeks holiday + 2 weeks parental leave. She has a long night discussing things with her boss (the CEO of the startup), which is asked for. It was a good thing as she's firmly his no. 2 and got promises in front of his friends (something he never does) of a good increase in her shares and salary (both of which are overdue). So it was a great outcome, just a very long night for her.

Got a bit excited this morning. I'll be making an omelette later. I finally bought a new pots and pan set- just a 3 piece one, but it has amazing reviews and was reasonably priced. Needed a new pan as my current one is good for many things, but eggs isn't one of them. And I love eggs, especially omelettes. I still need a good pasta/steamer/stock pot combo, but I can put that off a bit- just need it before the winter. I need some new bakeware too as I broke the dish I used for enchiladas and had to throw out the baking sheets too. It's been about 5 years since I bought anything new like this. Hope these new pots and pans last me for 5+ years as well.

Everyone is so close now. I can't wait to find out who is next to announce. Of course I'd love for it to be me, but I doubt that'll be the case. With what everyone is reporting, it seems gesic and then nikki with their c-sections are likely to be next. If I don't go in the next couple of days, then hopefully my induction goes rather quickly and he arrives on the 11th or 12th.
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I was going to buy a manual pump just to get me started, and just in case I need one quickly. I'm not sure about spending so much on an electric pump if I won't need it.

Lisey, you said the pushing was difficult - is there anything we can do to prepare for that (pelvic floors?) or is it just something everyone has to deal with?!
oh laughs at my snoring i hate it really hope it goes away soon!

no news here lol was getting some pains on my ball last night and then they went as usual lol
40 week due date bumpy!!



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aw happy 40 weeks emily :) hope little one makes an appearance soon!
Happy due date Emily!

Lisey how is your swelling now baby is out? I've got awfully swollen feet the last few days. I have a growth scan tomorrow then midwife Tuesday. I only wake myself up snoring as me and oh have separate rooms at the moment!

I'm starting to get a bit of anxiety and just want baby out so I can see all is ok. My tummy has felt super tight the last few days and I feel like it's run out of room and it doesn't move so much now. All that worry over a medically induced birth or cesarean and actually now it comes to it I would probably gladly accept to have baby here safe. Xx
Betty if you think baby is moving less then you need to call triage and go in for monitoring.

Although the type of movements you feel may change, the frequency and pattern should stay the same. It's not true that they run out of room or go quiet to conserve energy before the birth.


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