I'm feeling so short tempered and snappy tonight. Cam has been poorly on and off since Thursday. He'll be fine one minute then the next he's burning up and feeling rough. Needless to say my patience has been tested to the max. He's just gone off to bed now and hopefully he'll feel better in the morning.
Baby girl is still snug as a bug in a rug and showing no signs of wanting to join us in the big wide world just yet.
Can't believe it's my due date tomorrow!! When I think back to when we started our journey to baby number two, 2 1/2 years ago, there were times when I honestly believed we'd never reach this point. I still can't convince myself 100% that this is really going to happen and I don't think I will be able to until she's in my arms.
Although I'm resigned to the fact that I'll be going overdue, I really hope she's not too late. Still, we are most definitely on the home straight now and she'll definitely be here in the next two weeks. I just have to keep my anxiety under control and keep it together until then.