May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Aye :) I got the bounty, pampers, and Emma diary ones lol. Loving the tummy butter!
And I'm sure the tenna lady's will be handy after the birth :rofl:
Oooooo... more freebies. Wish I would've seen the emma diary one before I went out today, although I don't have a printer to print the vouchers. I got the bounty and mama mia ones.

It's exhausting going into town. My local town is about a 10 minute walk, but the pain in my right hip has become irritating. It takes me ages to get things done. I did treat myself with a toffee sundae! I feel like I could sleep now though.
Mmmm toffee sundae. Lol
I'm lucky with my hips my pain is mainly back and foof lol. Got stuck trying to get out the car before though lol
I have pain in both those areas too. The right hip started over the last week. I don't have the hip pain when sitting down, just when up and walking, but my hips get restless and make me move after sitting for a while. The back pain travels up to my mid-back when I'm sitting down. I always feel stuck trying to get off my sofa.
Yea I've pretty much given up on the sofa lol
I've got a really weird pain in my foof right now so I'm going to see if a bath helps.
ive got loads of BH today and im just generally feeling so tired i had to force myself to do the kids dinner while oh is working on the garden lol. we dtd this morning but still no sign of baby yet lol
I'm feeling so short tempered and snappy tonight. Cam has been poorly on and off since Thursday. He'll be fine one minute then the next he's burning up and feeling rough. Needless to say my patience has been tested to the max. He's just gone off to bed now and hopefully he'll feel better in the morning.

Baby girl is still snug as a bug in a rug and showing no signs of wanting to join us in the big wide world just yet.

Can't believe it's my due date tomorrow!! When I think back to when we started our journey to baby number two, 2 1/2 years ago, there were times when I honestly believed we'd never reach this point. I still can't convince myself 100% that this is really going to happen and I don't think I will be able to until she's in my arms.

Although I'm resigned to the fact that I'll be going overdue, I really hope she's not too late. Still, we are most definitely on the home straight now and she'll definitely be here in the next two weeks. I just have to keep my anxiety under control and keep it together until then.

Sorry your feeling stressed Emily! Good positive thinking though within the next 2 weeks your little rainbow will be in your arms! My Lil one has had a lazy day she always does when we have a car trip at least I have some idea on how to get her to sleep once she's here though! She was kicking all through the buffy episode we all just watched though. Glad she likes that show teehee!
Girls got good taste in TV if she's into Buffy!

Best. Series. Ever.

Teehee I agree (hence her name lol) My son has 2 names from Angel so it seemed to fit lol
what names dod you decide on.ery? just watching britains got talent and about to have a curry lol little one is going mad today lol
I'm catching up on some supernatural and have just put season 1 of DC's Legends of Tomorrow on my iPad- leaving that for a distraction during labour. He's being quite active, lots of pressure going downwards for a change. Hopefully that means he's getting ready. Most pressure I've felt down there yet, but not feeling any contractions yet.
I hope these baby's make their appearances soon xx
Baby is doing very well. She has a good set of lungs on her and stayed awake literally all night last night. She is pretty fiesty.
I always planned on feeding her colostrum then going to bottle but I am actually enjoying breastfeeding and might continue. Will buy a pump though as don't want her getting too clingy and be good for others to be able to feed her too.
I keep staring at her in absolute amazement, She is a darling, so beautiful and precious. She is something I never thought I would have. 5 long years and every single second of it was worth it xx
So happy for you lisey. It's fantastic that the breastfeeding is going well.

It's still so surreal when I think about it all. By this time next week I should have him in my arms.
Awww Lisey, I'm glad she's doing so well. How are you feeling? Lovely that you are enjoying bf for the time being too.

I really hope my little lady decides to arrive soon. Hearing you talk like that about your bubs makes me so eager for her to arrive! She's wriggling away in there tonight and I keep telling her that if she's running out of room then she should just come out! It's not working though! Lol!

Fantastic news lisey x Im glad you're liking breastfeeding too. I must admit I loved ut wirh must admit son but this time I want to try breastfeeding milk in bottles too. (And when your boobs are full and baby is asleep oh how wonderfully pleasurable that pump will be lol)
My Lil one has must definitely woken up after her sleep today lol. I'm feeling pressure all over.

Supernatural and legends of tomorrow are awesome shows x

She's most likely going to be called Anya Willow.
Lol Emily we have been telling little obevrhevsanevrhing tonight too. Just cone out little babies!
Congratulations lisey!!!

Just got to say oh my God our birth stories are literally the same apart from the pph!!!!! The drip, epi, expecting to be like halfway dilated but fully dilated and then 3 contractions and out haha! Was like reading mine again! Xxx

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