May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Happy Birthday Emily!

Is that standard if you go in twice Betty?

Nikki, I feel like my baby has been quite quiet today too. Definitely different to yesterday. I have felt some kicks though.

It is in Gloucester yes, they like to check placenta function and growth if you've been in twice, I think in other places it may be after three episodes though. It's always good to get checked - I've found the midwives really insist and never make you feel silly for going in which is lovely. Xx
Emily, that's kind of how I feel- as if I won't know until my waters break. We'll see.

I see the mw on monday morning, if he hasn't arrived by then. Hopefully she'll have some good news. Would rather not be induced, if I can help it.
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So glad you're both alright x why did they suspect you would have a PPH again? I hope you recover quickly can't quit to see photos of your little bundle congratulation's hunny x x
Kabuk my waters didn't go till I was pushing both times haha, I definitely knew before then! I'm sure you will know, and the longer you potentially don't know and are having contractions which are causing you little or no pain, the further progressed you will be when you go to the hospital so it's not necessarily a bad thing! Xx
Thanks missy. That's what I'm counting on. Hoping that all this with little pain means I'm progressing and that by the time I really feel them and the they are consistent and closer together that I'll almost be ready to push. One can hope. At least the hospital is only down the road. If I walk there in labour, I could still get there in about 25 mins, assuming I'm able to walk.

Anyone else getting really gassy? It's gotten a bit ridiculous here.

PPH worries me. It's something that can happen with polyhydramnios. The only surgery I ever had were my tonsil removed, which saw me bleed a lot. I was 4 and still remember it. Good thing it wasn't an outpatient surgery like it is now in the US. The bleeding started the night I spent in recovery.
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I've been having lots of tightening over the last week especially when I'm active like doing housework or walking. They don't hurt at all but can be a bit uncomfortable. When I had contractions with Cam they were mildly painful right away but not enough to stop me doing anything. As time went on and they got stronger I was having to just take deep breaths through them but that was a good six to seven hours later and of course by then I knew I was in labour. You may not be sure right away but you'll know eventually for sure!

Congratulations lisey, glad your little girl is OK. I hope you recover quickly too. Can't wait for a pic. Now get some rest.
All my labour began in hospital so I wasn't really 100% I started off with mild pains that weren't dissimilar to how I've been feeling over the past week but they were a lot more regular and closer together when they started getting a bit more ouchy I had a warm bath which helped a lot. When the bath stopped working I hot out and had gas and air. Then I needed gas and air and the birthing pool. That water is very warm it's like a Jacuzzi lol. And by the end your fingers are the pruniest you have ever seen in your life lol.

I am slightly more concerned my health problems will prevent me from having the birth I want or that it will be too busy to have the birth I want but we shall see. I'm not ruling anything out ideally I'd like to avoid an epidural that sounds too full on but we shall see. I'm scared the aspirin will make me bleed too much too especially after the blood loss from my sweep. I'm still losing dome blood now from it but not a lot.
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I'm hoping for a pool birth with gas and air and to avoid an epidural but we'll just have to see how it goes on the day - if she ever decides to come out that is!!! My plan to eat her out hasn't worked although I'm getting lots of low down pains with her moving, there's nothing labour like going on!

Oh dear!

We have a cankle situation on the go!!!


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I'm refusing to wear shoes at the moment. As long as the temp doesn't drop too much, I'll be wearing flip flops from here on out. My cankles are awful, especially when my ankles are usually rather small. And my feet are pretty damn swollen. I have my wide converse that still 'fit', but nothing beats no socks and shoes right now.
Congratulations lisey! Hope you both have a good night and that you are feeling less battered in the morning.
Aww bless you. I've been lucky in the swelling department. I've had to remove my rings but that may be more chocolate cake related.....:blush: :rofl:
The swelling only really kicked in about 2 weeks ago. My hands change the most. I stopped wearing my ring last week. The swelling in my hands is bad at night but usually goes down quite a bit during the day. That was the case with my feet, but not any more. I got a pedi yesterday and even my flip flops left marks on my feet with the little bit of walking around I did after.

I just can't get comfy on the couch. No matter how I adjust, the middle of my back just hurts and my hips get irritated.
I am at higher risk as I had PPH with son and after erpc. They are actually going to refer me to heamotology as they suspect i could have a problem with blood not clotting properly. Nothing to worry about but will mean I get special meds of i ever have another operation etc.
Kabuk, if you are worried, mention it to them and they will be prepared.

I didn't really want epidural either but as I had drip, it causes contractions to be more intense. The midwife said she couldn't believe how i managed contractions and was amazed. I didn't make a sound and just focused. Gas and air was amazing but got to the point where it wasn't enough.
The epidural was good, still able to walk and able to feel the pressure in order to push. When I had it with son I couldn't walk for hours after and couldn't feel a thing! Xx
Congrats lisey! So glad u r both ok but must have been scary for you! Rest up and look after yourself xx congrats! Can't wait to see pics! Fab weight! Xx
When I told the mw that I'm not keen on an epidural, she said they can give a very light one that allows you to still get up and move about. She said to keep an open mind about it if I am induced because contractions can be worse- she wasn't just speaking as a professional, but from experience of being induced for both of hers. So I'm mentally prepared for that possibility, at least as much as I can be. For me it's about the needle in my spine. I had to have a spinal tap once and I swear I could still feel it in there for weeks after. Hated that feeling.

They are aware lisey. It's one of the reasons I have to be at the hospital. They will want to monitor us both during labour and I've been warned that I may need a managed 3rd stage. They know it's a worry for me; I was sure to mention it.

Well, new kitchen in and all was cleared out but that damn mouse is back. I'm pretty sure they are coming up from the flat below. Now we need to get pest control out to get rid of them. It's actually the thing I hate the most about London. It's the only city I've lived in where every flat I've lived in has had mice. Apparently, more than 80% of homes in London have a mice problem at some point as there is a lack of habitat for them. Can't they just stay on the tube tracks.
Loose stools this morning and cramps in my belly and back tonight. What can it mean?! Probably three weeks to go!
Kabuk, I agree with your mw and what lisey said.
I had an epidural when I was induced with my ds. The pain really was quite intense so when I got the epidural it was amazing! Although I didn't feel any pain when it came to the pushing, I could just feel when I was getting the contractions enough be in control of the pushing. And I had no problems walking around afterwards.
I think they can stop topping it up when you get to 10cm, so it starts to wear off for the pushing part.

If anyone's worried about the pain and would rather not feel any, I'd recommend the epidural.

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