Gosh, ery, doesn't sound like a fun morning at all. Really can't believe they didn't give you a pad.
lisey, really hope things really get moving for you soon.
My next mw appointment isn't until Monday. Really wishing I would've taken the Friday appt as it would be tomorrow, but thought that it was my last day at work. Maybe I would've been given a sweep and then would've had the weekend. Oh well. I'm still hopeful of going into labour before my in-laws arrive, which is on Tuesday. They run a B&B in the west of Ireland, so it's their busy season. They shut down to come over, but they are booked on a ferry back the night of the 15th. If nothing happens before the 10th, hopefully the induction will work rather quickly so they get to see him before they go. Not sure why they booked that week. I suggested the week after just in case of being late. I think they are just so excited. I bet my MIL will be back soon after they return to Ireland.