May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Exciting lisey! :)

Anyone know if you can take gluco tabs in pregnancy? I know you can take them during labour, but a lot of rules go out of the window then.
I know right! I have been offered one next Thursday but that's by a friend I see on a near daily basis so I have the urmmmmm can I look you in the eye afterwards factor to contend with lol
hope things get moving soon lisey can you walk around and stuff?

ery that sounds like a nightmare! cant believe they wont do anymore sweeps for you
That's the thing they have offered a sweep by my normal midwife.... but she's my friend lol. So I'm really hoping this one just works. Lol
Gosh, ery, doesn't sound like a fun morning at all. Really can't believe they didn't give you a pad.

lisey, really hope things really get moving for you soon.

My next mw appointment isn't until Monday. Really wishing I would've taken the Friday appt as it would be tomorrow, but thought that it was my last day at work. Maybe I would've been given a sweep and then would've had the weekend. Oh well. I'm still hopeful of going into labour before my in-laws arrive, which is on Tuesday. They run a B&B in the west of Ireland, so it's their busy season. They shut down to come over, but they are booked on a ferry back the night of the 15th. If nothing happens before the 10th, hopefully the induction will work rather quickly so they get to see him before they go. Not sure why they booked that week. I suggested the week after just in case of being late. I think they are just so excited. I bet my MIL will be back soon after they return to Ireland.
I just can't sit in the house all day so opted for a pedicure. Loving this massage chair right now. Not sure how I've been sleeping, but my shoulders are in a state, and of course that is on top of the lower back pains. He's moving about now with all that action.
im at the hospital waiting for my appointment its a group appointment lol so hot in here!!
I'm sat here in my jumper debating putting the heater on lol.

I hope your Mil gets to see your little boy before she has to go home!

My bleeding has eased and it's gone brown now not red so that's good. I'm just so tired lol. I've got to move around the furniture in a room upstairs and I can't be arsed. I also have also basketfull of clothes to put away and I cant be bothered with that either lol. I'm hoping when I lose some blood my energy levels will return or else i dont know how ill cope with the sleepless nights lol
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please tell me thats a joke Ery!? the office is so warm! cant wait to finish!

hope your appointment goes well Nikki

glad the bleeding has eased for you - ill probs get the same when i go for my sweep. was is uncomfortable/hurt?
Lol I'm always cold :( lol

The sweep wasn't the most pleasant thing in the world at first when she was just examining my cervix I could hardly feel a thing but when she tried pulling it down towards her that was slightly painful but on the same scale as the more painful contractions I've been having just in a less comfortable area. I would definitely go prepared if a sweep is a posability I didn't expect to bleed so much but nothing seems to have cone from it. She said the main aim is to get some hormones moving across the cervix. You feel bruised after but she said that's normal as she has (in her words) "inflicted trauma to the cervix"
Ery, what a morning!! I can't believe they didn't give a pad either!!

Monitor picking up tightenings. I feel them, not too painful (yet) xx

After my pessary with DS, I could feel tightenings but with no pain. I remember thinking Great, Contractions don't hurt at all!
Then after about 8 hrs they broke my waters. How wrong I was!

Ery - I can't believe they didn't give you a pad either.
If it was me I would take every offer of a sweep until they actually manage to complete it. I was told that during a sweep they separate the sac from the cervix which means they need to be able to reach the other side of the cervix. It's that process that is thought to release the prostoglandins.
The examination itself might start things going though.
My mum's a nurse and I've had smear tests performed by two of her friends. It's not quite the same as it being your own friend, but remember it's something they do all the time.
That's true. I'd have to make sure I'm super duper clean lol. I'll see how big I feel in 7 days lol.

She told me she was trying to feel how dilated I am. (I'm not I'm still closed) then she said she was trying to open or streach it which she couldn't do then she told me she was trying to pull it down towards her. So yeah makes sense that they are trying to separate the two.
I'm glad she's my midwife at the start as it led to me getting consultant care as well and to be seen promptly this led to my new cardiologist who's been so fantastic he's found out 2 things wrong with me in the space of 6 months that 2yrs of testing hasn't picked up he's a phenomenal guy! And so kind and quirky too. It's just this end bit with lady bits involved lMao. It's awkward but I know she probably sees many lady bits every day lol. It's really weird especially as I'm not usually that shy about people seeing me naked it's just the whole insertion of fingers malarkey lol
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Gosh its still all happening here lol, am pretty sure this is the most active thread on the forum!!

I am grateful for the messages have just come home after a very long 24 hours, still not 100% sure I have done the right thing but can always pop back if worried.
Basically after a flippant remark at my midwife appointment that movement was a bit quiet that day it ended up snowballing.
Went to hosp and sure enough that afternoon she was quiet but heart trace was good, told go home and come back later in evening for another trace, possible C-section that night or de C section following morning. Went back and she was absolutely fine on trace, loads of movement. Had to stay in, was on a ward, which was a bit noisy so couldn't sleep then got moved at 3am to the delivery suite, own room but still unable to sleep. Trace in the morning was again fine, CS organised for later that morning but then over ran so rescheduled for pm but with a different team so needed to rerun stuff again. About to go down and they ask if I have had a scan that day and as I hadn't wanted to do a quick one to confirm she was still breech. Low and behold she had turned!! She is now in the head down position and looks like she may stay that way....a bit gutted as I had got my head sorted re CS and now its postponed. They then wanted to induce me, rightly or wrongly I decided to wait, she is proven to be fine, she is moving again and I couldn't face that after the previous 24 hours and no sleep. The monitor also showed I was getting mild contractions anyways so who knows they may build over the next few days/week into a natural birth. Still going back in next Wed for scan and induction as I really don't want to go much beyond 38 weeks given my risk factor for still birth. She is setting the standard of things to come lol, our lives will never go to plan again ;)
Wow what an eventful 24 hours!!! Glad things are OK and that there is a plan in place. Hopefully she will come on her own. If not it e8nt be long til you meet her anyway and it's good you can go back uf you do get worried.

I think we're all a bunch of chatterboxes on here lol. Most of us have been on here for a long time lol
Oh and to all who plan on using pampers. There is a pampers app so when you buy a pack you can photograph the recipt into the app and get points. The points build up into discount codes for oampers or free gifts/toys/books/charity donations etc.
Goodness what an eventful 24 hours for you! Hopefully bubs will come before you need any intervention

I've got nothing exciting going on, just feeling hungry all day and day and pretty tired even though I've not done all that much. Had to pop out to pick my son up from school early as they called to say he wasn't feeling well. He's had some calpol and perked right up now thankfully.

So we'll wait and see what this evening brings. Don't think it will be a baby somehow!

glad your out gesic sounds awful!

my appointment went well they went through everything in loads of detail and got my tablets to take the day before so just waiting now

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