May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

That's great news Pebbles. Hopefully your body and little one will work together to get you into labour before then.

lisey, that's an awful long wait. Hope the induction gets things kicked off soon for you. My hospital seems to schedule inductions for the evening, so I won't even go in until 9PM.

I've been getting a lot of tightenings, but I'm still not feeling any pain with them, nothing other than period-like pains, including lower back pain. My hips are now killing me though. Hard to get comfortable sitting or standing. His movements have seemed to change a bit too, sometimes I get at lot at the top and side like I was, but I'm feeling him more down low now. Hope that means he's reading himself even more. My boobs really hurt today- very firm and painful. Was going to try nipple stimulation, but I'm not sure now. And I don't know how anyone could have sex at this stage- I feel so battered and bruised down there and swollen. I swear getting turned on would make me feel like I have a ball sack there. My inner thigh muscles are very sore too.

Can't wait for the next baby announcement!
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glad you got some good news pebbles hope you go naturally before then so you can have the birth you want :)

lisey i hope things start going for you soon!

ive got my pre op appointment today so will find out all the details for next week and have some more blood tests. cant believe this time next week i might have my baby! ive given up hope of her coming before lol i know ive still got a week but just doesnt feel like shes going to come anytime soon!
It's exciting having a date in sight, isn't nikki. If my little boy doesn't arrive early, I could be in labour this time next week. I'll be induced the night before and hopefully won't have to wait like lisey did and that'll happen by 10pm.

For the last few nights, every dream has been about labour, focused on his arrival. Not many visual details, just finally having my baby in my arms and making the announcement. Then I wake up and continue the waiting game.
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yeah gives me something to count down to kabuk rather than not knowing lol although i think it makes the days go slower!

thats what im like at the moment every dream is about the baby and then i wake up still pregnant lol
Well my waters didn't break at school or in Tesco so I'm now sat at home sulking! Lol!

My prediction has been that she'll come tomorrow and steal my birthday or be super late!!

We'll see...

Hope things are going well for you lisey!

Gesic hopefully they decided everything was ok but if not, good luck. Everything will be sorted eventually x

I'm in such a strop. Totally given up on labour starting anytime soon now as have woken up with a horrendous cold. Mw was round testerday and baby is really well engaged now so maybe that's what the pains the other night managed but no matter how much I walked yesterday nothing restarted. I kinda think dtd might set it off again but I'm in such a pissy mood and DH is super stressed atm so I feel like I'm just destined to go overdue now. Didnt help that I had about 8 people ask me when I was due yesterday. I just want to hide till baby comes xx
I've been pretty lucky with not getting bombarded with 'any news yet?' calls and messages. But then I'm not past my due date until after the weekend so could all start then I guess.

It doesn't bother me too much though. I find it amusing really. I think my MIL starts all her phone calls with 'no baby yet?' Like we would forget to tell her! Lol!

It's more people in the street that annoys me! Messages can be ignored but you end up with everyone giving you advice when it's in person. I know they all mean well but living in such a small place literally everyone you see asks you! Im needing to go to vote today but I really can't be bothered and both the ladies who run the polling station were asking about it yesterday so no doubt the first thing they say will be 'no baby yet!'. Xx
I still have no milk and they are now talking about C section either tonight/tomorrow morning due to reduction in movement (which I think is positional so inaccurate).
All the stuff cot, car seat etc is still in the shop, I am expecting a new car to be delivered within the next 2-3 days (which I need to do paperwork for etc) and we have all the nursery furniture being delivered tomorrow!
I am in serious panic mode, totally not prepared for this today!

Bless you I hope things are looking a bit brighter for you today. Your milk isn't supposed to come in until a couple of days after birth so don't panic! If you think reduced movements are positional then they should be monitoring you to see if this is the case rather than just straight sending you for a c-section. But having said that I can't believe they would even suggest cesarean at your gestation with no medical reason so without knowing all the details they are probably doing the best for you and baby and once baby is here safe nothing else matters too much - deliveries can be rescheduled. Let us know how you are when you can, all the best xx
In a weeks time I can imagine it will be a whole different kettle of fish and I'll be raging at people asking me if baby is here yet etc.

I know the further along I get the more my anxiety is going to spike about something going wrong at the last minute and my patience will be wearing thin no doubt as a result of that!

I am wishing labour on those of you who are ready!!! I have midwife tomorrow to organise my home birth, super excited! And I have a pool too! It's all coming together! Full term tomorrow xx
I'm just making up labour symptoms now! Lmao!

Twice now I've thought I felt something come out! Rush to the loo all excited and nothing!

I'm actually going mad! Haha!

Well I'm back from a very eventful consultant appointment!
First I couldn't pee so no sample then I thought I needed to pee but instead was violently projectile sick all over the toilets after that I did managed the most yellow pee in the world lol. But im not dehydrated!
Then as i was being sick I missed my call for consultant so quickly told the mw I'd been sick and dashed to the consultant leaving my bag with my money in it on the table. Half way through the consultant my bag was returned thankfully.
My gene test results came back I do have abnormal genes so I do have haemochomitis or whatever it's called. So how my uncle is positive my dad isn't but I am is erm.... questionable lol. My dad's bring retested. Baby hasn't even started to engage... She then gave me a sweep. It was unsuccessful my cervix is closed and high but soft at least there was lots of blood. Lots and lots lol. I then didn't have a sanity towel so had to hobble waddle to the nearest supermarket 1/2 mile away to buy something. Knickers ruined blood down leg but at least my long skirt kept my dignity lol.

Back at home doc said if the bleeding turns from spotting to like a period I need to phone back. So I'm going to wait a while change pad's and see if the bleeding has stopped.
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Oh yeah and I had my 8yr old son with me the whole time (bar the sweep a midwife looked after him then)
Oh and if this sweep was unsuccessful I'll be induced on the 22nd may x
Oh dear! What a morning you've had!

Hope your bleeding settles down soon.

I can't believe they didn't give you a sanitary towel at the hospital!

Hopefully she'll arrive before the 22nd.

Will they not offer you another sweep before induction? It seems odd to give you one at 39 weeks when you're still a week away from due date and then nothing until induction!

Ery, what a morning!! I can't believe they didn't give a pad either!!

Monitor picking up tightenings. I feel them, not too painful (yet) xx
Good luck lisey :)

Ery that sounds horrendous, I also can't believe they didn't give you anything and made you walk to a supermarket! Hope things go better for you now.

Hope everyone else is ok and that all those who are ready aren't waiting too much longer.

We are off for our hospital appointment shortly, not sure yet whether my oh can make it or not.
Eeek Lisey!! Hopefully things get moving quickly for you now!


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