Ery my nipples were huge anyway, I'm not sure how he gets it in his mouth!
Lisey good luck! I was started on the drip around 11am and the midwives on post natal were really surprised I was back down there the same day as they were all expecting it to be the day after, so I think most inductions take a bit longer giving you a good chance for the 4th...
Becsy my little one is also having his repeat hearing test tomorrow. All the babies on the ward tested inconclusive on one or more ears so it must be fairly normal. Mine passed on the one ear but not the other.
Midwife has been again this morning, he is not as yellow as he was so no more blood needed taking. He is being rechecked tomorrow after he has had his hearing test. We have also been out for a picnic, his dad is working down at the river today so we went down and joined him for lunch.
I never mentioned, he was born on my nannas birthday. So he was conceived the week she died, we found out about him the day after her funeral and now he has her birthday. My husband was right, when there is a death in the family it is followed by a birth.