May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Missy, how rubbish that it stopped. I hope things pick up again for you soon.

Lisey, so did your waters break or are you still waiting to find that out even?
Hope someone sees you soon. It's a bit boring just sitting around waiting. Looking forward to your updates.
I keep thinking something is happening but then I go to the loo and it all stops!

Lol Emily I had a similar feeling before. Argh all this waiting around looking for signs it's orsecthsn the tww coz you know it's going yo happen just when... and your not eotking so all you've got to do its wait... which it's as why I wanted yoday too be my last day lol. At least my first week of mat leave I didn't realise I was on mat leave lol
I dont think it was my waters as had no more leakage but haven't been checked yet. Just on monitor at the moment.
Missy, hope it starts for you again soon xx
And I hope it happens for everyone else soon too xx
BTW.... erm..... lol.... has anyone else's nipples gone freaking huge? This didn't happen with my son lol or is just coz my bobs have gone massive? Lol
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I really want a Star Wars day baby too, but I just don't see it happening. My feet is hoping for it to not be certain dates for numerology reasons. We'll see. I just hope if I'm induced then he arrives shortly after, although she wants to avoid the 11th- I just don't want the 15th (bros bday).
My grandads and uncle are the 13th my cousin is the 14th my wedding anniversary is the 21st my auntie is the 20th and my nanna the 18th lol.

Looking at my diary everyone seems to be born in Dec (my son and me) or may lol
Ery my nipples were huge anyway, I'm not sure how he gets it in his mouth!

Lisey good luck! I was started on the drip around 11am and the midwives on post natal were really surprised I was back down there the same day as they were all expecting it to be the day after, so I think most inductions take a bit longer giving you a good chance for the 4th...

Becsy my little one is also having his repeat hearing test tomorrow. All the babies on the ward tested inconclusive on one or more ears so it must be fairly normal. Mine passed on the one ear but not the other.

Midwife has been again this morning, he is not as yellow as he was so no more blood needed taking. He is being rechecked tomorrow after he has had his hearing test. We have also been out for a picnic, his dad is working down at the river today so we went down and joined him for lunch.

I never mentioned, he was born on my nannas birthday. So he was conceived the week she died, we found out about him the day after her funeral and now he has her birthday. My husband was right, when there is a death in the family it is followed by a birth.
Awww snowbee that's so special with him sharing those dates with your Nana.


Glad little man is doing well.

Have you decided on a name for him or have I just missed it?

They expect it to be quicker as it's my second baby. I am still waiting, No pessary yet!!! So frustrating!!

My nips are huge too, like saucers lol xx
So you've been in hospital all day and they haven't induced you yet? How frustrating! :(

I got a birth pool today :) just need to get a liner and clean and tidy the house and I'm ready to go! I've started to get serious back ache in the middle of my back with how huge I am! I seriously hope I don't go overdue! Xx
snowbee thats so nice! have you got any pictures of him? this time next week ill be getting ready to go to the hospital in the morning!!
I still have no milk and they are now talking about C section either tonight/tomorrow morning due to reduction in movement (which I think is positional so inaccurate).
All the stuff cot, car seat etc is still in the shop, I am expecting a new car to be delivered within the next 2-3 days (which I need to do paperwork for etc) and we have all the nursery furniture being delivered tomorrow!
I am in serious panic mode, totally not prepared for this today!
Gosh gesic that all sounds very stressful. Hope everything is ok.

Lisey how annoying, are they very busy? The hospital I went to was heaving and there were queues for everything.

No name yet Emily, we can't decide between two that we both like equally so we are trialing both.
oh no gesic hope you get it sorted!

lisey hope they start you off soon must be awful waiting around the hospital all day!
Wah gesic hope wveryrhing falls into place for you!

Snowbee.... when your waters were leaking was it like x instant or did it stop and start? What made you think it was your waters?
I'm still losing bits of plug I'm surprised I have any left lol but I'm also feeling extremely wet bit I'm fairly sure that's just me coz I'm not allowed any action lol

Hope your not waiting g too much longer lisey looks like it's a starwars day for you!!!!! So exciting!!!

Also had my nails done :)


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ooh ery i love the colour im not very girly but love having my nails done lol
It's my first time lol I had them. Professionally painted before my wedding but my first ever manicure and gels!
It was on and off all day, random bits would come out that I had no control over but then there wouldn't be anything for a while. Mine was also streaked with a lot of cm that I assume was plug? Loving the nails!

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