May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Fairly sure my Lil mis's isn't back to back but the mw does have trouble getting a clear sound of her heart which worries me slightly. I can feel her spine at the front to the keft sometimes if I lie on my right she moves round so her spine is on the right. I'm still worried about her quiet hb though maybe I'll mention it at the consultant but I'll have my son with me :( I'm. Scared her heart isn't in the right place or something mad! I guess this is the last min jitters lol
My son wants to watch her be born!!! Erm nope!! I showed him some water birth videos on you tube and he's told me I'm not allowed to say ow! Lol!

Lol bless.... when he's peeing a watermelon he can try not saying ow too lmao
When I say 4/5 engaged that's only 1/5 of the way. They measure the amount of the head that is still free of the cervix.

It's always a surprise to me when they say. My DH reckons I'll be 2/5 when I go tomorrow going off the feelings I've been describing. I guess I'll find out.
It depends if they wrote palpable or engaged. If they write 4/5th palpable then it's 1/5th engaged. That's what it says on my notes so looked it up.

Emily, I have been trying hands and knees a bit to try and get her to turn. I don't know if midwives can tell by feeling, mine was seen on scan with doctor, hasn't been mentioned before. It does concern me than could slow it all down and read it's more painful too.

I can't believe I am going into hospital in 2 days!! And we are all so close now xx
Your so close now lisey! We were all wring guessing snowbeemail was next but I'm fairly sure you're next now lol.
so exciting lisey that you will be holding your baby in a couple of days :)
It depends if they wrote palpable or engaged. If they write 4/5th palpable then it's 1/5th engaged. That's what it says on my notes so looked it up.

Emily, I have been trying hands and knees a bit to try and get her to turn. I don't know if midwives can tell by feeling, mine was seen on scan with doctor, hasn't been mentioned before. It does concern me than could slow it all down and read it's more painful too.

I can't believe I am going into hospital in 2 days!! And we are all so close now xx

My notes are all ticky boxes because they're linked electronically to the system somehow (don't know how it works but they use a special electronic pen) so there's no opportunity to add details. My notes just say Engagement ?/5 But she told me that meant the amount not engaged. They have to make it complicated!

Wow, you will be meeting your little baby soon!


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my midwife didnt put anything about engagemrnt at my last apppintment but even oh said my belly had dropped last night so hoping today she will be engaged! 9 days to go for me lol
Thanks ladies xx

Pebbles, they do always have to make it complicated. Some of the notes are are so confusing xx
I only got to 3/5 then he went the rest of the way much closer to actually arriving, so not sure it is much of an indication anyway. We actually got little man to sleep in his basket for an hour last night and since my milk has arrived he seems a bit more chilled. He is such a time waster though, I can stare at him for hours I really don't know how you would do it with a child already! His dad is being ace and is totally smitten. We have a reasonably successful tag team going on at night so we both get a bit of sleep.

Looking forward to seeing who is next :)
Would you not be getting any sleep without doing tag team then? My oh works so I'm planning on sleeping with baby in a separate room when it arrives and doing it all myself, will I cope?!

Lisey you're having a baby tomorrow!! Xx
Hopefully Betty, unless induction takes 5 days!!

Betty, does your OH have any paternity leave booked? If so then I would get him to help with the nights as it can be a shock to the system. The sleep deprivation is hard at first. My OH will be helping during pat leave. I plan to do the night feeds once he is back at work but will be in same room. My OH is tired even after 9 hours sleep, I don't know how he will cope but he will have to get on with it xx
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my oh is going to struggle with the sleepless nights he gets so grumpy if hes had less than 10 hours sleep whereas i just power through lol so could be a bit tense in our house to start with! im expecting him to help the 2 weeks hes off work tho and then ill take over when he goes back
Yeah my oh has saved his holiday so if she arrives on her due date he's got 2 weeks off 2 weeks in 2 weeks off then a bit if a gap but then ge starts parental leave in Sept then I take some holidays
I keep feeling incredibly wet down there and I'm always in a panic as to what it is now!
And this morning sickness argh I thought I was done with this! How's yours Lisey?
im constantly wearing pads now im always wet lol so attractive!
lisey, it's getting so close.

My last day of work. It was so difficult to get going this morning as I just wanted to stay in bed, even though I was completely awake. Getting on the final bits and bobs done and someone has kindly offered to take my detention duty, so at least I can head off a little earlier today.

I'm really hoping something happens soon. This waiting is awful. He's so low and heavy. Lots of lower back pains and period pains on and off. Lots of cm as well. But nothing else yet. He seems too happy in there. He's stretching about, and I keep telling him he'd have a lot more space to strectch if her comes out.
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